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Questions tagged [selectize.js]

Selectize is a jQuery based hybrid form control, combining elements of both “textbox” and “select”. It includes autocomplete, native-feeling keyboard navigation and is able to utilize remote data sources to build visually rich controls.

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Cursor disappears after selecting option in select multiple [closed]

I have selectize js in my project. For a multi select dropdown as soon as I select the 1st option cursor is disappearing and cannot type the value in the input field for next option selection. I tried ...
Nizampatnam's user avatar
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Selectize force blur when using keyboard navigation

I'm trying to add and remove a focus class to selectize but i can't seem to get it to work at all when navigating using a keyboard only. It works fine when using a mouse. var focusEvent = function () {...
blu's user avatar
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How to set loadThrottle 0 when using default load() function in tom-select

I need tom-select to refresh options with new query on every keydown. But it seems loadThrottle setting doesn't work without custom load() function. Is there any way to make loadThrottle 0 when using ...
Fiction Function's user avatar
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How optimizing Selectize Performance by Centralizing Options Lists?

I'm using the Selectize library and facing a challenge. The page I'm building repeatedly creates the same "select" element with a large list of options, which affects performance. These ...
Luiz's user avatar
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Empty Option for selectizeInput

My dropdown box is an optional filter. If one or more items are selected, then a filtering is performed. If nothing is selected -- no filtering. I would like to communicate that behaviour. By default, ...
Karsten W.'s user avatar
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Pass html into selectize option

I used selectize html plugin for custom select tag. I make html: <select name="personAndType" class="form-control" multiple="multiple"> <option value=&...
user2572790's user avatar
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Apply Selectize to all select in my component

I wanted to apply Selectize to every select tag in my component . The reason I need this to be a function is because I have select that can be added by button. export default { data() {}, ...
BouhaCode's user avatar
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How do I interpret space characters in a text input as underscores when filtering options in a datalist?

I have an input element where the user is meant to type their time zone or select it from a dropdown menu. The time zone list consists of official TZ identifiers. These identifiers follow a specific ...
SSS's user avatar
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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'removeChild') on production deployment with cloudflare

I get the error in the title when on production deployment with cloudflare enabled, but not on a staging environment without cloudflare and not locally. I don't know for certain it is cloudflare ...
TheFlyingNose's user avatar
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Dependent question with a lot of values in shinysurveys

I am making a Shinysurvey for some government agency. I have a dummy questionary. This are the questions dataframe head question option input_type input_id dependence dependence_value required ...
David Jimenez's user avatar
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SelectizeInput in Shiny - making part of a choice bold

I'd like to alter a part of a SelectizeInput dropdown option. For example, if any choice ends with a "*", the "*" should be bold (or in a bigger font). I'm not sure that the ...
mkranj's user avatar
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Can I override the onChange trigger of a selectize input?

I have a selectize input and want to change its behaviour. I normally use selectize inputs from within some framework (shiny), so I hope the example that I give here is understandable and precise. I ...
Noskario's user avatar
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How do I prevent selectizeInput from sending an empty state to shiny?

I have a shiny app in which I have a selectizeInput. Only having exactly one choice is valid, but it should be possible to delete the input, so one can start typing in order to search through all ...
Noskario's user avatar
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How can I add an onBlur event to a selectizeInput

I would like to trigger an event when the user leaves a selectize-Input. However for selectizeInput it does not work and for textInput it only fires once: library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( ...
Noskario's user avatar
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changing the value of selectize without deleting it

I have an input with selectize and I want when displaying the selected value, to be able to modify part of the displayed value without completely deleting the option. In fact currently I have to ...
toudarte's user avatar

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