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Questions tagged [maven]

Apache Maven is a build automation and project management tool used primarily for Java projects. This tag is for questions that don't relate to a specific Maven version. Use the gradle tag instead for questions relating to Gradle.

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Why does my IntelliJ say that there's an error in my pom.xml?

Recently I added a pom.xml file to my java project in IntelliJ IDEA and I then made it into a Maven project. Though when I opened the pom.xml back again with IntelliJ, I saw 2 errors at "project&...
Withered W.D.'s user avatar
2 votes
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How to work on JavaFX 19 Projects in Eclipse 2024-06? (shows "maven dependency not found" for Java FX, while earlier versions work)

I have the following issue with Eclipse 2024-06: A project that references <dependencies> <!-- Java FX --> <!--
Christian Fries's user avatar
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Make frontend maven plugin install node_modules in the same directory as the package.json, NOT in a /node directory

How it works currently: during the generate-resource phase of maven build the frontend maven plugin installs all the dependencies in /node directory created in the working directory specified in the ...
Zdrzalik Przemyslaw's user avatar
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IntelliJ IDE Cannot Find javax.annotation.processing.Generated Symbol While mvn test Works Correctly

I am having a problem with my project configuration and running the program and unit test. When running with mvn test the JUnit test executes propertly, but when executing from within the IntelliJ IDE,...
quarks's user avatar
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Importing external packages in Java

I'm trying to import the jbox2d package with import org.jbox2d.*; to my Java project (not a Maven project). I cloned the jbox2d package with the command - git clone I ...
Umang Lunia's user avatar
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Packaging cross-platform Appimages and DEB Packages in Linux missing dependencies

I have a JavaFX Application, and I'm using maven to distribute it. Currently, I first create a runtime image of my program with jlink, and then package it with jpackage. However, if I package either a ...
mgcv's user avatar
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Is there any chance to get the vulnerability fixed for spring-web and spring-webmvc version 5.3.37?

Recently I'm migrating spring boot legacy application from spring boot version 1.x to 2.7.x and used spring-web and spring-webmvc artifact with version 5..3.37 which is having 1 vulnerability. I'm ...
Debarshi Saha's user avatar
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Robot Framework run command giving issue "[ ERROR ] Suite 'Acceptance' contains no tests or tasks."

I am creating simple Robot framework project in Eclipse from one of the Youtube video ( ). Project Structure is like: Automation | src | test | ...
H1312's user avatar
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How to exclude files from running in testResource

Trying to exclude the files in path "/path/to/exclude/" while running the unit test cases in "path/to/directory" . Unfortunately the following snippet is not working in pom.xml <...
Akshara Prasad's user avatar
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Maven Build Failing with SSLContext Error When Downloading Plugin

I'm trying to execute a Maven build using the following command: mvn clean install. I encounter the following error message: [ERROR] Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.2.0 or one of ...
Sajed Hamdan's user avatar
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Import correctrly maven project from git

I would like to know what is the most correct method to import a maven project into eclipse downloaded with git clone and avoid the problem with the pom.xml and the related paths. I hope someone can ...
francis pass's user avatar
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Maven Local Repository Works in IntelliJ but Fails in JAR/EXE

I'm using a local repository for some dependencies in my Maven project. The local repository works fine when I run the project in IntelliJ IDEA. However, when I create a JAR or EXE file and try to run ...
Abubakar Saeed's user avatar
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Eclipse error when creating new maven project

In my Eclipse IDE I was created and run java programs without any issue, but when I was going to create a new maven project in archetype quickstart 1.1. Project creation stop in 33% and it shows ...
Dineth01's user avatar
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Spring boot: Why am I getting this 404 Error?

Just to give a little background on the project; I'm making a Spring Boot project using Maven. I have a two microservices, one called "products" and one called "config-server" to ...
dqdq dqsss's user avatar
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How do I pass a Java Maven project's version value from the pom.xml to a Bitbucket pipelines YAML file?

I have a Spring Boot Maven Java project. My POM file has a version number property in it of 1.2.3, as seen below: <project ...> <modelVersion>#.#.#</modelVersion> <groupId>...
aCarella's user avatar
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failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.1.0:exec, command execution failed, CreateProcess error=193

I am trying to run a spring-boot maven project in local environment. Build is failing due to error. Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.1.0:exec (spec1) on project abc-xyz-...
KJ21's user avatar
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JaCoCo always generates aggregate report in a non-module project, won't display coverage in Maven Site

I have a single Java 11 library (jar) project whose Maven pom refers to a parent pom for common properties and configuration. There are no submodules and the parent pom doesn't have any submodules. ...
dan's user avatar
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cxf-java2ws-plugin:3.3.13 jd11 is not able to generate wsdl issue in classpath configuration

`complete deppendency is taking for classpath -cp for java2ws command , it should take traget/classes folder as classpath <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</...
naveen Doralli's user avatar
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Maven repository lookup order - always try central first

I need to use artifacts from a third-party repo in my project. Therefore, I add the following to my POM: <repositories> <repository> <id>bunch-of-cowboys</id> ...
peterh's user avatar
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Migration from Artifactory to GCP artifact registry

I want to migrate our huge maven artifacts repository to the artifact registry on Google's cloud platform. The process seems is long, and manual upload of each artifact to the maven repo on GCP is ...
qKweint's user avatar
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When running the main class using mvn exec:java, classes in rt.jar are not referenced

My java version is 8.0.372-zulu/zulu-8, maven version is 3.6.0 I have a problem that really bothers me. I set up a maven project and use apache poi to process excel. The code is simple as I just ...
alalalala's user avatar
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Issues with Routing on Tomcat with Spring Boot and React Application

I'm facing an issue with routing on Tomcat. I'm receiving a ready-made .war file which contains the built files from a React app located in the resources/static folder. After rebuilding with Maven, I ...
TOMczeski's user avatar
-2 votes
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Issue in spring-boot war startup in external tomcat due to unwanted spring jar

I am trying to run an spring-boot web application war file in external tomcat where many other applications (Spring and not spring-boot) are already running. There are some dependencies at some shared ...
DpkTheJavaCoder's user avatar
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Building Apache Zeppelin 0.11.1 without all interpreters

I'm trying to build tar.gz package of the Apache Zeppelin, version 0.11.1, with very minimal modules but when I check in the package I see all interpreters added and this makes tar.gz very fat. My ...
mixermt's user avatar
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Hot Reload/Hot Deployment in Tomcat using VS Code

I'm trying to enable hot reload for tomcat using vs code. Since "tomcat for java" extension has been deprecated which makes me use "community server connectors" extension in vs ...
ha33an's user avatar
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How can I warn users when they download an outdated jar from my maven repository in gradle?

Essentially, I'm looking for a way to output a warning message to gradle when a user has a dependency on one of my older jars from my maven repository. Is this even possible? Eg: "You've ...
mineblock11's user avatar
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maven dependency tree verbose - version managed with same version

Following up on this question: maven dependency tree - version managed What if the 2 dependencies stated have the same version? For example, taking the example from above - [INFO] | | \- xalan:xalan:...
magiciansz's user avatar
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Maven dependency release dates [closed]

I've noticed that some Maven dependencies have release dates earlier than the components they depend on. I'm investigating the reasons behind this and suspect that the upstream component might have ...
Nkiru Ede's user avatar
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IntelliJ idea closing and reopening my java project

I had a new installation of Intellij in macOS using m1 architecture and when I open my java project (spring boot/maven stack) the root folder are hidden/show every time. Soons like some maven build ...
Eduardo Gabriel's user avatar
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Spring Boot: Error 404 when accessing localhost endpoint

Just to give a little background on the project; I'm making a Spring Boot project using Maven. I have a two microservices, one called "products" and one called "config-server" to ...
dqdq dqsss's user avatar
-1 votes
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Debug kotlin in spring boot maven java Can i debug kotlin (vscode) in spring boot maven java (i only use kotlin build controller) can debug kotlin when run app java , i want when run spring ...
Duong's user avatar
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Adding dcm4che 5 library to Java project using IntelliJ and Maven

To preface - I'm a python dev, but I wanted to do some testing using Java. I've taken a few classes on Java at WGU, but I'm having an issue with getting a certain dependency installed and I'm thinking ...
Cory Merrick's user avatar
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How can I resolve CVE-2023-2976 & CVE-2023-1370 vulnerabilities in Maven guava:31.1-jre & json-smart:2.4.7 while using spring-data-commons:3.3.1?

I recently discovered CVE-2023-2976 & CVE-2023-1370 vulnerabilities in my project. According to my SCA tool, these vulnerabilities stem from my use of guava:31.1-jre and json-smart:2.4.7. I could ...
S Shekhar Mishra's user avatar
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package does not exist

I am trying to wrap an Ant Prjoect in Maven using the maven-antrun-plugin. This is my Plugin config <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <...
Tejas Mehta's user avatar
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Maven's enforcer that checks for duplicate classes ignores automatic resolution of dependencies with different versions

I recently found out that Maven automatically resolves versions of packages, if they are conflicting. maven; how to break backwards compatibility? For example, if dependency A requires a transitive ...
magiciansz's user avatar
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Can `${...}` properties appear in the `<parent>` section of a POM file?

Maven's POM reference says that property values "are accessible anywhere within a POM". But that can't possibly be 100% true. The resolved value of a property depends on the POM's parent, so ...
Calvin's user avatar
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Kotlin slow compilation

I have a kotlin project and when i do mvn compile the project takes 30s+ to build. When using the -X flag it stops on this step for kapt and for the compiler for ~15s What should I do to make this ...
Prog's user avatar
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Apache POI Dependency in Maven Project : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.poi.ooxml.util.DocumentHelper

I want to export an xlsx file in a Java project, so I added the Apache POI libraries. However, it doesn't work. I removed the xerces dependency and it works, but it causes an error in the existing ...
Fatima Tahiri's user avatar
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API to get information/meta-data about a package from Package managers such npm, nuget, maven etc

I am working on a project, wherein i would like to get data about a package and its dependencies from various sources such as npm, nuget, maven etc. Is there any way to do it. For example In the ...
Vikneshwaran Seetharaman's user avatar
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Update multiple (independent) project versions with maven

Situation I'm using maven in multiple projects Some projects use a parent (spring etc.), some are not. My projects can have different versions (one is 1.1.0, another one is 1.5.0 etc.) I currently ...
Krisko's user avatar
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Using spark 3.4.1 lib in Java when extending StringRegexExpression to a java class

I am using spark 3.4.1 in maven project where I am configured scala (2.13.8) lang as well. I am trying to create a class in project by extending spark's StringRegexExpression package com....
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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Google OAuth2.0 Callback on Java Spring returning different redirect_uri

I'm currently developing a program that using google sheet API to get some data. I tried deploying it onto Amazon EC2 (Amazon Linux) and configured SSL using Let's Encrpyt. Everything is working fine ...
JxDev's user avatar
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javax.smartcardio cannot be resolved after updating Maven project to Java 17

I recently updated my Maven project from Java 8 to Java 17. After the update, I encountered an issue where Eclipse cannot resolve javax.smartcardio.* imports in my project. I found a workaround by ...
Sajed Hamdan's user avatar
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Packaging a java 8 - maven - javafx 22 application

I read an article here and understood that there are differences between packaging JavaFX 11 and Java 11, from my project. However, I still don't know how to do it with my project. Mine is built in ...
Shemuel's user avatar
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How to use Maven Resolver "Trusted Checksums" to ensure artifact integrity?

Recent Maven Artifact Resolver versions have a "Trusted Checksums" feature. As mentioned for example in this Reddit comment it seems that feature can be used to ensure artifact integrity and ...
Marcono1234's user avatar
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How to prevent maven from upgrading libraries of custom imported library?

I am having 2 projects, let's say project API and project Consumer. The API project is meant to be used as a library that I can import in project Consumer as a maven dependency. Project API has the ...
YokedSinger8062's user avatar
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How to check module settings and project settings?

IDEA show Following modules override project settings: ... But I don't know which setting is different. How should I find the difference? And How to view project settings and module settings? I just ...
SageJustus's user avatar
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ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.13.0 - java.lang.NoSuchFieldError:

I'm encountering a fatal error while trying to compile my Maven project. The error message is as follows: This Project is not using Spring Boot/Spring Framework which makes it different from other ...
Samuel Owino's user avatar
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Springboot application working using command line but failed to start using IntelliJ IDE

I am looking to build and run the source code on my Mac(Springboot application and using java version 17), I have successfully build and run the application (using command line) by using these ...
Umair_007's user avatar
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how to use resources with maven [duplicate]

I created a Maven project to use JavaFX. I have two folders: src/main/java/application containing my source code. src/main/resources which must contain the resources. I found some Java code that ...
miminbat's user avatar

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