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Use Tuple values in Object initalizer syntax

I'm trying to initialize properties of an object I am creating with the values of a named tuple. Something like this public Person DoIt() { return new Person { (First, Last) = GetFirstAndLast(id)...
comecme's user avatar
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Not able to add value to List of named tuple

I have a named List of named tuple and from this function OnEndCircularReferencesCalculation() I am trying to add value to named tuple but getting error message like : 'Index was out of range. Must be ...
Ramesh Dutta's user avatar
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Converting Python tuple to C#

I am in the process of converting a program from Python to C#. I'm about 80% there, but I came across this code in Python and I am not sure exactly how this would translate over to C#: from typing ...
Icemanind's user avatar
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API call with named tuple as input parameter [duplicate]

One of my API endpoints expects a object containing a list of named tuples. An example of the input object would be: public enum Countries { Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra /*...*/ } public ...
devklick's user avatar
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How can you name a tuple used as a function parameter in C#? [duplicate]

I want to use a tuple as an input argument for my function. public void Sync(IEnumerable<Tuple<string, double>> labels) But I also want to give the string and double a name. But I can't ...
Sjoerd van Loon's user avatar
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How do I correctly assign names to a named tuple in a list

I have the following code and it seems to work fine, but when I inspect the tuples inside the list they are named Item1,Item2,Item3 instead of the names I have assigned to them. What am I doing wrong? ...
AlePorro's user avatar
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How to map request payload to Tuple in core [duplicate]

Below is my endpoint // D - Delete [HttpPost,HttpDelete] [ProducesResponseType(204)] [ProducesResponseType(400)] public async Task<IActionResult> Delete([FromBody](int eventId, int personId, ...
Kgn-web's user avatar
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Possible create named tuple type using reflection?

I can create a normal tuple type with Tuple.Create or typeof(Tuple<,>).MakeGenericType etc, but how can I make a named tuple? With other property names than Item1, Item2 etc, using reflection in ...
Andreas Zita's user avatar
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Is there a way to use Pattern Matching in switch statement with Named Tuples?

Let's have the below class public void HandleMessage(object message) { switch (message) { case string bookTitle: Console.WriteLine($"Received book with ...
Amr Badawy's user avatar
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