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How to do a unit-test in Handler layer in go?(Using gorm,,gin)

Recently I started writing unit tests on go.I received a task to conduct tests on all layers.I did it successfully on the repository and service layer, but there were problems on the handlers.I corny ...
Cor4ik's user avatar
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Handling sync.Once in golang testcases

I'm getting started with go-gin project. Some properties are initialized in a sync.Once.Do() method like below. var doItOnce sync.Once var structObject SomeStruct func getProperty() SomeStruct { ...
pkgajulapalli's user avatar
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How to test a handler in Gin which depends on external file?

I have a simple Gin server with one of the routes called /metadata. What the handler does is it reads a file from the system, say /etc/myapp/metadata.json and returns the JSON in the response. But ...
Santosh Kumar's user avatar
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How to use main function inside test function when unit testing Gin

I want to unit test gin controller function. package controllers import ( "fmt" "net/http/httptest" "testing" "" &...
richxcame's user avatar
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Testify mock ExpectedCall does not match expected call in gin handler, panics

I'm using gin-gonic for a server, and testify for testing and mocks, along with "testing" and "net/http/httptest" The part of the interface that mocks the method: func (m *...
Laura's user avatar
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DB mock using sqlmock not working for testing Gin/GORM API?

I've an API written using Gin that uses GORM for ORM. The API works perfectly fine when using a real DB and accessing the API URL from the web browser. But I can't get a mocked unit test to pass: func ...
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How to unit test a function with gin context while initializing all dependencies through docker?

I am running my main function ,intializing database ,routers through docker then performing unit test for this particular api (masterController) which is a long code so not pasting it here.The problem ...
Nipun Sarawat's user avatar
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How to mock a third-party struct with many methods and perform unit tests on endpoints that depend on the third-party struct?

I'm working with getstream's Go library in gin gonic and realized that my endpoints will be heavily dependent on stream_chat.Client. For instance, in the following endpoint (/v1/chat/test-token), a ...
Nahua Kang's user avatar
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How to test handler which uses middleware

How to test handler which uses middleware I'm trying to make unit test for handler which uses middleware but not as a dependency. My code for handler looks like this: package handlers import ( &...
mikolaj semeniuk's user avatar
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golang gin middleware unit testing [duplicate]

I have a middleware handler function and I would like to be able to write unit tests for this function. How might I go about doing this in GoLang? I would like to be able to verify when I call to add ...
rak1n's user avatar
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How to unit test a Go Gin handler function?

I have a controller function like this.... func GetMaterialByFilter(c *gin.Context) { queryParam := weldprogs.QueryParam{} c.BindQuery(&queryParam) materialByFilter, getErr := ...
Hsn's user avatar
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Go Gin Gonic Unit Tests in Sub Folder

I have a Go API built using the Gin framework. Reading the docs in the testing section here, i tried to implement something similar: main.go package main import ( "mes/routes" &...
Mervin Hemaraju's user avatar
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How to send POST request multipart/form-data field as array for unit testing?

I'm trying to make unit testing for my Go application that handles form data in multipart/form-data content type using gin (PostForm and PostFormArray) like x, y := c.PostForm("x"), c....
KKrome's user avatar
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How to set a host on gin's test context?

I would like to write a unit test for a controller but I keep getting a runtime error. I found out that it is due to the absence of the Host on the request, the ClientIP() method and request body. How ...
jz22's user avatar
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How to unit test extraction from cookie in Gin Gonic

I'm using gin gonic. I've a function that extracts a token from a cookie, which actually works. I'm using this function in a route handler and want to test the handler function, but I don't know how. ...
user3255061's user avatar
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