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Questions tagged [scala.js]

Scala.js is a Scala to JavaScript compiler deemed production-ready as of version 0.6.0.

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Hot Reloading Scala.js

How to hot reload in scala.js application while in development I am manually reloading the Scala.js application during development. However, I need the ability to reload and immediately reflect the ...
BALAJI's user avatar
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Saving date objects in MongoDb from Scala.js

I have a serverless application written in Scala.js that is writing to a MongoDb database. We wrote our own custom integration with the Node.js mongodb driver. Everything is working well except for ...
Oliver Payne's user avatar
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Use a SBT task with different settings from one module

When testing locally, I do not care about code size, therefore I switch GCC off by using following line in my frontend and worker modules settings: Compile / fullLinkJS / scalaJSLinkerConfig ~= { _....
Suma's user avatar
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How to allow dynamic interface for a native JS trait in Scala 3?

Following facade trait for three.js works fine with Scala 2: @js.native trait Uniforms extends js.Object with Dynamic { @JSBracketAccess def update(name: String, uniform: Uniform): Unit @...
Suma's user avatar
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How do I run tests in Scala.js using a vite configuration?

The (relatively) new Scala.js vite plugin has made Scala frontend development so much easier than the sbt webpack bundler plugin I had been using previously. Unfortunately, however, I have not been ...
jives's user avatar
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Why does Scala multi platform build fails with `Toplevel definition X is defined in ...`?

My multi platform build is failing with an error, that indicates that both JVM and JS dependencies are in the class path. How can this be? [error] |Toplevel definition EnableReflectiveInstantiation ...
Nabil A.'s user avatar
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Idiomatic way to talk to REST backend from a Scala.js frontend?

I wrote a SPA with Scala.js, where I use a library called RosHTTP in order to communicate with a REST backend. It helps me add query parameters, set headers, work with cookies and increase transfer ...
nondeterministic's user avatar
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How to use ScalaJS-bundler with JsDependencies (WebJars)

I have an existing project with Scala.JS (client) + Play framework*/sbt-web (server). The project uses some WebJars + ProvidedJS, whose are included by jsDependencies ++= Seq(…), using the sbt-...
v6ak's user avatar
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Are there any mill/scala-3/scala.js examples available?

Is there a guide or example somewhere for using mill build tool with scala-3 and scala.js? I saw that the same question had been asked, but implicitly for sbt, and the answer was essentially "it ...
user3416742's user avatar
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Exception using scalajs-bundler Reference to undefined setting: client / npmDependencies

I get the following exception when i start sbt: [error] Reference to undefined setting: [error] [error] client / npmDependencies from client / npmDependencies (/home/sofoklis/workspace/playjs/...
Sofoklis's user avatar
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sbt-crossproject default project has different scalaVersion than I set. Why?

I'm writing a cross-compiled library between JSPlatform and JVMPlatform using sbt-scalajs-crossproject. I've explicitly set scalaVersion in common settings and yet: sbt:oatlibxp> show scalaVersion ...
bwbecker's user avatar
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Scala.js - How to convert ArrayBuffer to Array[Byte]?

DOM API returns ArrayBuffer but what I need is Array[Byte]. How can I do a conversion? import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray.ArrayBuffer def toScalaArray(input: ArrayBuffer): Array[Byte] = { // code ...
R A's user avatar
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Scala.js - How to convert Array[Byte] to Blob?

DOM API requires Blob but all I have is Array[Byte]. How can I do the conversion? import org.scalajs.dom.Blob def toBlob(input: Array[Byte]): Blob = { // code in question }
R A's user avatar
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Decode JSON with Circe and Scala.js

I try to create veeery simple scala.js app. I was following this tutorial and I want to decode a json. Circe says ...
LancerX's user avatar
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How to share data between Scala.js test suites?

I share data between ScalaTest suites using a common singleton Object. This works fine when running on JVM, but to my surprise it fails on Scala.js. It seems on Scala.js a fresh instance of the ...
Suma's user avatar
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