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List without gaps in Coq

How to define list of natural numbers without gaps in Coq? For example [2, 1, 3] is valid list, but [5, 1, 3] is not because it have two gaps: between 1 and 3, 3 and 5. I have try to ask Google, but ...
vzhilin's user avatar
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How to prove Theorem euclid_gcd : forall a b z, euclid a b z -> gcd a b z. using coq?

I am trying to prove euclid_gcd Theorem but Im getting stuck at the second case of the induction. most of the time I'm getting unify errors. I will be glad for some help please. Require Import Arith....
lam_gam's user avatar
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Is there a library for sets that works with bool in Coq?

I am looking to work with mathematical sets and subsets of some universal type. I know this is normally represented as U -> Prop, such as in the Ensembles library. I was wondering if there is ...
Bas Laarakker's user avatar
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Agda: Failed to solve the following constraints: P x <= _X_53 (blocked on _X_53)

I'm writing Agda code as I read the HoTT book. I'm stuck on Lemma 2.3.9: data _≡_ {X : Set} : X -> X -> Set where refl : {x : X} -> x ≡ x infix 4 _≡_ -- Lemma 2.1.2 _·_ : {A : Set} {x y z ...
Nuclear Catapult's user avatar
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Why coq doesn't use subtyping for logical or?

By subtyping, here I mean implicit coercion between types, not sig. In programming languages, sum types have associated data and it matters which variant is being used, so e.g. A can not be a subtype ...
hamid k's user avatar
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Proof by contradiction in Coq

I am trying to understand the apparent paradox of the logical framework of theorem provers like Coq not including LEM yet also being able to construct proofs by contradiction. Specifically the ...
Alan Audia's user avatar
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Can I prove "coinductive principles" about coinductive type?

Can I prove "coinductive principles" about coinductive type? For example, the pseudo code of the coinductive principle for the stream type would look like this: Π P : Stream A -> Type. Π ...
Hexirp's user avatar
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Can any additional axiom make Coq Turing complete?

Here I mean axiom as what we can define with the Axiom keyword in Coq Gallina, not with such command-line argument passing to Coq. I know some axioms make Coq inconsistent. However, AFAIK they don't ...
12412316's user avatar
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How to prove that "Type <> Set" (i.e. Type is not equal to Set) in Coq?

Is there an equality or inequality relation between Type and Set in Coq ? I am learning about Coq's type system and understand that the type of Set is Type@{Set+1}, and that the type of Type@{k} is ...
picasso's user avatar
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Why is my definition not allowed because of strict positivity?

I have the following two definitions that result in two different error messages. The first definition is declined because of strict positivity and the second one because of a universe inconsistency. (...
ichistmeinname's user avatar
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Why does coq's typechecker reject my map definition?

I try to experiment with list's definition. For example let's see this definition: Inductive list1 : Type -> Type := nil1 : forall (A : Type), list1 A | cons1 : ...
user1009658's user avatar
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Representing Functions as Types

A function can be a highly nested structure: function a(x) { return b(c(x), d(e(f(x), g()))) } First, wondering if a function has an instance. That is, the evaluation of the function being the ...
Lance's user avatar
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Equality in Coq and in a paper of Awodey

In the paper Univalence as a Principle of Logic, Awodey writes on page 7: Let us consider the example of intensional versus extensional type theory. The extensional theory has an apparently “...
Cryptostasis's user avatar
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Is Z.le as defined in the standard library proof irrelevant?

In the Coq standard library, there is an enumerated type called comparison with three elements Eq,Lt,Gt. This is used to define the less-than or less-than-or-equal operators in ZArith: m < n is ...
tlon's user avatar
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Is there a type theory in which the equivalence of identically shaped inductive datatypes is representable?

Say I have two inductively defined datatypes: Inductive list1 (A : Type) : Type := | nil1 : list1 A | cons1 : A -> list1 A -> list1 A. and Inductive list2 (A : Type) : Type := | nil2 : ...
LogicChains's user avatar
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