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Create a spark dataset that has additional option fields using an existing dataset

I have a case class as follows: case class student_address(studentId:String, address:String) The values from a csv are read into the dataset - studentAddressDS, which is mapped to the above case ...
anoop's user avatar
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How to flatten if-else-if-statements with caching in Scala 3?

I have the following very ugly nesting of if-statements that involve slow operations (tryFindResult and tryFindOtherResult) that I need to execute as little as possible. Just to give some context, it'...
PawkyPenguin's user avatar
3 votes
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Scala `for - yield` gives Option of Tuple, but need Tuple of Option's

object main { def main(args: Array[String]) = { val x: Option[Int] = Some(2) val y: Option[Int] = Some(3) val z: Option[Int] = Some(5) val result1 = for { x <- x y &...
Amaterasu's user avatar
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Scala for-comprehension and Option

object main { def main(args: Array[String]) = { val x = Option(2) val y = None // works with: Option.empty[Int] val z = Option(5) val result1 = for { x <- x y <- y ...
Amaterasu's user avatar
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Null safe way to deoption and avoid type mismatch

While giving some readability advice here and checking that my rewrite hadn't broken anything, I discovered it was already broken. case class Foo ( bars: Seq[Bar] ) case class Bar(s: String) def ...
candied_orange's user avatar
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Is there a more functional way to transform an Option value of None?

I have an Option[Int] and I want to transform None to Some(0). I know I can do this with pattern matching. Is there anything more direct or simple? thanks
chadum's user avatar
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Scala 3 with strict equality and explicit nulls - Proper way to deal with pattern matching and Option

To make this code compile (Scala 3.2.2 with -language:strictEquality and -Yexplicit-nulls): val cause: Option[Throwable] = None cause match case c: Some[Throwable] => c.value case None => ...
Karl S.'s user avatar
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Scala: What's the best way to filter and flatten Seq[Option[A]]

Let's say I have a val allStrs: Seq[Option[String]] = Seq(Some("A"), Some("B"), None) And would like to have a result like this: Seq("A", "B"), what's the most ...
Parting's user avatar
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Scala: do something if get the value in getOrElse

If a variable is an Option[Account], and there is a string field called accountName in the class Account. e.g: val allAccounts: Set[Option[Account]] = Set(Some(Account1), Some(Account2), None) How do ...
Parting's user avatar
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trying 2 save data cassandra in springboot with optional keyword,as the field may contain null values,its giving me InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException

Exception in thread "Thread-10" org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Unknown type [class java.util.Optional] for property [product] in entity [
Yogita Dakhore's user avatar
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What is the advantage of Option/Maybe Monad over Functor?

I understand the advantage of IO monad and List Monad over Functor, however, I don't understand the advantage of Option/Maybe Monad over Functor. Is that simply the integration of types of the ...
SmoothTraderKen's user avatar
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Option type overhead for primitive types

Does the Scala Option type incur an overhead of two objects per primitive type value? In other words, is the Option type specialized for primitives, or does it always double-box them (I'm counting ...
Stephane Bersier's user avatar
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What is the idiomatic (and fast) way of treating the empty list/Seq as failure in a short-circuiting operation?

I have a situation where I am using functions to model rule applications, with each function returning the actions it would take when applied, or, if the rule cannot be applied, the empty list. I have ...
amandasystems's user avatar
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Handle Future[Option[T]] when traversing a List

def getCommentIds( commentTargetId: Long, sortOrder: CommentOrderEnum): Future[Seq[CommentStatsBO]] def getCommentDetail(commentId: Long): Future[Option[CommentDetailDTO]] def ...
BugSource's user avatar
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Scala Option.fold Behaves differently in and out of function

Take the simple function: def makeUpper(input: Option[String]): String = input.fold("b"){ _.toUpperCase } makeUpper(Some("a")) // A makeUpper(None) // b This is as ...
Jonathan Spiller's user avatar

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