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addEventListener on a body element does not get executed

I am using MS Edge in IE11 compatibility mode and have an HTML page in which I have: <input id="onLoadAttributeHiddenId" type="hidden" value="schadenAuswahl.setCustomCheck()...
Alex Mi's user avatar
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external CSS files are not loading all the time in IE 11. But when i hard refresh the page its loading. how to fix this issue?

external CSS files are not loading all the time in IE 11. But when I hard refresh the page its loading. Is there any way to ensure External CSS files load properly in IE 11 browser <!DOCTYPE html ...
Lakshmi TS's user avatar
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How to check TLS version of request when web service is called via button click?

In internet explorer I open a website. Then click on a button on the web page which makes a secure call to an api located on a 3rd party server. Is there any way to check what version of ssl/tls is ...
variable's user avatar
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ReactJS+ IE+ Function expected

Reactjs application is not working on IE11 Please find my package.json and index.js file below, index.js file : import 'react-app-polyfill/ie9'; import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11'; import 'react-app-...
hetal gohel's user avatar
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Edit as HTML in IE for Style Element

I am not sure why Edit as HTML of <style> element is disabled in IE However, I can edit as HTML of the <style> element in Chrome. How to enable it?
Spring's user avatar
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IE 11 - Very Weird. PNG only displays after certain page interactions

I use JS to create an Image() then set the src to be a PNG from a remote location (Amazon S3). When the image has loaded I attach it to the DOM with appendChild(). This works fine in most browsers but ...
popClingwrap's user avatar
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Internet Explorer 11 script errors pointing to wrong file

I struggle to find the lines of errornous code in Internet Explorer 11 as the Console is pointing to the wrong resource (pointing to HTML instead of JS code). How could I possibly find out where the ...
SaschaM78's user avatar
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using reactjs on ie11, blank page on production but if the inspector is open then the page load fine

I just create a web app using reactjs. works fine in almost all the browsers but i need to make it work in ie11. i add the polyfills as i see on other posts and works fine if a make a npm start (you ...
cms24es's user avatar
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React app not rendering in IE 11 even with polyfills

I have a fully built React application that I would like to deploy on IE 11, but been having no success but a white page. For the sake of testing, I created a dummy app using npx create-react-app and ...
en6in33r's user avatar
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IE11 VM is no longer available for download - what are the other testing options? [closed]

It seems that the IE11 VM is no longer available from (why???) What is everyone else using to test in IE11 locally? Browserstack is not ...
J_P's user avatar
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Feature equivalent of Google Chrome's 'Add source map...' in Internet Explorer 11

I am looking for Google Chrome's feature equivalent for 'Add source map...' in Internet Explorer 11. My application does not work in Internet Explorer 11. Can I add source map to JS code in debug ...
Naveen's user avatar
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A problem with webpage to close and reopen the tab IE 11

I am getting a problem in react application. On window.location = "url" the IE closes the dev tool if opened and refresh the same page by showing the dialogue message "A problem with webpage to close ...
Sombir Kumar's user avatar
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Angular 7 routing not working properly on IE11

I have developed an application in Angular 7. It is working perfectly fine in chrome and mozilla but specifically in IE 11, the page is getting routed back. Once I open developer tools on IE 11 it ...
Zinkal Thakker's user avatar
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Debugging Angular 8 "Invalid argument" in IE11

I've recently upgrade a large Angular application from 7.2 to 8. In IE11 I'm getting an error message ERROR Error: Invalid argument. I've read a couple of post that explain what the cause might be but ...
moefinley's user avatar
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Want to run my website in IE11, but in edge document mode [duplicate]

We have created an application that works well in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. Now one of user tried to use Internet Explorer and there were a lot of UI issues. We have tried setting meta tags,...
Krunal Parmar's user avatar
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Blob PDF data not rendering in IE 11

I am getting blob data from API in below format. const data = 'JVBERi0xLjcNJeLjz9MKMzQgMCBvYmoNCjw8DQovVHlwZSAvQ2F0YWxvZw0KL1BhZ2VzIDcgMCBSDQovTWV0YWRhdGEgMjYgMCBSDQo+...
Keval Patel's user avatar
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ClearMyTracksByProcess Without Dialog | WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1 | MSXML2.XMLHTTP

I have a VBS that runs CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP").Open "GET" however, I need to delete the IE11 cache before it runs because the get keeps pulling a cached version of the website that wont expire ...
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Network communication is blocked by IE11

I have a client server application which the client side is running on web-browser, in this case IE11. The application would connect to the server side which listen on TCP port 59082. During TLS ...
Kawaii-Hachii's user avatar
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IE11 shifts button text by some px on :hover and :active [duplicate]

Take the code snippet below. The button in the example should become black on mousedown (:active) - which works pretty fine - but IE11 additionally shifts the button text by some pixels to the bottom ...
dpr's user avatar
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Window 10 IE 11 Enterprise option not working for legacy Url

Legacy URl not working with enterprise mode ON in IE 11 after upgrade to Windows 10 Legacy URl not working with "enterprise mode ON" in IE 11 after upgrade to Windows 10 When I open legacy url in IE ...
user2745580's user avatar
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IE11 Devtools - persist console logs across URLs

IE11 Devtools - I know there is a way to persist console logs on navigation. (See the answer at the bottom of this SO post). However, this only appears to work if I am navigating between URLs of the ...
Cog's user avatar
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IE 11 WMV video leaving black box on navigation

I have an existing application which uses WMV video content. As of 2019, this only works in IE 11, because Chrome doesn't support plugins any more. There are couple of videos which load on navigation ...
Chetan Sachdev's user avatar
-1 votes
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IE11 doesn't send a form if cookie is undefined

I have a webform which has asking for some cookie settings: par=Cookies.get('demo'); // => 'value' Cokies are set after part1 of current Form filled out. If to fill Form1 and than to fill ...
J. First Coder's user avatar
-1 votes
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IE 11 just works when Dev mode is active

I'm investigating a situation on my web application but I'm in trouble to figurate what is going on. The application is a ReactJs. That has been working very well in all supported browser. Recently I ...
AFetter's user avatar
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How to fix input flickering issue on IE11 once we apply masking?

I am using jquery.maskedinput.js plugin to add phone number masking to two fields through a common class assigned to it. This works fine in other browsers except for IE11. Issue: Due to masking ...
Abhishek Bhatore's user avatar
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IE 11 refresh ( F5) only work when developer tools (f12) opened

I have an web application and whenever i do some changes in server side and try to refresh the page from IE11, it does not work. Only works when if I close all opened IE sessions and reopen new page ...
Deniz's user avatar
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Opening IE 11 dev tool causing the issue

I work on Angular 4, I have a language list and each list has a star beside it. As soon as the user clicks on star the language is added to favourites. Issue: Ones I click on star the language ...
Anna's user avatar
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Angular 5 application very slow while typing letters in a textbox in IE11

My application is built on Angular 5 and facing an issue while typing letters in any text box in IE11, in chrome it works fine. It takes at least 2 seconds to type a single letter in the text box. ...
user3843805's user avatar
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how to watch Internet Explorer local cookies

I want to check whether my session cookies are secure or not in IE11. I am able to check it in chrome and Mozilla but unable to find anything in IE11. chrome--> DevTools>Application>Storage&...
Manish's user avatar
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F12 Developer Tools -> Memory -> Take a Snapshot fails with "Snapshot creation failed. Invalid character"

After attempting to "Take heap snapshot" on my IE11 instance, my F12 Developer Tools memory profiler fails with the error "Snapshot creation failed". This error text is printed above the "Take heap ...
Jolleyboy's user avatar
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