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Pass dynamic object data via nuxt-link to component

I have a project which is build in Nuxt 3 with a homepage which shows products. On that homepage, you can click on the title of the product and the product details page opens up. I archive this by ...
Jan's user avatar
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Can we pass data via props when pushing to a route in Vue?

I am asking this question to understand whether we can pass some data via props when navigating the new route. Because I read a few articles which recommend passing data as props and I want to ...
Neha Soni's user avatar
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Passing User Credentials between Vue-Router Components

I'm new in front-end development and learning Vue 3. I'm currently working on a user Login and Registration pages and I have a problem that I don't know how to solve properly. The application has a ...
Arut Anastasian's user avatar
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How do you use named routes in Vue 3 <router-link> (when using "vite-plugin-pages") to pass an optional Object Prop?

EDIT: Just realized this is an anti-pattern, so I will be looking into alternative methods of solving this, probably by using pinia to store the Object that is bing passed.
Rio Weber's user avatar
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how to pass data from one route component to another route component

I'm trying to pass data from one route component - UserList.vue to another route component - CreateUser.vue in vue.js but getting undefined when I try to access passed data inside destination ...
Het Tarkhala's user avatar
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How to pass Dynamic Props through Routes in Vue 3?

I can send static props via <router-link> like so: parent-component: <router-link :to="{name: 'child-component'}"></router-link> child-component: <template> <h1&...
Artur Müller Romanov's user avatar
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Passing data to components and accessing data from parent using vue and vue router

Am having this problem with vue 2.6 and vue router 3. I have set up the router and vue instance like so: const Settings = { props: ['showForm'], data: function () { return { ...
Peter Orji's user avatar
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How to pass props to sibling and child component in vue

The structure of my code is like this: So in the Product component, I am making an API call: <template> <button class="btn button col-2" @click="addToCart()"> ...
magic bean's user avatar
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How to pass a dynamic prop to a component through router in Vue JS 3

I need to pass a prop to a component that I access through vue router: router.ts { path: '/document/create', name: 'createdocument', component: CreateDocument, props: { ...
Giulia's user avatar
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Router-link dynamic vueJS

I'm new to vueJS. I am creating a news system to train myself. I'm a little problem. Here is the link that allows me to go to the detail of an article: <router-link :to="{ name: 'Blog Details',...
chpe1's user avatar
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Passing OAuth token from one Vuejs component to another

I get OAuth token after successful OAuth login in a SuccessOAuth.vue component. I get the token details as follows: checkforTokens(){ const queryString = this.$route.query; ...
GeoFresher's user avatar
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Vue 3 prop returned as a string

I have a router link: <router-link :to="{ name: 'EditStaff', params: { id: key, staffInfo: staff } }" > <i class="fas fa-edit text-info"></i&...
Tim Kariuki's user avatar
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Passing props through a router-link

I'm new with Vue 3 router things, so really need help with it. I'm trying to pass prop through the router link. So, I have a component Post, where a prop post is an Object. Post.vue export default ...
kadeikin's user avatar
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Passing props (array) into a router-link path

I'm trying to dynamically update a <router-link> path based on what view component it is used within. Below is the <router-link> that is looping through the compItems array which is ...
Alastair Cook's user avatar
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Vuejs Prop is undefined

I'm trying to create an application in which we can create a Book instance that has a name, description, publishing date, etc. For the frontend, I'm using Vuejs and the Backend is Django. For creating ...
pa1245's user avatar
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