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Questions tagged [modal-dialog]

Refers to a graphical dialog used to display important information to the user. These dialogs appear above all other content, blocking application flow until user input is received.

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bootstrap datepicker not showing date dropbox

I have the following script that works fine: <head> <title>DateTimepicker</title> <!-- Include Bootstrap CDN --> <link href= "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn....
FAJAR RAHMADI's user avatar
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I want to launch a modal using checkbox

I want to launch a modal once the value of checkbox is change to True, I already tried to create function for that but once I checked the checkbox it doesn't show anything. I keep on changing and ...
Bugsy's user avatar
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How to address the -ms-high-constrast deprecation message in Edge?

I have got a simple confirmation MatDialog box. The HTML for this component is: <h2 mat-dialog-title>{{data.title}}</h2> <mat-dialog-content> <p>{{data.message}}</p> ...
happybuddha's user avatar
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Dynamically inserted html() elements are not click() event functional, non-interactive [duplicate]

I am using jquery-ui dialog to display editable page data and mostly works well except for the page delete process to reload the updated navigation elements. The process occurs in the AJAX success ...
Nadal's user avatar
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Javascript show modal using get ID method returns null

The issue I'm facing is my modals that are connected to my learn more buttons should be opening and displaying text. This works perfectly on my local server in docker. However, when deploying the ...
Connor Davis's user avatar
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Data in modal is not updating in React JS

I creating clone of frontend of this website, everything is going smoothly but when I reached at cart section I find there is a lot of work. In short, I just create a Add to Cart button for my website ...
Sheeraz Ahmed's user avatar
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Loading Modal does not show until method is completed in Blazor Server

I need to show a Loading modal in Blazor server, using Net6. When finish loading, it needs to change the text "loading..." with "finished". But it only opens when everything is ...
mariano desivo's user avatar
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Interrupt Quasar QDialog closing on Escape key, given a certain condition

I use a Quasar dialog for showing some content. I want the users to be able to close the dialog when clicking the Escape button, which works fine. However, if the user made some edits in the dialog ...
Alexander Pacha's user avatar
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I want to disable the Formik validation when loading a modal

I am using Formik and Yup in my React Typescript project , I have a modal that will save a new value , I added Formik Validation to the Fields in my modal but when I click the add button in my page to ...
Edi-nano's user avatar
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How to open a modal in a function

I want to open a modal by click a button which is supposed to export some datas in an excel file. So there is my code but the modal is still close. I'm new in react, did I do something wrong ? Thank's ...
Alexandre S.'s user avatar
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How can I show a pop-up for inputting a PIN in Laravel?

I am looking to create a pop-up when a user clicks on the "transfer" button in my application. It should ask the user to "Input PIN" and go through when a correct PIN is supplied. ...
Maker's user avatar
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How to properly nest modal component?

I have a problem. I'm trying to create a modal window for reporting that dynamically serves both reporting comments and posts, so that it's not necessary to create multiple modal windows. I've created ...
JayVch's user avatar
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How to integrate Modal from Laravel Breeze React starter kit?

This was the original code from the Modal Component that came along with the Laravel Breeze React starter kit, but I can't see to get the modal to show up - is this code only for a dark background of ...
jlimsy's user avatar
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How can I change the hover effect of antd modal button?

How can I change the hover effect of antd modal button? I'm trying to change the bg color of the hover and I try okButtonProps but it is not working!! <Modal open={open} onOk={...
Mohammad Sajib's user avatar
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How to keep a modal child form open until its close() method is called

As a beginner I assumed that a modal form remains open until the close method is called, but this appears not to be the case in I have a main form and a child-form which is like a phone-book. ...
Ernesto's user avatar
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