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Not working on ie 11 getting error SCRIPT5022: Exception thrown and not caught

I am using Angular12 for my web project. As there are some users out there who are still using IE11, I need to make this web project compatible. Adding polyfills for reference. Anybody got any idea as ...
Pranshu Dixit's user avatar
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NextImage erroring in ie11

i use typescript, this is my package.json: "dependencies": { "@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.4.1", "@webcomponents/shadydom": "^1.7.4", "cookie&...
lin Duan's user avatar
0 votes
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Need Suggestions for IE11 SCRIPT1010 Error

I'm developing an Office Web Add-In using the Office-JS package. The add-in functions as expected on Mac, but fails to load on Windows. The add-in renders using a Safari based webview on Mac, but an ...
Isaac N.'s user avatar
1 vote
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amcharts integration SCRIPT1002 Syntax error in IE 11

I'm facing an issue in loading an integrated amchart with typescript app in IE 11. App node module versions "@types/node": "^10.9.4", "typescript": "2.9.1", &...
Dileep TP's user avatar
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Babel doesn't work with IE11 on built in class Map extending

I have some legacy code, a class ExtraMap that extends built-in Map class. export class ExtraMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V> { getOr(key: K, or: OrFunctionType = defaultOrFunction): V { ...
Tinmar's user avatar
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IE11 Blank Page with React, Typescript, Babel, and Webpack

I have a React application written in Typescript with Babel and Webpack. It loads fine in Firefox and Chrome, but loads a blank page in Internet Explorer 11. I am new to this project with relatively ...
Neil Davis's user avatar
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Invalid calling Object on IE and - Angular 7 and Spring

Hi im usung Angular 7 and im getting error "Invalid calling object" when i try to make an http request. The app works well on Firefox or Chrome but i need to run it on IE because im Using ...
luis alberto juarez's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to get property 'bind' of undefined. Babel 7 + core-js + IE11

The Problem I've been working on a live chat client built in react/typescript for a month or two, it's working great, but we need to add support for Internet explorer 11. Initially during development ...
Adam Ross Bowers's user avatar
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Angular 8 application not running on IE11

I've been trying to run my Angular 8 application on IE11. So far, I have tried all the steps stated in this article, Angular 8 and IE 11 and still getting errors as this picture ->IE console ...
Vandana Shukla's user avatar
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Ics file description in IE11 - windows 7 contains %5Cn

I have a typescript code in an angular web app to generate an ics file and download it. I am able to download this file successfully in chrome and when I open the ics file, it looks fine with all the ...
Karu's user avatar
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Angular with Storybook do not work on IE11

I have a pretty basic Angular 10 app. I have added Storybook with npx sb init. The project requires the app to run on IE11 (13% of the traffic) so I added .babelrc in the project root, removed not ...
Dracco's user avatar
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why I am getting "SCRIPT5021: Invalid range in character set" and blank screen in IE11?

I am using Angular 9, All code is working fine in chrome but not in IE11 , I am no where using any Regex and mostly I am using back tics. Below error is coming in Polyfills-es5.js as on page load: ...
saash_me's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

Angular 9 Application Not running on IE11

Our team has created an angular 9 new project and it is working perfectly fine on Google Chrome and Firefox but on IE11 I cant see anything. I have tried everything on from the internet followed every ...
Karthik Saxena's user avatar
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SCRIPT1003: Expected ':' in IE 11 + angular 7 + vendor.js

I have an Angular application which is not working on IE11 only. I have set up polyfills, /** IE9, IE10 and IE11 requires all of the following polyfills. **/ import "core-js/es6/symbol"; ...
Dhara Gadhiya's user avatar
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Angular two way binding (different behavior in IE 9)

I am creating an Angular application and utilizing the Angular two way binding method for all of my inputs. The application must be supported for IE versions 9 an above. For the latest versions of IE (...
user7078082's user avatar
1 vote
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IE11 is not responding due to a long running script error with Webpack + React + TypeScript

I am using webpack 4.* to bundle my react 16.* and typescript 3.* project! On our beloved internet explorer 11, I get: not responding long running script error and project never loads... both in ...
borna's user avatar
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Aurelia: Object doesn't support property or method 'bind' in IE 11

The problem I am trying to get my Aurelia project working in Internet Explorer 11, however, I am getting the following message: Object doesn't support property or method 'bind' (app.bundle.js 188,...
zerk's user avatar
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Does React Typescript works in Internet Explorer 11?

I have many React applications that works in Internet Explorer 11 (With polyfills). I would like to use TypeScript in my next applications, so I developed my first one using the same technologies and ...
Axel León's user avatar
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Angular 8 Application running issues in IE11

App is not starting in IE11 locally but works when deployed on azure.I have added all the polyfills required to run angular on ie 11, however i am getting this SCRIPT 5022 error when running the ...
Pratyush Swain's user avatar
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How to serve Angular 7 application in IE11

I have updated my pollyfills.ts with below changes /** IE9, IE10 and IE11 requires all of the following polyfills. **/ import 'core-js/es6/symbol'; import 'core-js/es6/object'; import 'core-js/es6/...
Akash Kumawat's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I debug Typescript service files in IE 11?

I have an Angular (not AngularJS) application (developed with VS Code) which includes a Typescript service. I am able to trace and debug this service just fine when the application is running in ...
TriggerHappy's user avatar
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angular 8 application not working on IE 11

I am working on Angular 8. I have observed some problems with Internet Explorer version 11. I am not able to perform any feature of my application when I close the console or inspect element. when ...
Jayesh Vyas's user avatar
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4 votes
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SCRIPT1002 Syntax Error in vendor.js - Angular 8 IE11

Trying to get Angular to work in IE 11. I tried everything I found on the web already. I'm getting the following errors: SCRIPT1002: Syntax error File: vendor.js, Line: 110874, Column: 40 Line ...
Jean Silveira's user avatar
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transpiling to ie 11 fetch is not undefined

I was just playing with typescript and it's transpiling. Most of the stuff gets up and running but for the fetch I was just not able to make it to get transpiled. And I read a lot about it saying that ...
Ricardo Silva's user avatar
3 votes
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Map(iterable) alternative for IE 11

Unfortunately I have to support IE11. I create my map with this code (polyfill for .entries already used): const map = new Map(Object.entries(array)); but because of IE11 not supporting the ...
breezertwo's user avatar
4 votes
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Angular CLI remove arrow functions?

I am trying to get my code running on IE11, however, I am having issues with arrow functions. I cannot figure out how to remove them from the build and replace them with function() {}. It looks like ...
Get Off My Lawn's user avatar
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Applying css grid style using typescript not working in IE. Vue JS

I have a title block where I am applying css using the typescript method in Vue js. The style is about applying rows and column value to CSS grid. Since I am using dynamic values I have to use method ...
romie99's user avatar
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Protractor IE11 not compatible with ES6 - producing JavascriptError: Error executing JavaScript

I am using typescript with protractor. All my tests are passing find in Chrome and Firefox but failing in IE11. Error: JavascriptError: Error executing JavaScript Build info: version: '3.141.59',...
user avatar
1 vote
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Angular 8 Project not working in IE11 even thought I have gone through every step

you have probably heard of this problem way too often. But I can't seem to find the solution for this. Every time I server the app and start it on IE I get a syntax error in the vendor.js pointing to ...
Nurullah Yel's user avatar
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Angular 8 app is not opening in Internet Explorer

I am new to Angular 8 and currently developing a web-app in it. It is working fine in Google Chrome and EDGE but it is not even being load in IE 11. I explored for the solution over the internet and ...
Arsman Ahmad's user avatar
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Unhandled promise rejection when running Angular 6 site in IE11

I've developed a website in Angular 6 and exclusively tested in Chrome and Safari. First time I opened the site in IE11 I received the following error: Unhandled Promise rejection: SyntaxError ; Zone:...
HeineSkov's user avatar
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How to call a Javascript function from a Typescript class that works with Internet Explorer 11 and Microsoft Edge?

In an angular 7 project i need to use a javascript function from a Typescript class, where i'm using declare var getFormData: any; to use the function getFomData, and it works ok in Chrome and Firefox ...
RMiZe's user avatar
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Intersection Obserser freezes IE11 in angular 7 application

I created an angular 7 application and used Intersection Observer to lazy load some items. It working like a breeze in Chrome, Mozilla and even Edge. But in IE11, when the lazy loading starts and ...
Ram's user avatar
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Uncaught (in promise): [object Undefined]

I have been getting this specific error("Uncaught (in promise): [object Undefined]") in Internet Explorer which seems to be pertaining to polyfills. This seems to be happening when a new promise is ...
karthik's user avatar
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-1 votes
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promise is undefined in IE11 when using axios in ReactJS

I am coverting my react code to typescript and using axios for network call. On running in IE11 i get error "Promise is not defined" I know i need to use polyfill but how? I am not using Babel and ...
hightides1973's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

IE 11 "Expected :" using React Babel 7 Typescript

I have followed recommended React/ Babel configurations, however I cannot get my site to load in IE 11. The error which persists: These are my related files: .babelrc { "presets": [ [ "...
Blair's user avatar
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Angular 7: need polyfill for 'Class' in npm package

I faced with problem that my app based on Angular 7 doesn't working in IE 11. I'm using npm package which starts in index.js from class PackageClass { // code } And at all browsers it works ...
hofshteyn's user avatar
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IE11 error in bundle.js by invalid character

I am using typescript with awesome-typescript-loader and Webpack for compile. But in IE11 it's doesn't work. I have this bug. SCRIPT1014 bundle.js (58458,12) And in this row I have this. I think ...
Fiser's user avatar
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SIP and TEL links are not working in internet explorer

Sip and Tel links work a few times initially in ie11 but then stop working. This works fine on chrome and edge. The mailto works every time without fail on internet explorer. And when I click the ...
Barkha Jain's user avatar
-2 votes
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IE11 throw Expected identifier SCRIPT1010 on vendor.js in WEBPACK VAR INJECTION

I have issue with Expected identifier ERROR code: SCRIPT1010 which points on vendor.js in WEBPACK VAR INJECTION section. Debugger points on line with: const { keccak256, keccak256s } = ...
Uland Nimblehoof's user avatar
3 votes
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How can i resolve undefined value for document.selection issue in Angular 5 with IE 11 browser?

I am using angular 5 testing in IE 11. I need to use document.selection in my typescript file but it is giving it as undefined. I have also declared the selection globally as shown below but even then ...
Nithin's user avatar
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Internet Explorer 11 computed timezone bug

I am aware of the origin of the problem and googled like half a day, but still couldn't find any good workarounds or solutions for this. Our Angular 7+ application use a timezone interceptor, which ...
Patrik Alexits's user avatar
1 vote
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Angular4 uploading image in typescript on ie11

I'm trying to upload an image to my web application in Angular 4. I convert the input file with readAsBinaryString() and extract the ascii code with btoa() which I then pass to a backend service. ...
Doreen Green's user avatar
4 votes
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Vue app blank page in IE 11 or lower even with polyfills

I have a Vue app running in Firefox, Edge, and Chrome, however, in IE 11 (or lower), I see a blank page. And in the console of IE is see something like SCRIPT1002: Syntax error app.js and SCRIPT5022: ...
Gilian's user avatar
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What type does the event passed to the listener for the IE 11 specific deactivate event have?

This is a common event in my code. I know what type onChange events are called with. private onChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { ... }; But what type does the event ...
user1283776's user avatar
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6 answers

Internet explorer & Angular 6 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Loading chunk

I am getting issue while using angular 6 and IE 11, app is working fine in chrome & another browser but in internet explorer, i am getting this ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: ...
BJ Coder's user avatar
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classList.toggle() not working IE11 Angular 7 (Invalid Calling Object)

I've just been testing my app on IE11 and I cant figure out why this isn't working, I have this code it has three elements .hamburger-small, .hamburger-big and .menu <div [class.shown]="!...
Smokey Dawson's user avatar
1 vote
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Can see data coming in network tab, but it doesn't reaches angular7 httpclient call

Problem is I can see the data coming back in the request from browser, but it never reaches where I want it however the http get request fails and outputs the error I put below, I already enabled ...
Mathematics's user avatar
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Internet Explorer 11 adds values to Typescript Map in Post Request

I'm working on a little private project with an Angular Frontend and a Java Backend and I recently found some weird IE11 behaviour with it (I know IE11 is horrible and should not be used with Angular ...
Bernhard's user avatar
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Web Worker onMessage is null in IE11

I am getting the error "Promise is Undefined" in IE11 in my react app. When I am using Worker in my code const worker = new Worker('./worker.ts') console.log('worker' , worker); When I ...
Trinu's user avatar
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