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Questions tagged [facebook-like]

Widget that enables users of Facebook to "Like" websites, photos, objects, posts, etc.

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Facebook Business Manager app advanced access permission

we are using an app for Facebook Business Manager that allows us to manipulate users' catalogs, enabling us to dynamically add products to their Meta catalog. We are looking to use the "...
alexquenelle's user avatar
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How is facebook setting its cross-domain datr cookie from an iframe?

Facebook is setting a cookie on a different hostname belonging to a static web site that only contains a single iframe whose src points to a Facebook like button. Let me say that again. Facebook is ...
PHP Guru's user avatar
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Facebook JS SDK - The loading of “” in a frame is denied by “X-Frame-Options“ directive set to “deny“

I apologize for my "bad" English (thanks chat gpt), but I'll do my best to explain my issue. I'm referring to the documentation provided by Facebook at
Rodrigo Libraga's user avatar
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Website Facebook Like button disappears after clicking

There was a Facebook button 9 years ago that accumulated 6 clicks but the code for this button was deleted. I need to put the button back. The new Like button correctly showed 6 clicks and when its ...
Graeme Jensz's user avatar
-1 votes
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Facebook like button not functioning

I want to copy the like button of Facebook using HTML and CSS. For example, when you click the like button, a blue like button will appear. Does anyone know how to achieve this? I want it to be ...
PherCode's user avatar
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Error: Problems validating fields in app.json (SDK 48)

i just upgraded to sdk48 and i get the following errors: Error: Problems validating fields in app.json. Learn more. • should NOT have additional property 'facebookScheme'. • should NOT have additional ...
yannisdev's user avatar
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Facebook like button not showing with Edge and with any IE version

I have added the code to show the facebook like and share buttons in my website. It works with Chrome and Firefox but it doesn't show up with Microsoft Edge and any version of Internet Explorer. Here ...
A. Amori's user avatar
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How to remove facebook like button social text?

I would like to remove the social text from the facebook like button in order to fit into the width, you can see Image 1. I have read the article. But when I access
HelloCW's user avatar
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integrity-error django :violates not-null constraint

I build a social media application where all actions are concluded in the same count. However with the like button i get an error even if the code looks exactly the same as the dislike version. The ...
amber's user avatar
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Facebook debugger not working with Angular NG SERVE in DEV environment

I am building a website using Angular CLI 9.1 using CentOS 7. I have a domain registered (for PROD environment), and (for DEV environment). I also had correctly configured the DNS, so ...
Nicolas's user avatar
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"Sender action failed" When reacting to facebook message

I am using facebook api to react messages in messenger. This is the api POST request I am using<PAGE-ID>/messages?recipient={id:<Pariticipant_ID>}&...
Yasantha Mihiran's user avatar
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Like button with counter on wordpress post

I have a blog on Wordpress and I'm trying to create a button that allows anyone (even those who are not registered on the site) to like and/or unlike posts and that the current number of likes the ...
Midori's user avatar
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Facebook share and like with callback doesn't run the callback and popup not opening every time

I was trying to implement a Facebook share and like function with a callback. But it does not run the callback. And it was also not triggering the popup 2nd time it clicked. I want to run a callback ...
Dhinesh Kumar's user avatar
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No route matches [POST] "/article/1/like"

I got an error No route matches [POST] "/article/1/like" My articles_controller.rb is. def like @article = article.all.find(params[:id]) Like.create(user_id:, ...
Ican Doit's user avatar
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How does the addThis facebook like button work?

Can anyone please explain how the addThis facebook like button works? The code for adding the button is <a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count">&...
Urooj's user avatar
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Facebook JavaScript SDK like button displayed sometimes in Japanese and sometimes in Spanish when I specify en_US

When I use the following: // I get: 👍いいね!3 Or sometimes: 👍Me gusta 3 Here is Facebook's documentation on setting the language: https://...
Roberto Murphy's user avatar
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Getting Reactions and Post type from Facebook Graph API

For a university project I am trying to extract information present on a public page present on Facebook. I know that a permission is required, but that is not the focus of my question. I am writing ...
Tom's user avatar
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ideas on how to implement Like and Unlike functionality in vuejs

I have an outer all posts loop and an inner user post likes history loop,this is the logic to show the button that liked my post this is my code logic to show the button that liked ny post how do i ...
truongbo's user avatar
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Facebook Graph API - Get the number of follower count of page

anyone can help me to get the followers count of facebook page? not fan count, all possible ways are welcome. I read all old post, but without solution. I tried to get by sum of all country, but total ...
Alberto P's user avatar
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Mysql - PHP - Checking a users posts and comments likes

Would anyone be able to recommend the best way to check if a user has liked a post or comment? I am currently building a website that has similair features to Facebooks wall. My website will show a '...
John McCaughan's user avatar
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Using jQuery to have facebook like count

Since opengraph only provide those informations array(2) { ["engagement"]=> array(4) { ["reaction_count"]=> int(1) ["comment_count"]=> int(0) ["...
Stanislas Piotrowski's user avatar
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In general how are likes and recommendations usually handled on sites like Reddit, YouTube, and Facebook?

For example when you hit the like / upvote button it affects the future recommendations you receive. At a high level how do sites determine all of this information? Every time you hit the like/dislike ...
Eric Gumba's user avatar
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How to insert the facebook like button in react component or none default URL

I have been using the documentation from to create a like button in my react web app. followed the documentation and generated the script and ...
Afshan Navazdeen's user avatar
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How do I use "App Token" type instead of "User Token" for custom audience

I have successful invoke "Custom Audience" using "User Token" with the permission "ads_management" How can invoke using "App Token" ? Not sure if needed to add ...
MeeGee's user avatar
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I want to implement Like/Dislike functionality without user login using laravel

I have to implement like/dislike functionality in my project but when I refresh the page the user can again like that post that is already liked by that user. To maintain the state of the user I have ...
aasim shaikh's user avatar
-1 votes
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ANDROID: Chane Image state uniquely onClick

Is there any method to change image/image state onClick uniquely. eg: Make a general method that only changes the pressed image and all the rest images stays normal. <LinearLayout android:...
Alpha19299's user avatar
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How will Facebook like buttons work on 3rd party websites, when Google abolishes 3rd party cookies?

Safari & Firefox have already stopped using third-party cookies, & Chrome is going to do the same by 2022. Many 3rd party websites have Facebook like buttons on them, how are these buttons ...
user avatar
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Simple iframe Facebook like button dissapeared

I have just migrated a heavy wordpress blog to a new server. A very basic post functionality has disappeared: A simple FB like button that was using an iframe to display fb likes within a post page. ...
mhtcka's user avatar
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Facebook like plugin no longer working, alternative?

I noticed the Facebook like button plugin stopped working. Does anyone know an alternative that's not graph API? This iframe would generate a Facebook like button with a count of likes <...
NullReference's user avatar
-4 votes
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refactoring/making the code better in javascript [closed]

im currently a complete noob at programming ,but i'm taking courses and about to start a bootcamp, at the moment im doing challenges in Codewars, one of the challenges was to create a function that ...
ttottilcode's user avatar

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