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Send image and text with OpenGraph FacebookSDK 4.4 in Swift

I am working with Facebook SDK 4.4.0 in my Swift App. Because Facebook forced the removal of prefilled text, I am trying to use Open Graph to post on Facebook content and image from my app. What I ...
Mark's user avatar
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Add Facebook "name" to PFUser ["fullname"] in swift

I have a registration/login method (from PFFacebookUtilsV4) that successfully adds a new PFUser object to my Parse database when a new Facebook user logs in. Within that method I make an ...
tc333's user avatar
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Parse compatibility with Facebook SDK

I've just downloaded a PARSE Starter Project, as well a the latest Facebook SDK. I've followed all the steps from Parse and Facebook tutorials on how to get started, and I had to solve a lot of issues ...
dpstart's user avatar
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Get facebook calendar events

I'm trying to get a user's facebook calendar events. I added the permission user_events, and this is the request I use - var request = FBSDKGraphRequest(graphPath:"/me/events", parameters: nil); ...
Omer's user avatar
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Get data on Facebook user - Swift

I'm trying to get data on a facebook user by using his ID. I have an array of facebook user ids called IDs, and I set the graphPath to: "/IDs[0]", when I run the code I get an error. cam you tell me ...
Omer's user avatar
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Getting data on facebook user using ID

I need my APP to be able to get data on the user Facebook friends. I managed to get the id of the Facebook friends but I'm stuck on getting their data. I found an Objective C code that supposed to ...
Omer's user avatar
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Facebook SDK Setup

I'm trying to add the Facebook SDK to my app, I've followed every step. the only problem I have is that the the the code that I need to add to the AppDelegate is in Objective C and I'm using Swift. I ...
Omer N.'s user avatar
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I want to post to Facebook from a game the score I got in my game using swift, everything is on Obj-C

my question is this, how do I get to post from spritekit to facebook? I have set up the game in my apps and loaded the frameworks, but I don't seem to find the documentation for swift, any help? ...
Pedro.Alonso's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Facebook SDK 4.0.1 Swift Errors xcode 6.2 iOS 8.2

Here in this change-log(facebook change-log) it is stated that there is no need for objective-c bridging headers for swift. But when I import FBSDKCoreKit in AppDelegate.swift these errors occur: ...
Ashraf Kholeif's user avatar
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Custom Facebook login in swift

I have implemented custom Facebook using swift and when login is attempted it crashes with the below message "FbNewLoginSession]: unrecognized selector sent to instance" IBAction func ...
bachman's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Facebook SDK - FBSession: No AppID provided

I want to integrate with Facebook login SDK in my iOS project. The problem is I got this error message during launching the app. 2015-01-08 18:33:06.591 XXXXX[24994:2533100] *** Terminating app due ...
Nurdin's user avatar
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How to import FacebookSDK in Header file of Swift iOS application

I am converting my application from Objective- C to swift . In my swift application I have created a header file as explained in following tutorial , but i am getting error 'FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h' ...
Anupam Mishra's user avatar
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2 answers

RPSCommonObjects.m Parse Issue Unknown Type Name NSString

I am trying to integrate a Facebook Login into a simple tab bar controller app. I followed the steps to set up my enviornment with Parse and the Facebook SDK. After I run the application a unrelated ...
kareem's user avatar
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Parse Facebook SDK setup with Swift in Xcode

I'm looking at, and I see that in steps 6 and 7, the function application is called differently. In my AppDelegate.swift file, I have the application ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Unresolved identifier "PFFacebookUtils" in swift in Xcode6

I am trying to have users login to facebook with parse but am receiving the compiler error "Use of unresolved identifier" for PFFacebookUtils, Parse, FBAppCall, and an invalid DidBecomeActive This ...
Ryguyu's user avatar
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