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How to tell my application to look in specific folders for dlls

I am writing a .net framework 4.8.1 application that references about 2 dozen dlls from a couple of different third party applications. Those dlls in turn reference many more (thousands) dlls from ...
Possibility's user avatar
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TesseractOCR: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation

I'm a little programer with a big ilusion in this world haha, but recently i've got a big trouble with my program. Recently, i've started a new project: Convert an image (with text in) to String, for ...
Alejandro Patiño's user avatar
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WebP-wrapper for ASP.NET: location for DLL files

Yesterday I came across a WebP-wrapper solutution that I want to use for my ASP.NET (4.8) application. I placed the two DLL files (libwebp_x64.dll and libwebp_x86.dll) in the /bin folder of my ...
esims's user avatar
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Could not load file or assembly 'System.Buffers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51' or one of its dependencies

When I execute my project and reach this line: Dim response As GraphQLResponse(Of JObject) = graphQLHttpClient.SendQueryAsync(Of JObject)(request).Result I'm getting the following exception: System....
Juan Perez's user avatar
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Linking a .DLL in Visual Basic Class Projekt not working. FileNotFoundException

i want to build a DLL which imports another DLL in a fixed directory. The DLL which i want to import works with some relative paths which i cant modify and i dont have any insight in this "...
Knally's user avatar
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Load assembly without locking dll file

General overwiew is Many users run MyApp.exe file instaled locally on their PCs MyApp is launching different dll files. Each dll is a winform application. All dll's are located on network share. I'...
Sphinx's user avatar
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create dll for MaxImDL VB.Net - mainly solved

Found partial Solution: I ran Visual Studio 2019 as administrator. Then I copied Interop.MAxIm.dll to the program directory that contains Maxim_dl.exe. The plugin can now be loaded manually and adds ...
autoguider's user avatar
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VS 2022 Referenced dll "Specific Version" property does not behave as I would expect

By the property name (Specific Version), I would think that if an assembly complied, then later a newer DLL is dropped in, then if resolved to that DLL it would still load and work even though it has ...
Paul's user avatar
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Add dll to Visual Basic project in VS

I have a .dll library that I need to add to a Visual Basic project. I already added it via "right click/Add/Com Reference..." and I see it in the VS window but the IDE keeps telling me that ...
Nocxy's user avatar
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Using a custom DLL compiled from rust with a c# Interop

I am trying to call a function from a DLL I have created from Rust in a WPF project, but am receiving a "System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalDirectiveException: 'PInvoke restriction: ...
PDT352's user avatar
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How to call a function or sub inside a VB.NET DLL from a VB.NET WinForms Code?

I searched like crazy before I posted this; I could not find a clear explanation for what I'm trying to do, although it seems trivial for those who have done it before. I have a VB.NET WinForms ...
Daniel Santos's user avatar
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Unable to debug project within solution when it is not the startup project

I have an application that has a startup project (ProjectA) that runs another executable in another Project (ProjectB). When I start the solution with ProjectA as the startup project, I am unable to ...
Narbs's user avatar
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COM+ and Import DLL for EXE

I create a COM+ DLL to use with ASP and PHP Sample Code : Imports System.EnterpriseServices Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <Assembly: ApplicationNameAttribute("NAME")> <...
javi200482's user avatar
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Value of type X cannot be converted to X. DLL Reference issue

i have 2 solutions. Main solution (i.e solution 1) and framework solution(i.e solution 2). Main solution has a project 'Utility' that is independant and is used in both solutions. I use Utility's dll ...
Zubair Uddin Khan's user avatar
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My Visual Studio 2017 VB.NET project is not finding a DLL! Is there an easy fix?

I am trying to make a custom, sandboxed program launcher and to do this I need to use the DLL Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native.amd64 and, originally, this was not on my PC so I installed it with NuGet. ...
chardida's user avatar

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