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Unwanted cursor with Java2D drawing directly to framebuffer

The environment is Java 11 on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with a 3.5" touchscreen. The program writes directly to the framebuffer with the aid of Thomas Welsch's JavaFrameBuffer JNI support. Things work ...
sodastream's user avatar
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How does a frameBuffer interact with multiple camera's and viewports

My goal is to draw all my visuals to a framebuffer which has a size that matches 1 by 1 with my pixel art assets. And then output the framebuffer texture to the current screen size. (A common solution ...
jelte's user avatar
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OpenGLES Alpha value modifies rgb values when reading them out with glReadPixels

When reading out rgba(1,1,1,0.1) with glReadPixels will result in rgba(0.1,0.1,0.1,???). The function is reading modified values from the framebuffer, I assume because of alpha blending. The example I'...
Dávid Tóth's user avatar
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Position / Normal framebuffers not rendering for deferred rendering

I am using LWJGL 3 with java. I am trying to implement deferred rendering, and having a bit of a hard time with it. For a reason that it unknown to me, whenever I try to access the position / normal ...
Harper Davis's user avatar
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LWJGL2, OpenGL framebuffer only rendering a partial flat-shaded section of the scene

I am trying to simply render the scene to a framebuffer object and then back to the screen. The issue is that the framebuffer ends up rendering out what looks to be the lower left quadrant of the ...
Althaen's user avatar
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Why do do I get GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT using JAVAFX versions greater than 12.02

I have built a LINUX based UBUNTU snap app using BASE20 (i.e. Ubuntu 20.04) as a target OS, and it is in distribution. That App works perfectly well using OpenJDK 11 through to 15.0.1 on OpenJFX 11 ...
Alan's user avatar
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Set Libgdx FrameBuffer size in world units

I'had like to use a FrameBuffer and to set his size in world units instead of pixel. When I set the FrameBuffer size in pixel, i have the expected result. But when I use another personal units. The ...
QuentinR's user avatar
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How does the libgdx FrameBuffer work

I am currently developing a simple game with libgdx. I am using FrameBuffers to render screen transitions in my game. The code is working perfectly fine normally. The code for handling screen ...
aleph's user avatar
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OpenGL rendering to texture produces empty Texture

I am trying to render and orhto projection of my scenes depth values to a texture inorder to use the texture in a later render cylce to determine what fragments are in shadow. Basically a Shadow Map. ...
Alexander W's user avatar
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EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crash in ig9icd64.dll when blitting to the window

When I render to an FBO and blit this FBO to the window and the window is minimized Java throws an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception. This is my code for blitting to the screen and to my ...
Wendelin's user avatar
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Getting GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_MISSING_ATTACHMENT with depth texturing [closed]

I have been trying to implement shadow-mapping for a long time, and I am using Lance Williams' technique (which is rendering the scene twice, once in light space and once in view space). However, when ...
clabe45's user avatar
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Libgdx - different sizes when framebuffer's texture is rendered to screen

Because of my design, i want to get rid of NinePatch object, but i use it to initialize textures at the desired size using framebuffer, and then apply that textures to my custom objects Im new to ...
Lyoneel's user avatar
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How to read from the default frame buffer after binding and unbinding an FBO with JOGL

I use frame buffer objects in a JOGL application to do many things, from shadow maps to picking, and everything works as expected. However, as soon as I bind and unbind an FBO, errors are thrown when ...
KJTdev's user avatar
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Direct frame buffer access using OpenCL and SWT

I've written an OpenCL-kernel (JOCL) which takes a few hundred megabytes of input data and produces a viewport-friendly RGB-Image as result. This image shall be presented in an SWT-GUI with a refresh ...
Kai Giebeler's user avatar
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OpenGL frame buffer + LibGDX

I have one problem with openGL frame buffer. I want to achieve: Bind FBO1. Draw image1 to FBO1. Unbind FBO1. Bind FBO2. Draw FBO1 to FBO2. Unbind FBO2. Bind FBO1. Draw image2 to FBO1. Unbind FBO1. ...
Dimitar Popov's user avatar

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