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external CSS files are not loading all the time in IE 11. But when i hard refresh the page its loading. how to fix this issue?

external CSS files are not loading all the time in IE 11. But when I hard refresh the page its loading. Is there any way to ensure External CSS files load properly in IE 11 browser <!DOCTYPE html ...
Lakshmi TS's user avatar
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Issue with CSS and IE11 with position relative

For anyone that can help with CSS on IE-11. I cannot figure out why this code is not working. Only if I comment out the CSS .container_main_box {/*position: relative;*/... does the page load correctly ...
user3008410's user avatar
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Prevent table header from scrolling vertically (to work in IE 11)

I'm stuck using IE 11 as a rendering engine in my Windows app. I know that there are quite a lot of examples how to prevent a table header from scrolling vertically, but I can't seem to make them work ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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tailwindcss: Force tailwind to use compatible rgb syntax?

I'm porting an app using tailwindcss to work with IE11. Unfortunately, tailwindcss insists on generating colors using the modern W3C CSS Color Module Level 4 rgb() syntax, which does not appear to be ...
henrikl's user avatar
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<span style="font-weight: 100 !important;"> does not have any effect on the UI

I am using IE 11 and I do have the following HTML: <tr bgcolor="#eeeeee" bordercolor="#000000" valign="top"> <td bordercolor="#eeeeee" align=&...
Alex Mi's user avatar
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Old IE11 ignores at "beforeunload" event - does not redraw new style

I'm just curious why this happens, and if it can be fixed (I'm aware IE is old & evil, not to be used online any more, this is just for some test-case and compatibility). There is listener for &...
Peminator's user avatar
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CSS works for other browser ,but not working in internet explorer

I have the following css which in chrome, firstfox and Edge centers an absolutely positioned image <div runat="server" id="Logo" class="MasImg">&nbsp;</div&...
vim's user avatar
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Website background image not displaying on internet explorer 11 [duplicate]

I have set background image, it is working fine on other browsers like chrome and mozilla but it's not displaying on internet explorer 11. What could be the reason? .body-w0s67w { height: 84vh; ...
Ralf Strauss's user avatar
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Unable to view pseudo element content in ::before on IE11

I am trying to add a check box (in form of a pseudo-element) alongside every select's option tag. That works fine on the latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox but not on IE11. IE11 simply crosses out ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Icon dissapeared on IE11

I can't see some icons on my html using IE11. This is the css code for the icon .icon_sms:before { display: block; content: ''; height: 8em; width: 8em; vertical-align: middle; ...
JLopez's user avatar
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Prevent Overlap When Using IE11 CSS Grid

I'm making a date picker component that includes a calendar which I'm styling using CSS grid. It works great in all browsers except IE11 which shows all the elements in the same position in the top ...
dfann's user avatar
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Flexbox on my home page not working properly on IE 11

My client reported an issue with me, which is flexbox not working on product card section on home page (WordPress site) This is what it looks like on Chrome: screenshot: This ...
Brandon Zhang's user avatar
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IE11 - CSS Grid - Justify-items: center not working

I know that there is a property to self align an item in IE with -ms-grid-row-align & -ms-grid-column-align but I am looking for justify-content or justify-items property so I can center align all ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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CSS Grid is resizing input elements in IE11

I'm having problems with CSS Grid in IE11. (yah, shocker right?) I have a grid with 2 columns. The first column is labels for a form and the 2nd column is <input> and <select> elements. ...
dwilliss's user avatar
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css input[type=radio] won't work well on IE 11

I have a custom-made radio button, green colored. everything works well both on chrome and IE11, except the color. On chrome, the color is green as planned and on IE11 the color is black. I attached ...
Guy Ravnof's user avatar
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SVG breaks into next line in IE11

My problem is that SVGs inside an a-tag with text in IE11 are breaking into the next line despite of me adding "display: inline" to the SVG. Also adding "display: flex" on the a-...
janco's user avatar
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IE11 - Scrollbar flickers

my web application has an and a SideNav (left) and horizontal Navigation on top. The height of the is always based on the height of the loaded content. I have a "resizeMe" function for ...
CodingTony's user avatar
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Image container taking more space than it should

How can I remove the empty space from the image container (blue)? I need it to be compatible with ie11. I don't want to hardcode the width/height of the container because images can be different ...
TheGamerX's user avatar
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Image is getting outside of div IE11

I'm trying to use grid layout but it wasn't working as expected in IE11, and i've observed that images is getting outside to the maximum width of the container in IE for remaining browsers i see it ...
tony_92's user avatar
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Max-width on Internet Explorer

I'm having trouble getting max-width to work in IE. Is there a way to get max-width to work on IE? This is what it looks like on other browsers: enter image description here This is what it looks like ...
roarsandmeows's user avatar
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Excel VBA to select a navigation Tab on a Webpage

Stuck in an area of a webpage and can't seem to figure out how to select any one of the navigation tabs. I've already gotten through coding for the ID, password and a couple of other screens to get to ...
John Wilson's user avatar
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Vue.js - Div - use string result from computed as class name

I might be into deep water here - trying to make a css-grid work in IE11 and Vue.js I have a LI like this: <li :class="{getClass}"> </li> getClass is a computed method: ...
ThomasE's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Responsive two columns layout with Flexbox [duplicate]

I want to achieve this structure using flex: Which is responsive, on smaller screens it will look like this: Please notice that the first div on mobile is the second one. This is my code: .card {...
Renaud is Not Bill Gates's user avatar
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ie11 layout issues with display: inline-block percentage

Positioning a div with display inline-block within another div with display inline-block. Applying percentage left value 20%. All browsers except ie11 correctly position the div left 20%. ie11 doesn't ...
Simon Scharf's user avatar
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Bootstrap4 validation not working in IE 11

it works perfectly in chrome and edge, but not in IE11. I have tried to remove novalidate, but it makes the validation only work in IE11. this is my code : <form class="m-t needs-validation&...
Jiaa's user avatar
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IE11 flex wrapper with align-items disable scroll for flex column child

how can I enable scroll for flex column child, when flex column has max-height and contained in flex container ? I've got an example here When .modal-...
Max Ivanov's user avatar
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3 answers

Angular: Change Font Size options for users in IE11 (CSS-Variables)

I am developing an Angular application. From the webpage, the user can select a small, medium or large fonts (medium is the default) and based on that we have to change the font size all over the page....
Naman Jain's user avatar
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Any workaround for the CSS var?

This is a followup for a solved question : transition background of pseudo element The idea is to add a transition to the background color which appears when we do a hover, this following code works ...
Renaud is Not Bill Gates's user avatar
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Not able to make element stick to the bottom when offscreen in IE 11, just like in css sticky

I am trying to replicate the same behavior as in this codepen in IE 11 (does not have css sticky) I am able to detect when the item is offscreen at the start with: if ( $(".main-content")....
Ricardo Silva's user avatar
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Custom collapsed navbar (2 columns, with each column containing 2 columns of items)

I have a custom collapsed bootstrap navbar. Not collapsed it looks like this (notice I have 2 sets; 1st is the menu items, 2nd is social media icons) normal. All good so far. Works in all browsers ...
ThermalShock's user avatar
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Why does CSS Hyphenation not work in IE11 and MS Edge Legacy?

I am working on a intranet portal for a large company in Germany. Since in big companies tech processes sometimes run a bit slower, they still use IE11 and the old MS Edge browser. Since these old ...
Windwalker's user avatar
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Show footer at the bottom of the page always problem with Internet Explorer 11

I'm developing an ASP.NET website with Visual Studio 2019, C# and .NET Framework 4.7 On the masterpage I have inserted this css class because all my pages have vertical scrollbar and I want to show &...
Iter Lsic Iealf's user avatar
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How to set multiple values for the css property outline?

I am using IE11 to render one of my dialog boxes, so along with the default dotted border which is the existing style for the button in focus, is there anyway I could add one more value for the ...
Vaishnav Sivadas's user avatar
-1 votes
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JS problem with eventListener on IE11 - slide navigation not working

i'm very new on the javascript field and i have a big problem. I worked on it the last 7 days and i can't find a solution. I hope that anyone could tell me the code to solve this problem. The ...
Tr4shL0rd's user avatar
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Invalid calc() on IE11

Why IE11 can't calc this? I see from the console that it finds it invalid (in the compiled styles it's red underlined) h6 { ... font-size: calc(calc((( (20 / 16) / 16 - 1 / 16) * (100vw - 20rem) / ...
Fred K's user avatar
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Making Grid Layout work in Internet Explorer

I'm trying to make grid layout work in IE. It's a fairly simple grid layout, I think, that uses grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(#px, 1fr)) along with grid row/column gap. I tried the ...
user2277916's user avatar
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How to implement CSS Grid in IE11?

I have a simple Grid with two responsible images, but I need it to work in Internet Explorer 11 too. I tried to use Autoprefixer, but it didn't worked. My live code:
Matheus Oliveiraa's user avatar
4 votes
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make a div sticky in IE and in top of footer [duplicate]

I want to make a div sticky to scrolling, but when it will always stay at the top of the footer. I tried using position:sticky which works fine, but it doesn't work on IE11. I also tried multiple ...
Renaud is Not Bill Gates's user avatar
2 votes
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How to get word break working on ie11 and edge?

I have a problem with the word break under ie11 and edge, my titles should look like this : expected result And it actually look like this : actual result I tried overflow-wrap: break-word; and word-...
mychauffage's user avatar
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IE11 - CSS3111: @font-face encountered unknown error

I got the following error using internet explorer 11. CSS3111: @font-face encountered unknown error. lato-v16-latin-100italic.eot This is how I included it to fonts.css /* lato-100italic - latin */ @...
SPQRInc's user avatar
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Pseudoelement's content doesn't get updated in IE11

I have the following code: someSelector:after { content: attr('data-some-data'); /* ... */ } Everything works fine (the value is reflected on the screen) until I change this attribute to ...
gribvirus74's user avatar
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IE11 flex:1 causes content to overflow when parent has no fixed height

I have an element which depending on the scenario can have a fixed height or a height of auto / undefined. I need a title at the top, and a footer at the bottom, with a content area in between which ...
dieIEdie's user avatar
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How Can I Have IE Not Cut Off Popup Menu?

I have a parent container with a table inside of it. Each row of the table has a popup menu that can be opened by clicking it. At the bottom of the container, when it is clicked, it shows properly in ...
ManofManyTigers's user avatar
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IE 11 element after column flex overlap

I'm trying to understand where does this go wrong on IE 11. My footer overlaps with the main content of the page, where the main content does not have a fixed height, as the items filling it might ...
knee pain's user avatar
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Flex item shrinks too much in Internet Explorer 11

I use a flexbox that consists of a left and right part, both of equal width. The first displays an image and the right some text. The code wraps well in Google Chrome but for Internet Explorer 11, it ...
darkchampionz's user avatar
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Flex-wrap does not wrap items in IE11

I use a flexbox container that includes two divs of equal width. The left displays an image and the right some text. The code wraps the items for Google Chrome but in Internet Explorer 11, it moves ...
darkchampionz's user avatar
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Not being able to type into form input on IE11

Good morning We are displaying a third party CRM form into our page, in Chrome and Firefox the forms works just fine, in IE11 we are not being able to type into the input boxes, and the cursor blinks ...
Santiago Capdevila's user avatar
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Can we use IE Dev tool to identify what is causing scroll bar to jump

I have a component that contains a textbox, & this textbox grows (height increases) as you enter text. Within this control user can add multiple such textbox dynamically. Now lets say user enters ...
OpenStack's user avatar
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Is there any way to use latest css properties to other browser that not supported to that browser [closed]

I want to use those properties that are not supported to internet explorer 11, how can I use it in any way like a javascript library or anything else for this issue
Muhammad Rizwan's user avatar
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IE11 - align items not working with popup

I have a popup that I'm trying to vertically align in the page, I use flex (align-items) to do this but it doesn't work for IE11. After some research I found there is a bug in IE11 where align-items ...
user9875's user avatar
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