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Batch scripting - how to pass a flag into a loop and modify the flag if condition met

I am new to scripting and I found this script online that seems to do what I need after I tweaked it a bit. I am trying to close a popup window once it opened, once the popup window opened I need a ...
Roman's user avatar
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Any attempt to execute vbs script generates a File Not Found Error

The specific error is: Script: \\dc\netlogon\folder\file.vbs Line: 0 Char: 1 Error: File not found Code: 800A0035 Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error The file is at the location specified. ...
sapph's user avatar
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Send Keystroke to Adobe Reader DC to Update

Is there a way to send keystroke to adobe reader DC using script to initiate Update , Please help. Thank you
user2821552's user avatar
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Do .Exec or .ShellExecute wait for the specified process to terminate before the script continues?

According to SS64, for .Run you can specify bWaitOnReturn to choose whether or not to wait for the process to terminate before your script continues. SS64's details about .Exec do not mention whether ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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WScript.Shell crashes Excel

I am using WshShell to run a batch file from VBA within Excel. The batch file is VERY simple, one line that runs a number crunching program. I can run the batch file directly without problems. I am ...
MJ_Nadeau's user avatar
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looping with interval wscript

Please help me, I want to modify this file should be like this Run script Execute For Loop 5 times Waiting 5 minutes Execute For Loop 5 times again waiting 5 minutes Execute For Loop 5 times again If ...
Kevin123 Kocak's user avatar
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CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run Path with spaces can not find file

I am receiving a error when running a WScript.Shell Run with a path that has a spaces in it. I've tried several different variations that result in the same error. CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "...
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PyWin32: detect "ready" before using SendKeys again?

I'm using the following code to send keystrokes to an application: import win32com.client import time process_id = 2032 # I change this value if needed shell = win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell"...
Robert's user avatar
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Waiting for an application to close before continuing script

For years, the following code I wrote has worked to launch Firefox from a script and then perform a set of actions after the user closes it. /* Launch Firefox and then wait for the user to close it */...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar