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Questions tagged [process]

This tag is about operating system processes. It may also refer to a specific construct on a given platform, e.g., the System.Diagnostics.Process class for .NET

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Disallowing access to specific file(s) on a per-process basis?

Unix has several ways to control file access on a per-user basis. I'm interested to know if there's a way to do this on a per-process basis; in particular making the file unreadable or even invisible ...
RJVB's user avatar
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Start RDP session window as normal instead of maximized

There seems to be some inconsistency in regard to how an RDP session is opened using: Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "/v:$ComputerName"; ...
ThePostMan's user avatar
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Immediately interrupting Bokeh processes using a button click

I'm working on a Bokeh application where I have a function update_data() that performs some time-consuming tasks. I want to add a way to immediately interrupt all ongoing processes when a button is ...
Martin Balaz's user avatar
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How to get process mitigation policies in kernel mode?

I need to write code for a driver. I need to get information about all the mitigation policies of a process. This is how I get the process handle : `HANDLE h_process{}; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES obj_attr{}; ...
Leonid_First's user avatar
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Exception in thread "main" Cannot run program "wkhtmltopdf":

When I am trying to convert a PDF from html using wkhtmltopdf, I am facing the below error. wkhtmltopdf is already installed in my laptop and I am able to generate using cmd using the same command. ...
Prashant Pandey's user avatar
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Reproducing and stopping sounds from Python

I was interested in creating a script that could play songs as threads and be able to stop it and reproduce other sounds. I have seen that there's a module for reproducing sounds playsound3, but it is ...
ÁngeLoGa's user avatar
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from where the child process will get informations about other variables that are before the fork()?

in my case i have a code where there are mentioned many fork() (8 times) functions so many child processes are going to be created , so let's imagine the every fork() is related to its variable like ...
Mounir Elkatmour's user avatar
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Java application freezes when starting from another java application

I have created Java desktop application with some buttons that will just launch different Java applications and scripts. I have one application that is starting fine, but freezes. App queue increases ...
Mika's user avatar
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Process Cloning Not Working in x86 Windows Config (C++)

I'm attempting to clone a process in C++ on Windows. All shown examples were compiled & ran with Visual Studio 2022 on a Windows 10 system. The minimal example below (adapted from the following ...
Runsva's user avatar
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Clone/Fork a Process in C++ on Windows? [duplicate]

I'm attempting to understand what is the proper way to clone/fork a process in C++ on Windows. All the examples below are compiled & ran using Visual Studio 2022 on a Windows 10 system. It is my ...
Runsva's user avatar
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What does the Background field in the EPROCESS structure mean on Windows?

I am trying to understand the meaning of the Background field in the EPROCESS structure on Windows. I attempted to retrieve this field using the following code: NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ...
frendguo's user avatar
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C# get EnvDTE.DTE interface of Visual Studio solution through instance of System.Diagnostics.Process

Context: I'm currently writing an application that let's the user open a Visual Studio solution (.sln-file). They can then edit certain aspects of the opened project through the UI of my application ...
Konny's user avatar
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Get command line info of currently running Win 10 processes

I want to write a small java app (preferably Java 8) that does the following: List all processes that are currently running in Windows 10 and find a specific one (name and PID, there can be multiple ...
Neph's user avatar
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Why does my Laravel process pool fails with the error: Unable to launch a new process

I have a collection of models that have a column with RTF content that was generated by third party software. I want to dislay the text version in a web application. To do so, I am converting the RTF ...
adarm9's user avatar
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Trying to run PROCESS Macro (Hayes) moderated mediation model 58 in R

I am not a programmer; just trying to replicate SPSS results in R. I am trying to run a moderated mediation model (model 58). My independent variable (x) and moderator (w) are multicategorical. X has ...
firstbessy's user avatar

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