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Visibility Storyboard works only partial

Please see this Storyboard: <Storyboard x:Key="visibilityStoryboardn"> <ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames BeginTime="0:0:0" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Visibility"> ...
user2976232's user avatar
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WPF Animate Grid.VisibilityProperty in code

What animation class would allow me to change the Visibility (not opacity) of a Grid object with a Storyboard instance in code (not XAML)? So that I can set the to, from, and duration properties ...
John's user avatar
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Animation not correct when bound to a visibility property(Oddity)

The issue that I'm having is that any time I change a visibility property to trigger a loading animation (i.g. isBusy = true) via a command in the MVVM model the animation doesn't play out correctly. ...
Devin Young's user avatar
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WPF XAML Grid Visibility Trigger

I have a status message located on the first row of my grid and I want it to slide in and out when the visibility changes. The first visibility trigger works great and slides the first grid row open ...
Mikkeee's user avatar
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Animating the visibility of a usercontrol

I've got a usercontrol that defines storyboards for visibility hide & show (Root is the top-level grid control in the usercontrol): <Storyboard x:Key="VisibleStoryboard"> <...
thecoop's user avatar
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WPF Animation crash on collapsed element but not on hidden element

Why does animation fail on collapsed controls and not on hidden controls? Concrete, in WPF I have a custom made checkbox with animation whereby the visibility is dynamically linked to the “setVisible” ...
Robbie's user avatar
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Make a groupbox appear and disappear with fade in fade out animation

in the following example, I don't understand how I could make my "Live Updates" groupbox appear/disappear when the upper checkbox is checked/unchecked. I am looking for a fast fade in/fade out effect ...
BuZz's user avatar
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WPF Animate Window Visibility Change

I'm trying to figure out how to animate the change from Visibile to Hidden for a WPF window. The way I currently have the application working is that the window is normally hidden and when I move the ...
John's user avatar
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Does a WPF storyboard animation continue to run when the affected control is hidden?

I am implementing a "marching ants" style animation by applying a StrokeDashOffset animation to a Rectangle control. I would like the animation to play when the rectangle is visible but not take up ...
Ben McIntosh's user avatar
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