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Questions tagged [facebook-ios-sdk]

Facebook's SDK for developing Facebook-connected applications for iOS devices

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When clicking on a facebook post, sometimes I receive fb deeplink and sometimes the universal link of my app

Since recently, Universal links were working well with our app but recently for some users while clicking on a facebook post we receive via func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: ...
Alex Ad's user avatar
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Why does FB SDK login with permissions gives UI issue? Like, buttons hide

My app allow users to integrate their FB account and users can manage their pages. But when user try to connect and login modal opens by facebook. Then the continuer button at the bottom hides. Using &...
Sufian Ahmad's user avatar
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Error: The operation could not be completed. (Could not make graph API request error -1)

I am trying add Facebook login feature to my swiftUi app. But getting the following error when I download it from testFlight and installed it on a real device. When I am trying to check it on ...
Minhaj Ahmed's user avatar
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Facebook Limited Login on iOS doesn't work for production users

Firstly, it's been a while since I've published a Facebook app to support Facebook Login and I'm not sure whether the status Published is the same as Live, can anyone confirm that? I recently updated ...
e_pie's user avatar
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Facebook iOS SDK v17.0 error: If you are not using Limited Login, you will need to handle all Graph API calls using Graph API

We have been using Facebook login in our app since forever and this has always worked well. We have upgraded to the SDK v.17 and have changed the code to use limited login into our app. When we open ...
Bocaxica's user avatar
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Xcode build error from commandline, works fine from IDE

i keep getting below errors when i try creating build using Fastlane. Build from Xcode works fine, I keep getting below errors not all together but randomly. I am using SPM and below are versions ...
ashishn's user avatar
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IOS SDK Updated - However META Developers platform doesn't recognize the update

We have updated since February 2024, the META SDKs for both Android & IOS, however META Developers platform doesn't recognize the updated IOS Version, while for Android looks updated. From META ...
Nikos Drivas's user avatar
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Facebook ads for mobile iOS and Android application conversion tracking

I have a mobile app and I want to add facebook conversion tracking. I already installed the facebook sdk for both iOS and Android. I do not understand from the documentation, do I need to add pixel? ...
flora54's user avatar
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Share photos and link using FBSDKShareKit on IOS

I am using FBSDKShareKit to share link and images on Facebook. When I share only photos it works fine, but when I share a link and photos at the same time it can only share the link, not the photos. ...
tú nguyễn's user avatar
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Facebook Business Manager not claiming installs which is leading to AppsFlyer not being attributing to them

I linked Meta with AppsFlyer and seeing no conversions on AppsFlyer side. Their support checked everything and said the following: Unfortunately, if Facebook does not claim installs we cannot ...
Jagrut Sharma's user avatar
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Facebook iOS SDK image URL of public profile have status 404

I have a problem with fetching user profile images from publis_profile, after initialization of the Facebook app, a month everything worked as expected, the mobile SDK fetched image without a problem, ...
Ice's user avatar
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Facebook iOS SDK Disable auto log app events

According to the documentation for Facebooks iOS SDK, in order to turn off automatic events (specifically looking to turn off APP INSTALL), you need to set the following plist flag to false. ...
NickDK's user avatar
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Conflicting parseable interfaces for Swift Module FBSDKCoreKit

I'm currently using facebook_ios_sdk but when I add facebook_app_events from pubdev to monitor events on facebook, I get the following error when distribute to testflight. When I look at the error ...
dino's user avatar
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Asset validation failed error after implement facebook_app_events

After implementing flutter_facebook_app_events to transfer events to Facebook, there is no problem when building and archiving, but when I distribute to upload to TestFlight, I get the following error....
dino's user avatar
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The code signature version is no longer supported - facebook-ios-sdk

The issue started to appear after I have implemented facebook-ios-sdk in order to use facebook signing in in my app. While testing on a simulator, everything works perfectly, but as long as I try to ...
Andrii Derevianko's user avatar
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How to setup NSUserTrackingUsageDescription in iOS if Facebook App Events enabled?

My app is configured with Facebook iOS SDK to track App Events. As this provides data to 3rd party (Facebook) I have added the following NSUserTrackingUsageDescription <key>...
tharwi's user avatar
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How to launch iOS Native Facebook App from my app with a public profile URL?

I am developing an iOS app that needs to open a Facebook user or page profile on the Facebook App (if installed) from my app. I have the public profile URL of the user or page, such as https://www....
Nirav Parmar's user avatar
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Again Facebook Deferred link always return nil

After asking ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization with an authorized status and then ask for AppLinkUtility.fetchDeferredAppLink always it return nil with this strange error: ...
Julio César Arregoitía Val's user avatar
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application:openURL:options: vs scene:openURLContexts:

in they say iOS 13 moved opening URL functionality to the SceneDelegate. If you are using iOS 13, add the following method to your ...
zeus's user avatar
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Facebook app not registering iOS installs

Recently our marketing team tried to set up Facebook Mobile App Ads but ran into the following issue. I reviewed our Facebook Apps developer page and noticed that while the Android app was tracking ...
Andy Joyce's user avatar
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iOS FB SDK Access Token is nil

I'm using FBSDKCoreKit and FBSDKLoginKit v13.1 I have a FB Login Button in my application with the following handler: - (void) loginButton:(FBSDKLoginButton *)loginButton didCompleteWithResult:(...
Hans Vn's user avatar
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iOS Facebook SDK installation - App Events

I'm having a nightmare trying to install the Facebook SDK on iOS for app events analytics. The facebook documentation is terrible, and inconsistent, and I can't find any up to date installation ...
TimWhiting's user avatar
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How can I share text from iOS app to Facebook using FBSDKShareKit

I am able to share links, photos, videos, media with Facebook from my iOS app using the Facebook Share SDK. However I can't figure out how to share text. What I find interesting is if you use the iOS ...
alionthego's user avatar
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Nested syntax to use on Facebook Graph API request

I want to receive a larger profile picture than the standard 50px one that returns. I can receive email etc no problem, but how do I pass fields to indicate that I want a larger profile picture. I am ...
paul_f's user avatar
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target 'FBSDKLoginKit' has invalid header layout: umbrella header found at

When compiling my project in the latest version of Xcode I'm running into the following error: Showing Recent Messages target 'FBSDKLoginKit' has invalid header layout: umbrella header found at '/...
Chris Hansen's user avatar
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facebook-ios-sdk modules successfully installed but not able to import

I followed the steps as suggested in the official guide to install the packages using the Swift Package Manager and I manually selected the most recent release (currently v12.3.1). Even though ...
Alexandros Tzimas's user avatar
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Showing All Messages Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_FBSDKShareDialog

Showing All Messages Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'FBSDKShareKit' Showing All Messages Undefined symbol: _OBJC_CLASS_$_FBSDKShareLinkContent Showing All Messages Undefined symbol: ...
Nicola's user avatar
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Facebook login was disabled and now it throws errors

We have Android and iOS apps with integrated Facebook login. Recently Facebook disabled our app because "During Login, your app is crashing or hanging excessively". The problem however is ...
hmitkov's user avatar
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400 Invalid_request You can't sign in to this app because it doesn't comply with Google's OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure

I am getting this error when I am trying to register with Google in my IOS app. I have got the REVERSED-CLIEND_ID which looks like something like this: com.googleusercontent.apps..... So far I can ...
NoName555's user avatar
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Facebook Events Manager saying "Ouch! Something went wrong..." when trying to load events

I added the Facebook iOS SDK to my iOS app, and then my Events Manager said I had successfully completed the 2 below steps: Add Facebook SDK Release app on the App Store After I released my latest ...
Zorgan's user avatar
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Duplicate events Facebook Analytics iOS SDK

We want to stop Facebook Auto Events logging that includes AddToCart, Purchase, InitiateCheckout. We have toggled off Event Suggestions in Events manager and we have also forced through code to not ...
Mohammad Irfan's user avatar
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Facebook iOS SDK links unwanted AdSupport library

TL;DR: Adding the latest Facebook iOS SDK to a new, empty project puts AdSupport in the link table. AdSupport provides the ASIdentifierManager, which provides the IDFA. For a kids' app, this means ...
Andrew Duncan's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to initialise Facebook SDK in iOS 14(SwiftUI) Widget Extension?

How do I initialisation Facebook SDK in iOS 14(SwiftUI) widget extension? Where do I need to call below method? ApplicationDelegate.shared.application( application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: ...
Sagar Unagar's user avatar
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What should be the best approach to test iOS SDK public functions with number of real devices and iOS version?

I am looking into the approaches for testing the iOS SDK public functions without explicitly developing an dedicated app to test the SDK public function. Approach which did not worked: We can develop ...
atul's user avatar
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FBSDKLog: Cannot login without a valid login configuration. Please make sure the `LoginConfiguration` provided is non-nil

I have this message on my console "FBSDKLog: Cannot login without a valid login configuration. Please make sure the LoginConfiguration provided is non-nil" when in simulator i tap the button ...
Maria Rufitskaya's user avatar
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FBSDK 9.0.1 Error: dispatch_once IOS Obj C

I updated FacebookSDK from 7.0.1 to 9.0.1 using Cocoapods, and I am getting an error in this method: _dispatch_once(dispatch_once_t *predicate, dispatch_block_t block) { if (DISPATCH_EXPECT(*...
taimur's user avatar
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Facebook SDK 9.0 not installed with cocoapods

As per the new release of Facebook SDK, all the old SDK is deprecated. But when I tried to update the Facebook SDK through a cocoa pod in my running objective c project then it is not updating to ...
Karamjeet Singh's user avatar
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iOS: Facebook SDK makes calls to even though SDK is not initialized nor used

As the title suggests. Facebook SDK makes calls to when checking in Charles even though I'm not initializing the SDK in app delegate and I've removed all calls to the SDK. I've made ...
Timawe's user avatar
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Facebook App Install Ads: Is it mandetory to have the SDK installed?

We have developed a mobile app for both Android and iOS. We are planning to promote it through Facebook via Facebook App Install Ads. We don't want to track the number of installs or anything, because ...
PeakGen's user avatar
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I can't upgrade Facebook SDK to 9.0.0 for iOS from Swift Package Dependencies

I've received an email from Facebook pointing that I have to upgrade Facebook SDK of my iOS app to the latest version. It means I should go from 7.1.1 to 9.0.0. The case is I have FB installed via ...
Tsilaicos's user avatar
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How do I implement facebook login?

I'm trying to implement facebook login on IOS using the new Facebook SDK. I'm getting stuck because I'm using my own custom facebook login button, where the SDK requires you to use its own login ...
Rue Vitale's user avatar
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Facebook Audience Network: is Facebook Login required?

we've integrated Facebook Audience Network in our Android and iOS apps a few days ago. We're using AdMob Open Bidding mediation. Technically speaking everything seems to be ok, the SDK is initializing ...
pAkY88's user avatar
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-[AVPlayerLayer setDisplayEngineDelegate:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2822fd6a0

Our iOS APP is connected to Facebook's advertising SDK (FBAudienceNetwork). Starting about two weeks ago (UTC+08 October 21, 2020), we discovered a new crash in the Firebase crash statistics ...
coder_zhou's user avatar
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FBSDKLog: FBSDKGraphRequestConnection cannot be started before Facebook SDK initialized

I just use Facebook Analytics in my iOS app using FBSDKCoreKit 8.1.0 (latest) This error message keeps flooding my log: FBSDKLog: FBSDKGraphRequestConnection cannot be started before Facebook SDK ...
themenace's user avatar
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What makes "FBAudienceNetwork" link took 20 seconds?

Recently I found out that the reason of taking ~20secs to link the project is because of "FBAudienceNetwork" SDK install by CocoaPods, as this image shows: You can clone the demo project ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Is it possible to add Facebook SDK to my iOS Widget Extension?

Following the guide provided by Facebook I'm trying to add Facebook SDK to use analytics for my widget extension Seems not easy because the SDK asks to use CFBundleURLSchemes and AppDelegate.swift ...
Martino Bonfiglioli's user avatar
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How do I initialize the Facebook SDK?

I'm trying to put Facebook posting functionality into an iOS app of mine. I'm following the Facebook tutorial, and it tells me to put this code into my AppDelegate, which I've just migrated from ...
Montana Burr's user avatar
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Facebook SDK Deferred deeplinks not working in iOS 14

My existing and new apps are not able to handle deferred deeplinks on iOS 14. This was not happening until I updated to iOS 14. Steps: Use Deep link tester from App ads helper and send a deferred ...
Danylo Kurylo's user avatar
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iOS Facebook Audience Network SDK Crash - +[FBSDKTypeUtility dictionary:objectForKey:ofType:]:

I've integrated Facebook Audience Network iOS SDK via Cocoapods. pod FBAudienceNetwork Cocoapods version: 1.9.3, FBAudienceNetwork version: 5.10.0 Then, I got many production iOS crashes due to +[...
David Liu's user avatar
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Unclear Facebook Graph API deprecation warning

My iOS app is using Firebase + Facebook (version 7.1.1) to authenticate users. I have now received the following warning: Your App currently has access to Graph API v3.0 which will reach the end of ...
José's user avatar
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