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17 votes
2 answers

Facebook Like functionality using C# SDK

I want to display to know when the facebook like button is clicked and upon verify button click, I want to post the like to the fan page. I want to use Facebook C# SDK. Here is my code: Html <...
Pearl's user avatar
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getLoginStatus returns status unknown when trying to logout from Facebook using Facebook JS SDK

I have a localhost website, where I've implemented login via Facebook using Facebook C# SDK. Startup configuration class: public class ExternalLoginConfig { public void ConfigureAuth(...
iOne's user avatar
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Integrating Facebook with CRM

I am looking at integrating our existing CRM with Facebook. I have spent a lot of time with some existing tutorials and a lot of stuff out there is now obsolete as FB api has changed a lot over the ...
Yashvit's user avatar
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facebook c# SDK get albums and images

what i am trying to achieve should be simple by theory but hell by implementation, if you think otherwise please help. so what i am trying to achieve here is that I have my facebook page which I ...
dori naji's user avatar
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The currency and amount return parameters from the dynamic pricing callback can not be empty

I'm setting up facebook canvas payments and I'm using dynamic pricing so I have a callback setup to send the price to facebook. I'm following the instructions below and I will paste my code as well. ...
DarthVegan's user avatar
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Using a server to read my Facebook page [duplicate]

I have being trying to seek an answer to this problem for a number of weeks and have been down a number of blind alleys, and have not been able to get a definitive answer. All I want to do is access ...
Martha's user avatar
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Facebook Application publish on facebook page

I want my facebook application to create events in my facebook page. Everyone that use my application will be able to publish events to my facebook page, so I don't want to give admin or contributor ...
Hemadeus's user avatar
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ASP.NET MVC Facebook SDK setAutoGrow

I am using the Facebook SDK from here I have a relatively simple iFrame app which is in a frame which Facebook defaults to 800px high. I want to make this iFrame higher to get rid of the scrollbars. ...
Craig's user avatar
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Facebook app - Javascript SDK, Getting the user id or e-mail of the page owner in which page tab app is added

I'm working on Facebook app, javascript sdk, C# SDK, Developed a Facebook app as page tab. The user can add the tab to their page. Once the tab is added to the page. The user who adds the tab to ...
Dani's user avatar
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Include a picture in a wall post using the Graph api explorer tool

Is there any way to post a picture? I found references on how to post it from own apps, but what about using the Graph api explorer tool? Btw, I'm not trying to upload a picture, I want to show a ...
Andreih's user avatar
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Using facebook graph api explorer to post picture/link on feed

I'm try to post to a feed using the facebook graph api explorer (I'm obtaining the token through that). Usually, when you post a link manually in the feed, a summary is created. When I post a link ...
Andreih's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Does the Facebook API allow for automated changes to old post visibility?

In other words, is there an API that would allow a Facebook user to change their posts (through a 3rd party app), which are older than a specified date, from being visible to the list "Friends" to ...
Baumr's user avatar
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Need email perms and user prompted to login despite me not asking?

I am using the js sdk and getting the basic information such as name, location, id. Great but I need just one more thing and that is email. So I read here that email requires extended permissions. I ...
GPGVM's user avatar
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Sending web app invitation to Facebook friends and having the invitation be displayed in the friends' mobile Facebook app

I have a site that allows users to create private content, kind of like a blog post, and then grant access to that content to specific facebook friends. I'm struggling with figuring out how to do ...
Stoop's user avatar
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Permission is not showing on facebook login dialog

Currently, I am working with facebook login using facebook c# SDK. Using this SDK I can successfully get the first name and last name however could not post to message to the wall. My system gives me ...
NanoStar's user avatar

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