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XML Parsing in SQL

I have to parse the below xml query DECLARE @xml XML, @Columns VARCHAR(MAX) set @xml='<d><record1><columnA>1</columnA><columnB>as</columnB><columnC&...
Abinaya's user avatar
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Transform XML record to table

I have XML data in table "sample" column name "xmlrec" that looks like: <row id='1'> <c1>rec1</c1> <c2>a</c2> <c2>b</c2> <c2>c</c2> </row&...
Praveen's user avatar
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Invalid Character on XML generated by SQL

I need to generated an xml to load on an internet site, from my SQL2005 DB. All work fine, but when the file is loaded on the webservice that need it, I've this error: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, ...
BigBlack's user avatar
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XML AUTO queries return derived table references in 90 or later compatibility modes

I am currently performing SQL server migration from 2005 to 2012. As the first step, I generated DMA report and observed that most of the Procedures that use XML Auto are part of that report. MSDN ...
user2853966's user avatar
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Convert XML to table SQL Server 2005

I wonder how I can read a XML data and transform it to a table in T-SQL? For example: <t1> <t2> <val>Opel</val> <t3>Merriva</t3> <...
Roman Veyd's user avatar
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Creating XML in T-SQL

I have a little trouble. How I can make a root node for XML file in T-SQL like this? <Root xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="http:/...
Andrew_Exp's user avatar
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When using FOR XML AUTO in SQL Server: how do I remove empty elements from nested elements when LEFT OUTER JOIN'ing

[edit]: added RAW test and better sample code I need to generate XML for a legacy application running SQL Server 2005, and I hope to use the FOR XML function. I can not, however, seem to get rid of ...
kesse's user avatar
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SQL Server 2005 Concatenate XML result and Save to file

I've this code that show me separate results for each customer I fetch. I'm searching a way to concatenate that result and make one result finish to start back again with the other bloc xml result. ...
BigBlack's user avatar
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Should we convert left side operand of xml while comparing?

This link has this code: declare @x xml; declare @f bit; set @x = '<root Somedate = "2002-01-01Z"/>'; set @f = @...
user3129097's user avatar
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Is it possible to manipulate xml in a column?

I have a table: create table foo (id int, reportDef xml) Column reportDef contains a long xml string. <Report> <Criterias> <Criteria name="Date Range">...</Criteria> ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
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How to get element values from an XML column?

I have the XML below in a column. I need to get to \Report\Criterias\Criteria (where name="Advertisers")\Elements\Element(where name="ListViewAvailable"). From here I need to list all the numbers ...
AngryHacker's user avatar
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SQL Server 2005 - Nested XML

I used this question/answer as a starting point. SQL Server : nesting elements with FOR XML PATH I'm trying to get to this output. <Account ExID="Customer Numer 1"> <AccountData> <...
manderson's user avatar
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Any Linux SQL Server client (command line) which supports XML formatting?

I have to launch some batch queries from a Red Hat Server against SQL Server 2005 and I need to format the results in an XML file. I have installed msodbcsql and unixODBC in my red hat server and I ...
Enrique Palazuelos's user avatar
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XML column compare in SQl server 2005

I want to compare two XML columns with multiple rows in SQL Server 2005. Table structure is as below CREATE TABLE [dbo].[UpdationLog]( [LogID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL, ...
Susanna Floora's user avatar
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1k views how to create table using xml and displaying the table on the webpage

Can somebody please help me to amend this code because i tried running but the table didnt appear on the page. I'm new to XML and somebody gave me this snippet saying that XML coding is more reliable ...
Nurul's user avatar
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