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Questions tagged [nuxt.js]

Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Vue.js applications, you can choose between Universal, Static Generated or Single Page application (inspired by Next.js)

10 votes
1 answer

How to include static assets dynamically with nuxt generate?

I'm working on a static site using Nuxt.js (I target to publish just the result of nuxt generate). The content is generated based on asyncData by calling a json API. I want to grab some files and ...
mati's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Vue js 2 list rendering issue

I have faced an issue when doing a simple shopping cart app in vue js 2 Here is the code I have: blank cart item array for when I press add to cart button then that particular product will be pushed ...
Subhojit Mondal's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Access store in nuxt config file

I want to add dynamic routes to be statically generated via Nuxt. I have a client/server-side store defined thanks to asyncData method. I want to map this store value (an array) in my nuxt.config.js ...
lukaszkups's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to get vee-validator's $validator when using nuxt.js

I have installed vee-validator in my nuxt.js install (using the express template). I have added the plugin into my nuxt.config.js file like so: plugins: [ { src: '~plugins/vee-validate.js' } ] ...
Daniel Hutton's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to trigger language in Nuxt js internationalization (i18n) example explanation?

In Nuxt.Js doc, there is an example of internationalization(i18n). I get most part but What I don't get is how clicking on the Language option on the Navbar menu changing the locale from 'en' to 'fr' ...
ZIS's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Nuxt.js + vue-i18n + axios : cant't access to data in page

I have difficulties to display data in NuxtJS in the i18n worflow. Here are two files, I surely miss something in the configuration : Plugins > i18n.js: import Vue from 'vue' import VueI18n from '...
Thierry Schlegel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Signin Login System in Nuxt, Axios and Feathers

I created a system of login and signup in nuxt, and the system get the database data, i create one 'for' and 'if' to verify if have someone logged, and i have a code to redirect to logged page if the ...
Vitor's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to import a Javascript file to Nuxt.js

Im trying to import the following javascript files from a website template to my project. Im not sure where the problem lies. Im interested to convert this website template to a nuxt.js project. ...
sam k's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Nuxt.js generate data fetched from remote api as a static website

I'm creating a website using Nuxt.js - it contains blog posts, which I hold on my github repo and I query for them via github api. How can I make this fetched data to be generated after running nuxt ...
lukaszkups's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to set global mutation in module vuex js store

I need to be able to change the state of the global variable alert from any Vuex module. store/index.js: export const state = () => ({ alert: null }) store/child.js: export const mutations ...
Василий Буторин's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Nuxt (Vue), resolve route after login, add beforeGuard on dynamically generated routes

As you know Nuxt automatically generates VueRouter with given pages. What I want to achieve is to add a custom auth guard. So basically before rendering a route i check whether user is authenticated ...
aldorain's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to make a redirect in nuxtjs in component method not fetch method?

I'm using nuxtjs , I want to redirect user after he loggedin, redirect() method not working inside my function: loginUser: function () { if (this.isValid) { return`/user/login`,...
Downy's user avatar
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70 votes
8 answers

How to get current route name in Nuxt 2 and 3?

I'm using Nuxt.js for building a static website. How to access in component's script code currently displayed route name (I would like to avoid reading direct url from browser location)? Can I ...
lukaszkups's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

I want to load and populate the data for each component in vue.js (nuxt.js)

I start the project as follows. vue init nuxt/express my directory is... components |- slider.vue |- list.vue pages |- index.vue and components is, index.vue <template> <my-slider/>...
hyeokluv's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Vue stops tracking array changes

So i'm trying to change an array by removing items that I don't want to be displayed on the page at certain screen sizes. It works and my array is updated properly but after a while the DOM becomes ...
Jake K's user avatar
  • 75

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