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Does the media query operator "not" actually work?

I actually want to trigger :hover effect only on PC that have mouse, but not on hybrid ones (mouse + touch). My query is : @media not (any-pointer: coarse) { tag:hover { some effect } } What I want ...
Cyril's user avatar
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With Svelte : How to put component style in a separated file but still scoped to this component

I'm working on a table component which one will be usable (included in a library when it will work correctly)in any of my projects. As there is a lot of css rules related to this component I would ...
Alain BUFERNE's user avatar
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How to add a new main property to a card in Dulst?

In Dulst game engine, how to add new property besides Atk and Health. It needs to be displayed on the card's full info display upon hovering It needs to be displayed on the card's container when ...
Xha's user avatar
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How to use the same element in differents HTML pages in which it has different configuration? [closed]

general questions : If I stylised an element that belong to,le's say index.html and then I want to use it in a second page but, it will have different position for example. If I set the new rules that ...
Massine Oueslati's user avatar
-1 votes
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HTML: Should I place my styles on inner elements or surrounding div elements?

In HTML Code or some template code, where should I place my styles in general? On the inner specific elements or the surrounding div elements? And / or does it make any difference at all (e.g does it ...
MarcL's user avatar
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CSS - what is the point of, when defining a rule, you to put the element and then the class, not just the class?

So, I was looking at a tut on youtube the other day, and this guy kept defining css rules with classes really weirdly, and I wondered if one of u guys could explain the necessity of it: here is the ...
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Following multiple ID / Class rules in CSS

I'm trying to have a scrolling banner on the index page which has multiple sub-properties but, the main property of: height: 75vh; On all following pages I would like the same banner to have all ...
INSERT_BRAIN_HERE's user avatar
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css custom rule not detecting issue in code, sonarqube

I've created a custome rule for css which should detect if class name has number in it then mark it as error but nothing happening. I've used following regular expressions for it: [.]?[0-9]/g Image ...
ÛmÄîr MÄlîk's user avatar
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CSS rules overriding with :not

I have a question about CSS. Actually, I have a html and css who look like this: .entry-content ul:not(.bxslider) > li { list-style-type: disc; } .... .woocommerce ul.products li { ...
Latsuj's user avatar
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Dynamically add rules to CSS file

For each element I want to dynamically add a rule to my CSS. Each rule should have different background-image and different name. Don't know where I have made a mistake. I think that the rules are ...
Fale1994's user avatar
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2 answers

Why @media screen rules is overwritten by original css?

I'm using @media screen to set specific rules for work on cases, (max-width 1024px). Theoretically these rules should override the CSS originals rules, but this does not occur, only happens if i put !...
Diego Biscaia's user avatar
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How do i edit rule with cssutils in python

I have never used cssutils in python. when I print a rule I get the following string, how do I edit the css rule in python? For example if I wanted to change the background color? <cssutils.css....
Tristan Vigil's user avatar
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What's the best way of laying this out? Horizontal Rule?

I am trying to align a horizontal rule with the white line in my menu. And I want that alignment to stay when viewed on different screens. What's my best option for doing that? Image of what it needs ...
Alex V's user avatar
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Trouble formatting and displaying <hr>

I'm still pretty new to coding so bear with me...I have read that different browsers display horizontal rules differently. I can't seem to get it right in Firefox or Chrome (only two I've checked so ...
stealthkitty's user avatar
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Can you use a css rule as a selector?

Let me explain: I have multiple items with all different width's. And when I hover them it displays captions at 50% width. BUT the captions on the images at 25% are way too small. I want to make the ...
ray's user avatar
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