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Why is wpf combobox not being drawn, even though the visibility is set to "true"?

I have a Combobox whose Visibility is bound to a bool Property in ViewModel. The Combobox is located inside a stackPanel: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Center"> ...
Alex Zemyansky's user avatar
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Hiding combobox items based on choice of second combobox, vice versa

I have two comboboxes, each are bound(!) to the same ObservableCollection<string>. I want to prevent the selection of the same Items. Here is my C# code (the firstload bool is just to prevent ...
nuuse's user avatar
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WPF ComboBox items stays in the list after Visibility.Collapsed

I got a problem with wpf ComboBox. I first added a Textbox as the first item to use it for my filtering propose I then added about 20 Checkboxes in the Combobox through a Foreach loop. like this ...
Saeed Asgari's user avatar
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How to hide items of a combobox in WPF

Is there a way to hide items of a combobox in WPF? In my usercontrol there is a ListBox with checkbox-items bound to an ObservableCollection and a datagrid with a combobox. <ListBox x:Name="...
Andreas Sawatzki's user avatar
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Binding Visibility to Yes/No ComboBox with Converters

I've got a form that gets given a datarow from a dataset to bind all its elements. One of them is a bool, but I want that bool to be represented by by a Yes/No combo box. So I did this and it works ...
akevan's user avatar
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Collapsed Visibility Within a WPF ComboBoxItem

I used a Style setter to stretch out my ComboBoxItem (and button) so that it spans the entire length of the ComboBox like so: <ComboBox > <ComboBox.Resources> <...
user832747's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to hide combobox toggle button if there is only one item?

I have a WPF application. In one window there is a combobox..and I want to hide the toggle button and disable the combo box if there is only one item. How would I achieve this ? I have tried the ...
Relativity's user avatar
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WPF Visibility of a UI element based on combo selection

Trying to show a label only when a certain item in a combo is selected. Code should pretty much explain it. <ComboBox Name="comboMyCombo"> <ComboBoxItem>Don't show the label&...
tim's user avatar
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Context-sensitive layout - change visibility of set of WPF tools based on a combobox

I have a UI issue with layered editing where a different set of tools needs to be visible depending on the ComboBox selecting the layer and am stewing over the idiom to use. The tools should not be in ...
Andy Dent's user avatar
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