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FBSDKGraphRequest don't work if access token out of time(iOS)

I'm developing SDK for Facebook(meta) and use FBSDKGraphRequest to get some data. As the demand of access-token, I want to test the case that access-token has been invalid(mostly out of time), so I ...
wcyiming's user avatar
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Facebook JS SDK not returning Email address

This looks like a common issue, although I've spent an entire day on it and cannot get the Facebook JS SDK to return my email. I've set my email address visibility to public, unlocked my profile and ...
AdheneManx's user avatar
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How to update Facebook SDK for IOS to the latest version?

enter image description here I am trying to update the facebook sdk for ios on my facebook business account, before it was a lower version everything was working fine, but recently i got a warning to ...
Dmytro Plashkin's user avatar
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Short time token with the Graph API and Facebook login through the iOS SDK

For some players, a short-lived access token with Origin = "Web" is being issued despite the authentication process occurring through the Native iOS SDK. Furthermore, the token is not being ...
Vasiliy Kovalev's user avatar
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Facebook share sdk never giving response for mobile devices but works fine on desktop

I am using the Facebook SDK to share a post on Facebook and receive a response from Facebook indicating whether the post has been shared or not. If the post is shared, then I want to display a ...
Neha Gawali's user avatar
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"Your SDK doesn't seem to have updated correctly. Please try again." Even after update is done

I have an Android app using Facebook SDK, when I try to add new events I get this message "Your SDK doesn't seem to have updated correctly. Please try again." I have the latest versions for ...
Marvin Who's user avatar
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Facebook ads campaign not displaying app installs results data

Facebook ads campaign not displaying app installs data. I regularly post Facebook ads for my Android app in Play Store. My Facebook ads campaigns are not showing any data for columns like Results, ...
Thanh Tam's user avatar
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Cannot find 'LoginInteractor' in scope

Hello I'm trying to make a connection via facebook in the project I already use a LoginInteractor but when I want to use the class in another file it does not find it. import Foundation import ...
tech's user avatar
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Problem with scope while accesing groups with Facebook JS SDK

I'm trying to get access to user's pages and groups. Im using JS SDK v17.0. I have no problems with accessing user's pages but i cannot access groups. Here's the code I use: function getuserData (...
Mateusz Zaniewski's user avatar
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How to fix 'Invalid App ID' error in Facebook SDK Share dialog with non-developer account?

I have made use of facebooks sdk to use their "Share" dialog. I created a button that once clicked, opens up a window which allows the user to select reciepients and add a message if they ...
bryan-tekker's user avatar
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Why google chrome return old facebook app_id when i try to social login facebook in wordpress?

I'm a beginner and I'm trying to integrate the facebook sdk into my custom login form to allow users to log in via social. I think I'm at a good point, the code responds perfectly to the commands but ...
Snorlax's user avatar
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ERROR : E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main : Caused by: The Facebook sdk must be initialized before calling activateApp

hello everyone i have error in my android/java project E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Caused by: The Facebook sdk must be initialized before calling activateApp screenshots: image 1 image 2
RAGIP MULLAMUSA's user avatar
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Facebook Messenger API

I am trying to build an Chat app in which I can receive & send messages to my friends from/into Facebook Messenger using APIs. Does Facebook provide such APIs to do so? I tried to find the way, ...
Priyanka's user avatar
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Facebook API. I can't post to my groups. (#200) Insufficient permission to post to group

Facebook API. I can't post to my groups(posts to page works perfect). It happens when Facebook had some updates with permissions(some was deprecated) I have error '(#200) Insufficient permission to ...
Ivan Pirus's user avatar
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How to update packages/SDK for Buildfire App through Buildfire?

I am wondering how to update packages through Buildfire for an app. Needing to update to the latest Facebook SDK that supports iOS 14 and according to Facebook docs you can update 2 ways with either ...
Madison Mincevich's user avatar
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Which alternative for facebook graph-sdk api to use in laravel php project?

I successfully used the facebook sdk api for php at least 8 years ago... so I wanted to check the newer version to use now. From the Facebook developer page, it is recommended to use php-graph-sdk 5.7....
Paul Godard's user avatar
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Facebook api returns : (#120) Invalid album id when trying to post to a group

When I try to post a photo in a group through the API I get an error, the post happens, but without the photo. I've seen people say it's a bug on Facebook and it happens when there's a question mark (?...
YodaCode's user avatar
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Refreshing FB Access Token with Javascript SDK

For context I am trying to build a small microsite to pull social media insights from Facebook. I am looking to build a Django backend and React front end. I would like to implement FB login with the ...
emvy03's user avatar
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190 views[11.0, 12) what are "11.0" and 12 meaning?

I upgrade the facebook unity editor to 11.0.0 and I found that in Dependencies.xml file I have <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <dependencies> <...
Phạm Ân's user avatar
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Cant test FB SDK login locally even though I have set my domain and site URL (app is test mode)

I am developing a web app with Facebook integration and I can't figure out why I can't test the login function locally. I have looked through the answers here (How to Test Facebook Connect Locally) ...
lalibelamonk's user avatar
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Sharing content on Facebook is not working using FB.ui in for mobile devices?

I have added the following code which is working great on the Web but not on mobile devices the click event does not seem to be triggering. var FacebookShare = function() { this.method = '...
user1683987's user avatar
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Retrieving Facebook Lead Data

I tryed to use this code to retrieving Facebook Lead Data FacebookAdsApi.init(app_id, app_secret, access_token) me = AdUser(fbid='me') my_accounts = list(me.get_ad_accounts(fields=['name'])) ...
Виктор Париносов's user avatar
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Facebook Android SDK (v12.0.0) + Jetpack Compose + startActivityForResult(deprecated)

I'm developing a new Android app with Jetpack Compose and I want to add Facebook login. The latest version of the SDK (v12.0.0) supports the AndroidX activity results API but the documentation is not ...
Mauricio Domenech's user avatar
3 votes
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Facebook sdk 11.0.0 cause crashes on android

Environment Unity Editor Version: 2019.4.30f1 Unity SDK Version: 11.0.0 In order to solve a crash problem on android caused by Unity, I upgraded my Unity from 2019.4.29f1 to 2019.4.30f1. ...
fightaway's user avatar
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JS After logging out Facebook App, .getLoginStatus still returns "connected"

I have implemented JS SDK Facebook login into my website. It seems like the FacebookSDK keeps logged in even after the user is logged out of his Facebook Account. Basically the user is already logged ...
Miroslav Stopka's user avatar
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useing facebook php sdk fb-callback.php show empty

php version : 5.6 SDK: when clicking FB login button then call the fb-callback.php, it is an error , so I did some debugging, but I'm still confused, ...
lili's user avatar
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reply all message page facebook with sdk python

conv = pagefacebook.get_object("me/conversations") msg = pagefacebook.get_object(conv["data"][0]["id"] + "/messages") print(conv) for el in msg["data"]...
Ibrahim Dicko's user avatar
4 votes
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Facebook ios sdk in iOS 14.5 can not send app events

I develop a sdk for my game. In ios under 14, everything work well, I can see event in facebook analystic and business event manager. But above ios 14, I can't see anything. What i try : -Add ...
tgioihan's user avatar
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How to install and use Facebook PHP SDK without Composer

I'm trying to embed Server Side conversion in a website (due to iOS 14 update) but I'm experiencing issues with the PHP SDK so everytime I try a conversion code in a page it turns out Fatal Error. So ...
Carmine Marsocci's user avatar
-2 votes
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Instagram Graph API. Content Publishing. Publishing Videos

I can't find correct video .mp4 format what will be support by Instagram. Any body did something like this? .Supported Video Requirements. I tried .mp4 ratio 1:1, 4:5, 16:9 in response Unsupported ...
Ivan Pirus's user avatar
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Android Facebook SDK, owner some 3rdparty

Android - Facebook SDK [Advertising] The third party is the owner of the Android application. Install Facebook SDK We create a facebook accout and give it an Application id. We have been doing ...
Ramo Toric's user avatar
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Facebook Sponsored Message Ad Creative | Java SDK

I am currently attempting to use the Facebook Java SDK to create Facebook Ads/Ad Creative. Here is my code so far: AdCreative adCreative = new AdAccount(id, context).createAdCreative() ...
Hunter Casillas's user avatar
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How to Integrate Facebook Sdk in Flutter App?

How to integrate Facebook SDK in my Flutter app, to advertise the app on Facebook and track users' engagement
Moussa Nasreddine's user avatar
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Facebook permissions on expo-facebook not working

I have ask to Facebook.logInWithReadPermissionsAsync to have permissions of pages_show_list. The login is successful but the permissions are not. Like that: facebookLogIn = async () => { let appID ...
Luigi Grasso's user avatar
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Wait for the SDK load event: not working?

Trying to update the Messenger customer chat greeting message upon loading. Following SDK documentation, I should used the window.extAsyncInit() to include the function to update the message. Like ...
Alessandro Crotti's user avatar
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Facebook iOS SDK [NSNull count]: unrecognized selector crash BIG

Issue started about 11:20 UK time, and it affects many big applications like spotify, waze, medium and so on. It looks like it related with event managers and analytics. Some of the apps that crashed ...
Arda Dtmr's user avatar
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Facebook SDK Error on Installing Cocoapods Objective-C

After installing Facebook SDK via Cocoapods in my Objective-C app, hundreds of errors were appearing. Things like this: Undefined symbol: protocol descriptor for Foundation._ErrorCodeProtocol ...
Jhonsore's user avatar
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Android - Error while trying to login with Facebook SDK

I am unable to log into the facebook SDK if the Facebook app is installed on my phone. I succeed in logging in if I disable the Facebook app through settings. The SDK then opens a webview and it ...
SomeKoder's user avatar
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Facebook Instant Games - Testing without bundle uploading

Is it possibile to test a Facebook Instant Game without uploading the bundle on FB servers? I'm using this code: <body> <script src=""&...
Iskra's user avatar
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iOS 13.3 Facebook SDK no longer asking to re-authenticate after logout

I haven't updated my app in a few months but now I'm noticing when users logout after signing in with their facebook credentials it is no longer asking for their username and password. It just says "...
Rhys's user avatar
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Facebook PHP SDK upgrade from version 3.21 to Version 5.7.1

i was trying to upgrade PHP SDK for one of my Facebook App from the version 3.2.1 to the latest version 5.7.0. all the relevant changes like Login , getting user details are in place. but while i am ...
Vino Gautham's user avatar
2 votes
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Swift 4: Navigation Controller unwanted looping

I have the following code: import UIKit import FacebookLogin class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() if AccessToken.current !=...
RC07JNR's user avatar
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What is the Plugin Syntax for Facebook SDK For PhoneGap Build

ALL I have searched long and hard all over the internet for the syntax for Facebook SDK to be used for PhoneGap Build via Just like there is for SplashScreen what us the plugin ...
Nicholas Idoko's user avatar
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(#2635) You are calling a deprecated version of the Ads API. Please update to the latest version: v5.0 error showed up, even updated gem

I have updated facebook-ruby-business-SDK to 5.0 Also in my FB app setting, set the API version 5.0. However, Making calls through SDK is giving a deprecated error. Please note, graph API with 5.0 ...
Israr's user avatar
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Get all fields from AdsInsights on Python Facebook SDK

I'm using Facebook's Python SDK to extract Ads Insights, but I can't find the right way to retrieve ALL fields without having to declare them, which is pretty cumbersome. My current code looks like ...
Alexandre Bonal Rayes's user avatar
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how to print facebook reviews

I have created a page with this code: require_once __DIR__ . '/facebook/src/Facebook/autoload.php'; // change path as needed $config = array(); $fb = new \Facebook\Facebook([ 'app_id' => '...
Massimiliano Ferraresi's user avatar
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How to get post notifications from Facebook page you follow

I am trying to make a python script that queries post notifications from a page I am following on Facebook using Graph API. However, it seems that Facebook made it more restrictive after the Cambridge ...
bss's user avatar
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how to get user_likes from Facebook SDK in javascript?

I'm trying to get the user's likes from Facebook, I've been looking for a while for an example and I didn't find it. With the code I have I get the user's profile information like name, mail, gender......
Ahmed alhashedy's user avatar
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Facebook Audience Network SDK for Unity

I import the Unity Audience Network SDK 5.4.1 package to unity, any version and it gives me this error: Assets\AudienceNetwork\Editor\AudienceNetworkPostprocess.cs(25,23): error CS0234: The type or ...
mindblast6's user avatar
3 votes
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Facebook Android SDK 5.4.0 causing ANRs after update

After updating the Facebook SDK version from 4.40.0 to 5.4.0, my app is getting a ton of ANRs. 12k ANRs in one day, the users couldn't even open the app. Full Stack trace: "main" prio=5 tid=1 ...
Henrique Monte's user avatar

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