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Questions tagged [next.js13]

Next.js 13 is a version of the Next.js JavaScript web development framework released on October 26, 2022 and includes support for layouts, React Server Components, streaming, data fetching, and Turbopack, a new Rust-based successor to Webpack. Use this tag only for questions specific to Next.js 13 and its features. For generic Next.js programming questions, the [next.js] tag should be used.

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Nextjs 14 generateStaticParams doesn't generate files

I'm on NextJS 14 with the App router, and I'm using output: "export" to generate static files for production. I'm using the generateStaticParams function inside /[id]/page.tsx to export ...
Rom-888's user avatar
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NextJS app router dynamic routes not working with any named HTTP methods

This is the code placed inside /app/api/password/reset/confirm/[userId]/[idToken].ts. import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server'; // Define and export the GET handler export const GET = ...
Muhammad Anas's user avatar
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Node error while running npx create next app

I am trying to create a next project using npx but i am getting an error npm error code ENOENT npm error syscall lstat npm error path C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\npm npm error errno -4058 npm ...
AGBOR PIUS ALOR's user avatar
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How to revalidate current path in Next.js14?

I am rewriting code of a goal tracker app and moving from onSubmit to Server Actions So basically user can add goals and groups of goals (Relationship, Financial, etc) It's a simple one page app ...
Wael Assaf's user avatar
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How to combine the data of two state into third state in Next js

I am using useState to set a state I have collected data in two different states (that are text and inputs ) now I want to add both states into a third state (that is alldata) I have tried const [...
Manpreet's user avatar
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safeParse not working server sider with z.union() : Error: Attempted to call indexOf() from the server but indexOf is on the client

I am working on a next js app with the directory page system. I have a folder called [[...options]], which enable to get url segments in the url, more details about that here I would like parse the ...
arnaudpf's user avatar
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How to enable CORS with NEXT 14 at Vercel?

I have an api endpoint, and I want it to be accessible from any domain name (everyone can use it from web on their domains). import { NextApiResponse } from "next"; import { NextResponse } ...
SERG's user avatar
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Next JS app router importing static image problem

I'm currently using the app router in Next.JS. When importing images from the public server using the one below from a reusable component <img src="assets/icon.png" /> It will import ...
Timothy Zack Timbol's user avatar
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Infinite scroll with scroll position and state restoration when navigating back

I'm working on a page with an infinite list, where each item is clickable and leads to a different route. I load 10 items in a server action, I scroll down, more items load. I click one of the items, ...
asliwinski's user avatar
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Change language using next intl

"use client"; import React, { useTransition } from "react"; import style from "@/app/components/header/header.module.scss"; import { useRouter } from "next/...
apeuriori's user avatar
2 votes
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Best Way to Fetch Data in a Client Component in Next.js 14: useEffect with Route Handlers vs Async Server Action

I'm working on a Next.js 14 project and I need to fetch data in a client component. I've come across two different methods and I'm unsure which one is the best practice. Method 1: useEffect with an ...
Vladimirzb's user avatar
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Conflict Between MetaMask and TrustWallet Connections Using Web3 in Next.js

Hello Stack Overflow community, I have developed two separate applications using Next.js and Web3, one for MetaMask and another for TrustWallet. However, I'm encountering a problem where attempting to ...
Diogo Wernik's user avatar
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Unable to get Cookie in nextjs that is set by laravel api in my browser?

I have a Next.js application where I am trying to set up Axios to include the CSRF token automatically in all non-GET requests. I have written the following code to retrieve the XSRF-TOKEN from ...
Kamran Ali's user avatar
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Issues with getServerSideProps and experimental-edge runtime on Cloudflare Workers with Next.js

I'm working on a Next.js project using version 13.5.6 and deploying it to Cloudflare Workers. I've set up my project to use the experimental-edge runtime for server-side rendering with ...
Amitprj's user avatar
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"metadata" is not a valid Next.js entry export value

when I install next.js 14 with typescript it will appear this error which is pointing to my meta data type! import type { Metadata } from "next"; export const metadata: Metadata = { title:...
Herus's user avatar
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