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Questions tagged [tomcat]

Use this tag for questions about Apache Tomcat (or simply Tomcat, formerly also Jakarta Tomcat) which is an open source Servlet Container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Most questions should also include a tag specifying the operating system.

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2 answers

How to expose endpoints of a spring application which is deployed on production servers?

While working with springboot in local environment, creating a REST application feels so effortless due to its embedded (and abstract) tomcat server. We can do so by creating a Restcontroller and ...
Moneet's user avatar
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Stale connection detected and then closed

I have an http 401 error when calling an endpoint (deployed in wildfly) that require more than 5 minutes to process the request and it seems like the server side close the connection after exactly 5 ...
SEY_91's user avatar
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Cannot get Client certification authentication working with Tomcat 9

I am trying to enable client-authentication on a Tomcat 9.0.90 instance (running on Windows). I was able to easily get server-authenticated/1-way SSL working, but I have been struggling to get the ...
user555303's user avatar
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Catalina.out logs time out of order

I have an Spring boot application running in tomcat 9.0.71. I have one custom Spring boot filer written, in which I have logged method's start and end log. I am not able to understand why the start-...
Owais Shahzad's user avatar
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Hibernate / HikariCP - Connection leak, still active after close it

I'm having a problem with hibernate and hikaricp, more precisely I encountered a leak using a stateless session with a semi-complex procedure. To give you context this is an app that exposes api to ...
G. Ciardini's user avatar
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Outsourcing .properties file based on context path in Spring Boot application deployed on Tomcat

I want to deploy multiple Spring Boot applications in one Tomcat server, each with different context paths, and I want to outsource the properties of each application. Specifically, I want the ...
Otabek Toshkanov's user avatar
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Can't get to Tomcat Manager

I am having trouble getting to the tomcat manager at http://localhost:8080/manager/html in tomcat 10.1.25. I have tried with local web browsers and curl. I have a tomcat user created and it has ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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FAILURE - Application deployed to context path [/webapp-session], but the context failed to start

Hi everyone and have a good day. I learning Java and I had started learn Tomcat, so a day I ran the server in the terminal and I having a failure that say: FAILURE - Application deployed to context ...
VG2511's user avatar
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class path resource [jakarta/servlet/Filter.class] cannot be opened because it does not exist

I am getting below error when running my spring boot application. Spring boot version is 3.3.1 and JDK version 21. Error: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: I/O failure ...
Ishani Samaraweera's user avatar
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Junit error Can't load log handler ""

Getting below error while running junit. Can't load log handler "" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java....
Ast's user avatar
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java dynamic project error : access denied ("java.util.PropertyPermission" "com.mysql.cj.disableAbandonedConnectionCleanup" "read")

I was trying to connect to database in my web project using jdbc, but it throws error jdk 21 tomcat v10.1 server package com.server; import jakarta.servlet.ServletException; import jakarta.servlet....
Pavan kumar's user avatar
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Why my tomcat do not open when i run spring boot project?

When i run my first spring boot project. Tomcat does not run This is my pom.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="
Lý Duy Bách's user avatar
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Error 404 Tomcat: required resource is not available

Im having an issue starting my application with tomcat: Error 404 not found. I have already checked that all my files are in a correct place and configuration files are ok, but still having this ...
Yerycao's user avatar
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Unable to use JSTL with embedded tomcat, returns Http Status Code 500 [duplicate]

"The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application" I've scoured the web for hours trying various ...
bitcash complex's user avatar
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Unable to start spring boot war file from tomcat container

I am using the official tomcat latest docker image. I have created a docker file to use this tomcat image and deploy the war files directly to tomcat webapps. When I run this docker image to start the ...
Abhilash's user avatar
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