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Is there a way I can see a error for my script file?

I'm trying to figure out why my script isn't running It don't show no error code nor does my script work. Is there a way I can see what the issue is? Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript....
TimmyTurn123's user avatar
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Why can't I redirect error output from cscript to a text file when I'm calling it from another VBScript? [duplicate]

Alright, so I'm pulling my hair out over this one. I have a VBScript that calls other VBScripts, and I need it to output the errors to text files, since the scripts should be running non-interactively....
Benjamin Krausse DB's user avatar
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How do I put quotation marks into quotation mark (vbs, sendkeys) [duplicate]

I need to type " into notepad with VBS script. I have this code: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run "notepad" wscript.sleep 500 WshShell....
Andrew's user avatar
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Is there a way to use a variable in a wscript shell run function?

For some reason my code brings up an error stating that Script: startup.vbs Line: 10 Char: 2 Error: Invalid procedure call or argument Code: 800A0005 Source: Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error My ...
thatjsonkid's user avatar
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Writing proxy launcher in VBScript/JScript for console application

I want to alter some arguments passed to application by wrapping it into inspectable script. CMD.exe is out of list because it damages original arguments list (=, , & ; are treated as command ...
gavenkoa's user avatar
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Any attempt to execute vbs script generates a File Not Found Error

The specific error is: Script: \\dc\netlogon\folder\file.vbs Line: 0 Char: 1 Error: File not found Code: 800A0035 Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error The file is at the location specified. ...
sapph's user avatar
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Do .Exec or .ShellExecute wait for the specified process to terminate before the script continues?

According to SS64, for .Run you can specify bWaitOnReturn to choose whether or not to wait for the process to terminate before your script continues. SS64's details about .Exec do not mention whether ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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Keep searching for file and once it is there just open it

So, I have the following code FileName = "Path\To\FileName" Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Do If FSO.FileExists(FileName) Then FSO.DeleteFile ...
SoulFly's user avatar
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looping with interval wscript

Please help me, I want to modify this file should be like this Run script Execute For Loop 5 times Waiting 5 minutes Execute For Loop 5 times again waiting 5 minutes Execute For Loop 5 times again If ...
Kevin123 Kocak's user avatar
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vbscript output to text on wndows startup

I'm looking for vbscript that do the following tasks Script Tasks execute on startup of the computer, the way is being executed is via putting it in startup folder of windows in C:\Documents and ...
Oimar Daif's user avatar
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Fill text in selected field from active window - VBScript, WScript.Shell

I use vbs to upload files into SAP. After clicking "add file" in sap I have the following window on the screen. I can't control that window using SAP Object so I use WScript.Shell. My question is - ...
Slow_Sheep_'s user avatar
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CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run Path with spaces can not find file

I am receiving a error when running a WScript.Shell Run with a path that has a spaces in it. I've tried several different variations that result in the same error. CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "...
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Run WScript.exe using VB.NET

I want to run .wsf script using VB.NET so I am using below code. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("WScript.exe", Chr(34) + scriptFilePath + Chr(34) + " " + argument) It is not working if I call it ...
Jeeten Parmar's user avatar
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How to Get the File Path from Clipboard in Windows Explorer? [duplicate]

I have tried getting the file path from Clipboard (copied file) in Windows Explorer. I wrote: Set Ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") MsgBox Ws.ClipBoard But it states error: Error: Object ...
Thompson's user avatar
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How to Maximize Screen from VBScript?

The web application that displays database information is much more readable in full-screen mode rather than a small window. Problem is, I cannot get the window to maximize from UFT/QTP. I've tried ...
William Humphries's user avatar