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Questions tagged [gradle]

Gradle is a project build automation tool that uses a Groovy DSL. Gradle build scripts support Maven and Ivy repositories as well as plain file system for dependency management.

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java version not change in flutter

I am having trouble changing the Java version for Flutter. I installed JDK version 22 and updated the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the new JDK 22 path. I also added JAVA_HOME\bin to the ...
edris satiyari's user avatar
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Which is difference between two different imports?

I created a new project and there is some differences on importing on gradle files, I don't understand why its different from other projects that I have, is this wrong, can somebody tell me the ...
Flutura Demaj's user avatar
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Issue with Hilt Application Class: Gradle Dependency Conflict

I'm working on an Android project that runs fine without the following Hilt application class: package import import @...
Aashish Ace's user avatar
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NoClassDefFoundError when running JDA on Minecraft Java Plugin

import; public class Main extends JavaPlugin { @Override public void onEnable() { BotStart.botStart(); } } import net.dv8tion.jda.api.JDABuilder;...
Xeon's user avatar
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How can I warn users when they download an outdated jar from my maven repository in gradle?

Essentially, I'm looking for a way to output a warning message to gradle when a user has a dependency on one of my older jars from my maven repository. Is this even possible? Eg: "You've ...
mineblock11's user avatar
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Compile Kotlin desktop application into single exe

I've got a Kotlin desktop application that I compile with Gradle into a self-containing distributable folder. However, that output folder contains 372 files making it difficult to publish so I zip it ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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R8 Minification Fails After Upgrading to Jetpack Compose BOM 2024.06.00 with SDK 34 Migration

I recently upgraded my project from Compose BOM 2023.06.01 to 2024.06.00 after migrating to SDK 34. While the debug build works fine, the release build fails during the R8 minification step with ...
Shubham Bhattacharyya's user avatar
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Plugin [id: '', version: '7.3.0', apply: false] was not found in any of the following sources: - Gradle Core Plugins (plugin

I just created a new flutter project. Without modifying any thing, I tried to run the project in a physical device (SM N975F (mobile) • RF8M802FS2E • android-arm64 • Android 12 (API 31)), but I got ...
ubakasi's user avatar
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What does this Gradle lines mean?

This lines are from GroovyFx project, which was written for Java 8. What does the classpath variables mean and how can be this translated into the latest Gradle specifications?: configurations { ...
DbSchema's user avatar
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How to refer code from one independent gradle project to another gradle project?

Project |- api-gateway (package) |- base-service (package) |- service-discovery (package) |- user-service (package) This is my project structure. There is no root project. Every project is ...
Praveen K's user avatar
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Showing All Messages Plugin [id: ''] was not found in any of the following sources: error when installing the Pod in iOS

I'm updating our Kotlin multi platform project to the latest version of kotlin, Gradle and various plugin, which basically is is just our API interface and we use in our native mobile app projects. As ...
Vincenzo's user avatar
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Error with './gradlew assembleRelease': Failed to install Android SDK packages due to unaccepted licenses

Background: I'm encountering an issue while trying to build a release version of my Android application using './gradlew assembleRelease'. I've already accepted all Android SDK licenses using the ...
Freq's user avatar
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Could not find gradle-8.3.0.jar ( [closed]

i just start new project in android studio and see this error 1'. Could not resolve all files for configuration ':classpath'. Could not find gradle-8.3.0.jar (
omid 's user avatar
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A failure occurred while executing Required array size too large

I am getting this error while I am building APK. These are error log: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:compressDebugAssets'. > A ...
pf-zp's user avatar
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Automatic Module present but not found

In my Java 21 project, I'm trying to use the package io.jsonwebtoken.Jwts in the library jjwt-api. This dependency has no and no Automatic-Module-Name-entry inside of the MANIFEST.MF. ...
xtay2's user avatar
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