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Internet Explorer adds additional padding to flex box. How to fix?

I have three flex-box cards each identical with an img at the top followed by an info section split into two columns. It looks fine in all browsers, except Internet Explorer 9 and 11 (I haven't been ...
MikeP23's user avatar
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I am not able to load the page when my user is in shanghai and operating one the application page with Win8.1 and IE11.x

I am not able to load the page when my user is in Shanghai region and operating one the application page with Win8.1 and IE11.x.
Him Singhvi's user avatar
-1 votes
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filter:grayscale(100%) in IE 11 for images

I have searched all over the internet but I didn't get any solution. Can anyone say what is the alternative for the css3 filter and for transistion3d in IE 11 and IE 12? I don't want to use any ...
Keerthi Reddy Yeruva's user avatar
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Flex box contents overflow fix for Internet explorer?

This image part contains two images, light-green square image and the other image, with different pixels for height & width each other, and they are wrapped in a box with flex CSS, to align ...
Damegami's user avatar
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React Component not rendered in IE 10 or 11

I have my react component which is working fine in firefox, chrome and Microsoft Edge but I get a blank page when I check it in IE 10 or IE 11. I understood that it has to do something with polyfills....
Nikhil Raikar's user avatar
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IE11: how to make two-column grid layout that the second column would fill both or one column, depending on whether the first column is displayed

What I want to achieve, is to have two-column grid layout that behaves like this: if display property of col 1 set to inline - layout should be rendered as follows: +------+--------------+ | | ...
user avatar
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Vuejs internet explorer compatibility issues (versions 10 and 11)

I hope this question/answer saves time for those having the same cross-compatibility issues with internet explorer. Problem: I used vuejs2 in one of my projects, and it turned out that there were ...
kat's user avatar
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IE9 IE 10 IE11 createNodeIterator - "Exception occurred."

I am using createNodeIterator to find words inside my document. Actually I am using almost the exact example code from MDN and MSDN:
jantimon's user avatar
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Internet explorer 11 temporary files located at

I would like to know where temporary files and/or cache is setup on a Windows 7 or windows 10 workstation when internet explorer 11 is being used? I would like to also know if these temporary files ...
user1816979's user avatar
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D3. Js force oriented graph, where path is not compatible with ie10, ie11 [duplicate]

My force-directed graph created with D3.js works fine in Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 9: In IE 10 and IE 11 the links will not get rendered: However, there are elements in the DOM structure ...
sky's user avatar
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URL does not in IE11 but it does work in IE10

I've found an issue when accessing to an URL related to special characters. The URL is generated in JS with many parameters. When the redirection is processed in IE10 the URL works fine. This is the ...
user3336570's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to keep a section of code (Google Maps) from being executed if viewed within any IE browser

I'm using Google Maps as a header image on my contact page as seen here: I have found that my Google Maps doesn't work properly in any IE browser version at the ...
SunnyOz's user avatar
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why Ajax return status 0 in IE11 but work well in other browsers

We write AJAX in a CSHTML page. It works well in other browsers except IE10 and IE11. The problem is it returns status=0 even though there is no error in the controller. Is there someone met the ...
Zhang Pingfeng's user avatar
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trying to show currency based on user's locale

What's the best solution to show currency based on the user's locale? I know there's toLocaleString('en-US', {style}) but is there away to detect the location of the user instead then show their ...
MrNew's user avatar
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flex-shrink won't shrink item in IE 10/11 and causes parent to be wider than parent

My layout consists of a single row with three columns. Left and right should be as wide as their content. The rest of the width should be occupied by the title column. The total width of all columns ...
Gabriel Smoljar's user avatar
7 votes
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Workaround for IE 10/11 flex child overflow alignment

If a flex container has justify-content: center, and there is a single flex child that is wider than the container, the content remains centered (with content overflowing equally in both directions) ...
Matt Dietsche's user avatar
-1 votes
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sticky footer dosn't work on IE11/10

I have got a page template working fine on chrome. However, on IE 11/10/9 , it has very weird behaviour. My html template is structured as below:- @media (min-width:768px){ /* if ...
Bo Chen's user avatar
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IE10 ::-ms-expand not working

I'm trying to implement a custom styled select element but having issues with IE10 and 11 where the native chevron is still visible. I've tried to implement the standard css to do this but to no avail:...
Pierre's user avatar
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CSS truncation with flexbox: IE 10/11

I'm trying to set up a layout where the text in the left-hand column will become truncated if/when it runs out of space, but the text in the right-hand column will always display in full. This codepen ...
ParkerDigital's user avatar
5 votes
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IE 10 & 11 interpret min-width incorrectly in flexbox

IE 10 & IE 11 interpret a set min-width incorrectly when used in combination with flex box. In the image below, both divs have their flex set to 1 1 0%; but the first one has a min-width of 200px ...
suamikim's user avatar
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What is the difference between IE11 compatibility mode and IE10 compatibility mode

Does both IE11 compatibility mode and IE10 compatibility mode render in IE7 mode?
vanval's user avatar
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Flex auto margin not working in IE10/11

I have a complex layout where I center various elements vertically and horizontally with flexbox. The last element then has margin-right:auto; applied to push the elements left (and negate centering ...
Michael's user avatar
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<a> over <img> not working IE10

HTML <div class="cont" id="cont"> <img class="c1" id="c1" src="..."></img> </div> <div class="men" id="men"> <a href="..."></a> </div> CSS ....
Sharon Dorot's user avatar
3 votes
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-ms-transform not working with IE 11

Adding -ms-transform:rotate(90deg) dynamically using jQuery to the element. But, its not working in IE 11. However, -webkit-transform:rotate(90deg) is working in Chrome. No transformation is ...
Atul Sharma's user avatar
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ASP:Menu not shown correctly in IE10 and IE11, but looks aliright in Chrome, FF and till IE9

I am using a asp:Menu control to create a tabbed navigation. The project was created in .Net 4.0. The following is used to create tabs: <div class="tabmenustyle displayblock"> <asp:...
Random Someone's user avatar
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Cant float SVG in IE10/11 or Edge12

I've got similar to the attached code (this is stripped down, but the issue persists) In IE10/10 and Edge12 the SVG won't float to the right of the container, all other browsers I've tested work. ...
owenmelbz's user avatar
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ie11 jquery width() returning wrong value

i have a div i know to be large exactly 1004px. I need this value to be extracted in a variable to use in javascript: var siteWidth = $(".large-8.columns").width(); this results in 1004.8px in ie10-...
valerio0999's user avatar
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Background image is not showing up in IE10 and IE11

I'm creating a landing page and when I test my landing page in litmus it shows up with my background image missing. The weired thing is that my other background images are showing up in IE10 and IE11....
Jharper's user avatar
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Angular JS Error: [$rootScope:infdig] in IE 10 and IE 11 only

I'm running Angular JS v1.4.7 and the app completely crashes in Internet Explorer 10 and 11 (we don't support older). When I check the console I see: Error: [$rootScope:infdig] which is somewhat ...
emersonthis's user avatar
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IE10 & 11 rendering issue with SVG text and textLength attribute

I have SVG files created by converting AI files to SVG. They contain text elements with rectangles around them. To get the text to show the correct height and width the textLength attribute is used. ...
JeffD's user avatar
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IE11/10 HTML5 main tag and overflow:hidden bug

Most basic of problems, but I've spent hours searching and can't find the answer. <main style="height:0px;overflow:hidden;"> <section> This should not be displayed </...
D. Walsh's user avatar
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How is it possible for IE 11 to behave this way?

We have just re-coded our website to be responsive using Bootstrap 3.3.5 ... but when we test in Internet Explorer 10 or 11, the site behaves strange occasionally. DOM elements are missing or is ...
Thomas Christensen's user avatar
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How to detect IE 10+ for an onerror event

I have a little problem with scaling SVG on IE10+. I have this code: <img src="img/logo.svg" alt="" onerror="this.src='img/logo.png'; this.onerror=null;"> How can I detect IE10+ for the ...
Piotr Sochacz's user avatar
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IE 10 and 11 $(window).width will not go above 315px

I have a responsive website that re-sizes fine in IE until you go below 315px and then $(window).width() will never report a size larger then that no matter how large you re-size the window and all ...
tbdevmanager's user avatar
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IE 10 & 11 - CSS transition events not firing

I have page transition animation where I slide out the first page and slide in the second page. I'm leveraging the transitionend event to detect when each transition has complete, rather than use ...
Seth's user avatar
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flexbox issue in ie 10 11

Before adding display: -ms-flexbox; /* ie 10*/ -ms-flex-align: center; my design was like After adding the css above my design was broken Here is the full code .vcenter { ...
Raaz's user avatar
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input range not working in ie or edge

Has anyone else come across this issue and do you have a solution. Using this html in ie and edge the range doesn't show. <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://...
HenryM's user avatar
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different time value in chrome and ie 11 using momentjs

When I run console.log(moment("2015-12-29 04:02:50.000 UTC", 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss').valueOf()); I get 1451341070000 in chrome. But when I console the same thing in IE 11 I get a different value ...
Raaz's user avatar
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IE doesn't drop css multi-columns when nested in display:table-cell

In my project I have a display:table-cell containing a css multi-column list. When resizing the container, I would like the table to size to its parent width and table-cell to expand and shrink to ...
arch-imp's user avatar
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Nested flexbox adds empty space on IE10 and 11

I'm using flexbox for a layout. My constraint is that the image must be situated at the middle. I've made a minimal markup that reproduces the issue: It works ...
Michael Gallego's user avatar
-2 votes
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Compatibility from ie11 to ie10

I developed on ie11 and the code works fine in this browser version, but when I use ie10 - it doesn't work. I found this: if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version === 10) { $("html")....
moshe's user avatar
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IE 10 and 11 hang when "Mixed Content" dialog appears

We are looking for solution to resolve strange IE browser behaviour when Mixed Content Warning Dialog appears. We develop a video platform based on Silverlight 5. The site relies on the HTTPS ...
Alex Karlovich's user avatar
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Blur event function in IE11 and IE10

I have a textbox in my ASP.Net MVC application and I need to do some validation when the textbox loses focus, so I have used a blur event. The below event is working fine in Chrome browser but not ...
SivaRajini's user avatar
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IE10/IE11 does not display unicode characters inside of SVG

I'm using D3.js for displaying unicode character inside of SVG as seen below. g.append("text") .html("&#10148;"); This works perfectly in Firefox and Chrome, but displays nothing in IE10/...
CuriousSuperhero's user avatar
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Why Is IE11 Rendering This Flexbox Layout Incorrectly?

I have a flexbox based layout that involves a centered container comprising of a header and body.The container has a minimum height to prevent it collapsing too much if there is little content in its ...
Undistraction's user avatar
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How prevent a style sheet from loading in IE including versions 10 and 11

I would like to create separate style-sheets, one for all IE versions and another one for "normal browsers" ;)
David Martins's user avatar
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What will IE9 do if it encounters X-UA-Compatible header that says to emulate IE10?

We want IE11 to emulate IE10 so we're going to add a X-UA-Compatible directive to IE=EmulateIE10. But if our server is hit by IE9, how will IE9 interpret that directive?
Mike Gorman's user avatar
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Adobe Flash not supported in IE10, how can we fix this issue?

Is it true that IE10 and IE11 do not support Adobe Flash? Can you help me to solve this issue? I am trying to fix this issue, but I can't.
Venkat Ch's user avatar
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how to select multiple rows of a table using selenium with java

I am working on selenium with java and want to select multiple rows (WebElement). I am using following code to achieve this. new Actions().click(WebElement1).KeyDown(Keys.Control).click(WebElement2) ...
user3382471's user avatar
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background svg issue in ie10 & 11

There seems to be a svg issue in ie with displaying background image from an assets folder. Some svg portions work while other parts don't. It works fine in all other browsers except ie. The css ...
Scott Carlton's user avatar

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