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Questions tagged [port]

A port is a communication end-point in the context of network communications or an interaction point for inter-component interactions. Do not use this tag for software ports from one platform or language to another, but use the tag "porting" instead.

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Http request c# how to get external ip when request completed

I try to get ip and port from request which completed and Idk how to do it Problem: I have router in which I configure that from adress1 to adress2 I want to send from first external ip From adress1 ...
Makstvell's user avatar
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Change of jetty (v12) to (unused) port number 8089 causes context xml failure

I am using jetty 12.0.8 on Ubuntu 22.04. On configuring a context xml file in $JETTY_BASE/webapps like so: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE Configure ...
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1 answer

problem 8080 already listening java spring

my port 8080 in java Spring so never disconnects. The process remains open even if I stop the application. Which means that when I launch the project and restart it a second time after a code ...
Christophe's user avatar
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Windows EC2 Inscance cannot access https page on specific port

I have an EC2 Intance running on Amazon AWS and it needs to do a GET Request to an URL in the 48080 port. Something like: GET When I put this URL on my personal ...
barduchi's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting web-1 TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

I have made a Django project with a postgresql backend and am trying to containerize it. This is my Dockerfile: FROM python:3.9 ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE 1 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 WORKDIR /app ...
Prisha Goel's user avatar
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16 views after change create "Authenticating against security realm: ManagementRealm"

I want to make configurable. When I run my batch file I want to change http management port so I added to batch file :"19990" but ...
Joanna Lelek's user avatar
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my hp pavilion notebook with 2GB NVidia GeForce GTX 930M not detecting any USB plugin

my system is hp pavilion notebook having 2GB NVidia GeForce GTX 930M. it not detecting any USB flash drive and any USB plugins like mouse, keyboard etc. I have tried almost all USB troubleshooting ...
Pom Hertom's user avatar
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Python port checker not working on Linux; just returns all ports

#Python code for simple port scanning import socket #importing library listofports = [] ip = socket.gethostbyname (socket.gethostname()) #getting ip-address of host for port in range(65535): #...
Stuart Dyer's user avatar
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2 answers

Why doesn't the choice of listening port number generally appear to be a concern?

When writing a server application which opens a listening port, the choice of port number doesn't usually show up as a concern, provided no other application is currently holding that same port number ...
FreelanceConsultant's user avatar
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Blocking [IPaddress:8080] on nginx

I have an app working on port 8080 perfectly with the domain and now when I hit the Public IP address of the Server, I can still view the same app running using the server's ...
Desh Deepak Dhobi's user avatar
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Apache web server port redirection

I know this is not the first posted question on this topic, but I was hoping to find someone to help me better understand if there are possible solutions to the problem. Also, I wanted to start being ...
Lorenzo Panebianco's user avatar
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Two nginx servers on different ports

I am a front-end developer with some DevOps skills. Currently, I am using my MacBook Pro (M1) for website development. I have set up two user accounts on my MacBook: one for my freelance projects and ...
Mr. Sam's user avatar
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dockerfile, port not responding even though mentioned using -p tag [duplicate]

I tried creating dockerfile for my flask-app but it doesn't work on localhost. ->dockerfile: FROM python:3-alpine3.15 WORKDIR /app COPY . /app RUN pip install -r requirements.txt EXPOSE 5000 CMD [&...
Pritesh Tadvi's user avatar
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Trying to pre-register ports to run Owin without Admin doesn't work

Currently working on a PoC of sorts to find out if I can run Owin self-host without admin rights if I do port/url/firewall stuff with admin rights before execution of the app. For this purpose I have ...
Vaethin's user avatar
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I can't connect to my mac port for Next.js app preview on mobile even using the ip address

my Next.js app is running on http://localhost:3000, and my ip address is 172..., i tried connecting with my phone via http://172...:3000 but i got a message "Safari couldn't open the page ...
Jumbo B Pere's user avatar

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