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How can i change visibility of a grid declared in another class after successful login

I have a class X and it has some buttons which are hidden under a grid . One of the button which is visible on double click opens the login pop up (declared in Y class) . Now after the successful ...
user6850427's user avatar
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ContentPresenter Visibility binding inside Grid not working?

I have a following grid: <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> <RowDefinition Height="*"/> <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/&...
Joe's user avatar
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31 votes
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Dynamically toggle visibility of WPF grid column from C# code

My problem is: I can't find out how to toggle the visibility of my WPF grid column. Assume following XAML markup: <Grid x:Name="myGrid"> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <...
sebi's user avatar
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Set one property visible at a time in a Grid row in WPF

I have a Grid which has multiple rows. In First row of my grid I have a DataGrid to show some content when my Tree is clicked. If there is no content to the value clicked in the TreeView then NO-...
BinaryMee's user avatar
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WPF disable tooltips in child elements

Please help me - how can I disable tooltips on child elements in Grid? <Grid x:Name="root"> <Border HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" Margin="0,...
Alex's user avatar
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How to hide Grid border

I have a grid with some controls inside. I want to hide the grid border. Are there any specific properties which can be used to hide the grid border in WPF?
Atul Sureka's user avatar
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Why is the visibility of a WPF Grid delayed when a TextBox has focus?

In the following XAML the editPanel is always visible. The overlayGrid is only visibile when a long operation has been kicked off by pressing the F5 key. The visual effect being that the editPanel is ...
Tim Murphy's user avatar
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WPF Grid - Auto sized column not collapsing when content Visibility set to Visibility.Collapsed

I have the following simpl WPf grid, two columns, a button in each column, the first column auto sized and a splitter to allow column resizing. An event handler is set up on the splitter ...
Stuart Hallows's user avatar
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WPF Collapsed Grid not Styling

So, I have a grid inside a listbox. The purpose is that when the listboxitem is selected, I want the grid to show, having the selected item expand to show more detail information. I set up a style ...
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