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absolutely erratic highlighter behaviour. BUGY BUGGY BUGGY BUGGY. SO doing what it does best, breaking what was working, with their "improvements".
Will Ness
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Here's a lazy-list Hamming numbers in Prolog using a "generator idiom".

The more I think about it the more it seems to me the lazy lists of Haskell are just open-ended (a.k.a. "difference") lists of Prolog, and corecursion just a fancy name for the top-down list building of tail recursion modulo cons. Also, Haskell is implicitly set once language, while (non-backtracking subset of) Prolog is explicitly set once.

The mind-mangling "tying-the-knot" technique is actually nothing more than awkwardly implemented late variable instantiation. And, everything is a generator in Haskell, with memoizing storage a universal access mediator. But anyway,

The following implements the head-forced streams (of SICP variety), where if an element is forced, all the elements preceding it in the list are already forced as well.

:- dynamic( next/3 ).

/* collect N elements produced by a generator in a row: */
take( 0, Next, Z-Z, Next) :- !.
take( N, Next, [A|B]-Z, NextZ) :- N > 0, !, next( Next, A, Next1),
  N1 is N-1,
  take( N1, Next1, B-Z, NextZ).

/* a "generator" provides a specific `next/3` implementation */
next( hamm( A2,B,C3,D,E5,F,[H|G] ), H, hamm(X,U,Y,V,Z,W,G) ) :- 
  H is min(A2, min(C3, E5)),
  (   A2 =:= H -> B=[N2|U], X is N2*2 ; (X,U)=(A2,B) ),
  (   C3 =:= H -> D=[N3|V], Y is N3*3 ; (Y,V)=(C3,D) ),
  (   E5 =:= H -> F=[N5|W], Z is N5*5 ; (Z,W)=(E5,F) ).
/* Hamming numbers generator init state: */
mkHamm( hamm( 1,X, 1,X, 1,X, X) ).       

/* A calling example: main( +Number) */
main(N) :- 
    mkHamm(G), take(20,G,A-[],_),          write(A), nl,  
    take(N-1,G,_,G2), take(2,G2,B-[],_),   write(B), nl.

/* testing ... */
2 ?- main(1000).

Simple, eh? For ones we just define

next( ones, 1, ones).

as there is no (change in) state there, and then call it as e.g.

take( N, ones, A-[], _), writeln(A).

For Haskell-like integer enumerations we define

next( fromBy(F,B), F, fromBy(F2,B)) :- F2 is F+B.

and call take(8, fromBy(3,2), A-[], _) to get A = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17]. Fibonacci sequence is simply

next( fib(A,B), A, fib(B,C)) :- C is A+B.

With take(20, fib(0,1), FS-[], _), a 20-elements list FS of Fibonacci numbers is defined.

Memoizing Fibonacci sequence is

mkFibs( fibs([0|L], L) ) :- L = [1|_].
next( fibs([A|L], L), A, fibs(L, L2) ) :- 
    L = [B|L2], L2 = [C|_], (var(C) -> C is A+B ; true).

Now restarting from a previously used generator won't recalculate the numbers but instead will re-fetch the previously calculated members of the sequence, where available. This internal shared open-ended storage is fragile to misuse i.e. wrongful instantiation (edit: of its not-yet-set last tail pointer variable). This is the reason for take building new storage for its answer, instead of exposing the internal one.

Will Ness
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