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Questions tagged [laravel-socialite]

Socialite is a package that provides a simple, convenient way to authenticate with OAuth providers within the Laravel framework.

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Main tab doesn't retain authenticated state after authenticating user in popup window using Laravel Socialite

I am working on a project with TALL Stack where I implemented OAuth2 using Laravel Socialite package. Initially, I made a simple link with the redirect uri. This approach works fine and the user gets ...
Saint's user avatar
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How to solve the "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" issue of Laravel socialite redirect?

I'm trying to implement the sign in with google option with Laravel Socialite. Although i'm using stateless authentication of Socialite, it doesn't allow me to go to google login page. The request ...
user15823028's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite GitHub Authentication: Redirect Issue after Successful Authentication

I'm encountering an issue with GitHub authentication in my Laravel app using Laravel Socialite. Despite setting up everything correctly and being able to retrieve user data from GitHub, users aren't ...
Ssionn's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite Apple Sign In no user info

I add in my Laravel API on my login endpoint ability for user to sign-in with apple also when I try, everything from the config looks good also in my api I receive this: ( [id] => 001519....
bartz's user avatar
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Important packages in laravel are removed when installing laravel/socialite

when I use composer require laravel/socialite the folders in vendor/laravel/... are completely deleted and replaced by socialite related folders. But the old folders were deleted, resulting in an ...
BotKan's user avatar
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Correct way to handle email/password sign up, in addition to using Laravel Socialite for OAuth?

I'm building an iOS app with Laravel backend. I'm using Firebase Authentication to handle the following authentication types: Google, Apple, and email/password sign up. I've set up Google and Apple ...
user896541's user avatar
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How to get business page with facebook graph api and laravel socialite package?

I use laravel socialite package to use facebook graph api and i want to get business page or business account information that associed on an simple facebook account I use this endpoint "https://...
Nir ina's user avatar
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Google OAuth Session not being saved on Chrome

I'm testing a Google OAuth login with Laravel and I'm facing a problem with the sessions not being saved on Google Chrome (if you open a new tab you need to log in again), it works just fine with ...
Anthony Z's user avatar
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Axios cors issue with Laravel Vue

When i use mounted in Vue3 everthing works. But using @click gives me an error. When i click the button fasts before the page loaded everything it returns json which should be expected. Error message: ...
ATG's user avatar
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Laravel Socialite Twitter: Missing required parameter [code_verifier]

I am using the Laravel Socialite Package for Twitter Login. The redirection to the Twitter API works perfectly the callback url in laravel returns the following error; {"error":"Client ...
Schandorf Osam-Frimpong's user avatar
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How to add Laravel Socialite login to SPA that authenticates with Laravel Sanctum

I have a vue3 app that authenticates to a Laravel backend using Sanctum. My auth workflow for the Sanctum backend looks like this: Front end makes ajax request to API with user/pass Back end checks ...
qotsa42's user avatar
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Laravel Google Login invalid_grant

I'm working on my Laravel project and I have already configured registration and login with Google through Laravel Socialite. Everything works correctly from the browser, the problem comes when I use ...
Maxwell Cadenas's user avatar
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How to fix Laravel Declaration of SocialiteProviders refresh token must be compatible error

I've recently upgraded to Laravel 10 and am trying to simply run composer up. My composer file looks like: "require": { "php": "^8.2", ... "laravel/...
daprezjer's user avatar
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2 answers

How can i figure out "Not enough permissions to access: GET /me" error?

I am trying to add LinkedIn auth on my laravel app using socialite package. But I'm getting the following error: Client error: `GET
Ronak patel's user avatar
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3 answers

Twitter API v2: 403 Forbidden - "Use keys from Twitter Developer App attached to a Project"

I've been using Laravel/Socialite to interact with the Twitter API v2 for a while, and everything was working fine until last week. I'm encountering a "403 Forbidden" error with the message: ...
Arpine Harutyunyan's user avatar

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