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How do you create a templated custom matcher with gmock

I wanted to use WhenDynamicCastTo<T>(m) from: But the thing I want to dynamic cast is in a shared_ptr and ...
av4625's user avatar
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Problems keeping CxxTest GUI open

I am trying to run some test cases using CxxTests directly in the terminal and with the GUI enabled. According to documentation, The default behavior of the GUI is to close the window after the last ...
djimenez's user avatar
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How do unit tests go into the full program?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm not sure how to phrase it, which is probably why I can't find an answer. When someone uses unit tests, how does that go into the full program? Say a unit test is ...
elazar55's user avatar
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Valid use of Google Mock? Testing member functions of same class

If I am in a situation where I need to test a public function that might call another member function, is it still a valid test if I mock one function and test the original functionality of the other? ...
Mikeagain1's user avatar
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Benchmarking with QtCreator, how to set iterations?

I'm following and I created a benchmark test which I can run within QtCreator. CONFIG+=sdk_no_version_check QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 12.0 QT += ...
KcFnMi's user avatar
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How to generate Input-Data with Fuzzying for Coverage of disassembled 16bit/DOS game functions?

so im doing reverse engineering of old 16bit real mode, segment/offset dos games (much harder then porting 32bit protected mode programs) im always using IDA 7.x, Ghidra and some other tools to help ...
llm's user avatar
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How to instruct Google Test to expect std::abort()?

I am using Google Test on code I expect to fail. As part of this failure the code calls a custom assert macro, which contains std::abort(). Unfortunately Google Test's EXPECT_EXIT() is not "...
user997112's user avatar
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Mock base class function called in derived class; to unit test derived class method. Base class instantiated in derived class constructor

I m new to unit testing and need some help with this. I would like to test my Derived class function which has dependency on base class method. class Base { Base(int a_, int b_){ a = a_; b ...
Gaurav Chaudhari's user avatar
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googletest SetUpTestSuite() does not run

From : . I am using 1.11 googletest version. I am trying to utilize this feature in the ...
Alexander S's user avatar
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Variables in Google Test Fixtures

Why TEST_F can access the member variable in a class without using any scopes? e.g., class ABC : public ::testing::Test { protected: int a; int b; void SetUp() { a = ...
YoungJS's user avatar
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How to test a singleton generic template to be thread safe?

How do I make Singleton generic template, and how can I test it? Right now I am interested in seeing with my own eyes that 2 threads that invoke get_instance() will get the same pointer to the same ...
Dolev Dublon's user avatar
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How to properly setup Catch2 tests in a Makefile?

I'm trying to setup tests with Catch2 and setup a testing rule in a Makefile, it's a pre-requisite, I can't use CMake. I'm not sure how to go about that. For example, I have something along those ...
Nathan Furnal's user avatar
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Using Visual Studio's Unit Testing Framework

I am using Visual Studio's Unit Testing Framework (that uses cpp) to test some cases regarding my program. I am getting error E0304 and get the red squiggly line under Assert:: (see screenshot at the ...
FlaviiP's user avatar
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How to group CTests together?

I would like to make groups of CTests to improve readability with a structure like this: How can I do this? My current CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20) project(Test) set(...
Reid Moffat's user avatar
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How do you read gcno and gdna files to see test coverage?

I am using gcovr to try to see how much my tests cover the codebase. In fact I have a single super small test so I am expecting gcovr to return a very small number, probably less than a percent. I ...
Makogan's user avatar
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