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Questions tagged [bitbucket-pipelines]

Questions related to Bitbucket Pipelines CI/CD.

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Concurrent timeoutException while executing multiple test suit on bitbucket pipeline

I'm facing intermittent issue of concurrent timeout while executing my test suites on bitbucket pipeline. Here is the some information that may help you to understand problem. we are executing three ...
Bhumit Patel's user avatar
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Bitbucket CICD Pipeline to windows server failing

I have the following simple bitbucket-pipelines.yml script on my Pipelines Setup on Bitbucket repository: image: node:14 pipelines: default: - step: name: Install and Test caches:...
Dercio Anselmo's user avatar
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Define a single Bitbucket pipeline for automatic and manual run

I have a pipeline defined in the branches section triggered by certain branches. I would also like it to be manually triggerable, with a variable that configures execution in a certain way. In case of ...
Pavel S.'s user avatar
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Nginx Issue while deploying dockerized laravel to Digital Ocean

I am deploying Containerized Laravel to Digital Ocean using the bitbucket pipeline. I am pushing the PHP image to the docker hub and pulling it from there. Everything goes right but in the end, nginx ...
Sundar Ban's user avatar
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Bitbucket pipeline conditional execution when tests fail

Having a Bitbucket pipeline that executes 2 steps: Runs Python tests and saves report artifacts in an XML file Runs SonarQube scanner with the above report file. If every test is ok, the SonarQube ...
Yak O'Poe's user avatar
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How to solve Bitbucket pipeline error : vendor/bin/phpunit: No such file or directory

For my Laravel application, I have created a bitbucket-pipeline : image: php:8.0 pipelines: branches: stage: - step: name: Install Dependencies caches: - ...
ST80's user avatar
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Bitbucket Pipeline "docker: command not found"

After following the article "Run Docker commands in Bitbucket Pipelines" I came up with this sample pipeline I'm trying to build for a Python repository. image: python:3.10-slim pipelines: ...
Luigi Loria's user avatar
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bitbucket pipeline gives 'Could not find Ninja on PATH or in SDK CMake bin folders' error

I'm encountering an issue with my Bitbucket pipeline while building my Android project. The error message I receive is: Execution failed for task ':core_data:configureCMakeRelWithDebInfo[arm64-v8a]'. ...
ethan's user avatar
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Chromium distribution 'chrome' is not found at /opt/google/chrome/chrome

Im trying to install chromium and run the test cases using the bitbucket pipeline The below is my pipeline image: pipelines: default: - step: ...
Justine mathew's user avatar
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Bitbucket pipelines conditional trigger mode

I need to dynamically set the trigger of a step to manual or automatic based on the value of an ENV VAR. my actual code: definitions: steps: - step: &setup name: Setup script:...
Luke's user avatar
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Build Dpkg from bitbucket pipeline gives "dpkg-deb: error: control directory has bad permissions 777 (must be >=0755 and <=0775)"

I'm trying to build .deb package from the bitbucket pipeline but end up with this error msg. dpkg-deb: error: control directory has bad permissions 777 (must be >=0755 and <=0775) tried to ...
Priyamal's user avatar
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Checking for circular dependencies with madge in bitbucket CI

I want to add a step to check for circular dependencies in our bitbucket pipeline, but I'm struggling to come up with a good way to grab the output to throw an error or not Here are the bitbucket ...
maximosis's user avatar
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Server hung up on ssh -T connection

I am trying connecting to an AWS instance with the following command: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -t -i ec2-key.pem ${EC2_USER}@${EC2_HOST} <<EOF docker stop users echo ${DOCKER_PASSWORD} | ...
Paul's user avatar
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Generating iOS Build and Automatic Upload on TestFlight via Bitbucket Pipeline

We are utilizing Flutter Bitbucket Pipeline for our build development process. While the Android build is functioning correctly, we are encountering challenges with generating an iOS build and ...
Sachin  Aphro ECS's user avatar
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Dynamically Accessing Bitbucket Environment Variables in Pipelines

How can I dynamically pass multiple Role ARNs defined in my Bitbucket repository environment variable to a step variable in my pipeline? I have three Role ARNs defined in my Bitbucket repository ...
Ajit Kumar's user avatar
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Access MongoDB Atlas from Bitbucket Pipelines build environments

I am trying to do some CRUD MongoDB operations from bitbucket pipelines. I have a Dedicated MongoDB cluster hosted in MongoDB Atlas AWS Setup. The problem is I am not able to connect to the cluster ...
Manoj Acharya's user avatar
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AWS CodeDeploy with Bitbucket pipe line

I'm trying to deploy AWS EC2 deployment using the Bitbucket pipeline and the AWS code deployment. I'm getting this error when trying to deploy. It mentions some errors related to Auto Scaling groups ...
Chathuran D's user avatar
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deploying affected with nx mono repo using bitbucket pipeline based on tag

I am using bitbucket pipelines and NX for a mono repo. I am trying to use build and deploy affected using our tag based deployment, but the problem is I need to point point to a branch: nx affected --...
Mattijs's user avatar
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Getting issue in building docker image in bitbucket pipeline

Facing issue in building image in bitbucket pipeline, which is working fine in locally in ubuntu 22.04 wsl and windows as well. Dockerfile
RAHUL DAS's user avatar
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Bitbucket Pipelines: Unable to Execute Multiple Reusable Steps in a Custom Pipeline

I'm encountering an issue where I cannot get multiple reusable steps to execute sequentially in a custom pipeline in Bitbucket. My goal is to set up AWS credentials and then deploy a Go application, ...
quetzalfir's user avatar
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BitBucket pipeline run builds sequentially

I have BitBucket Pipeline that runs Terraform, so need to run builds sequentially - next build should wait for previous build to complete How is it possible to set?
kagarlickij's user avatar
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Why is Bitbucket pipeline throwing 'authorization denied by plugin pipelines' error for AWS Lambda function invocation?

I have a Bitbucket pipeline running integration tests. For the pipeline I built an image upon python:3.11-alpine using aws-sam-cli==1.115.0. I pushed the built image to a doctl registry, then I ...
Viktor Crow's user avatar
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Running Bitbucket pipeline steps in parallel with specific dependencies

I'm working on configuring a Bitbucket pipeline for my project and I'm facing a challenge with defining the execution order of the steps. Here's the scenario: I have a Bitbucket pipeline with four ...
Shiyas's user avatar
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Bitbucket flutter pipeline for building docker image fails

enter image description hereI'm trying to build a flutter app through a dockerfile and pushing the image to dockerhub , vut the build fails at the flutter web build step. I thought the problem was due ...
Tanaya Sharma's user avatar
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powershell in bitbucket-pipeline not able to create folder with dateTime

I am trying to a backup functionality before the deployment by creating folder with current dateTime, but I am facing error Error: = : The term '=' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,...
Umer Farooqui's user avatar
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Bitbucket pipeline fails for grep command in exclude hidden directory

I have the following command to run: grep -r -n --exclude-dir='.test' ERROR . >> errors.txt This works fine on the terminal but when I run this on bitbucket pipeline via yml file, it fails with ...
Sunny's user avatar
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Configure a bitbucket runner to run continuously on macOS

I created the runner and added it to macOS and when I run the start command it works. But I would like to make it run continuously. And I saw that I have to create a config file in LaunchAgents to run ...
Alex Pătroi's user avatar
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Issue with Azure Deployment Centre failing due to MS Build

Since Monday, we are having failed CI/CD deployments through the Azure Deployment Centre (linked to BitBucket), due to the MS Build number being incorrectly specified. Please see example configuration:...
William P's user avatar
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bash: apt-get: command not found in bitbucket pipeline

I've been trying to build a pipeline to test my deploys in bitbucket but i keep getting this problem + apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \ fonts-liberation \ libasound2 \ libatk-bridge2.0-...
Cesar Chavana's user avatar
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BitBucket: Container 'Build' exceeded memory limit

I'm having a hard time deploying my react app into production environment because it returns: yarn build yarn run v1.22.19 $ react-app-rewired build Creating an optimized production build... The build ...
Fernanda's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3.2.x + Gradle + `bootBuildImage` + bitbucket-pipelines = `Docker API 'localhost:2375/v1.24/containers/create' failed 403 "Forbidden"`

I've stripped down bitbucket-pipeslines.yml to a minimal example that reproduces the issue: pipelines: default: - step: name: Build image: gradle:8.7-jdk21 services: ...
armijo's user avatar
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Syntax error in Bash script inlined in YAML anchor for Bitbucket Pipelines

This is a part of my Bitbucket pipeline: npm_audit: &npm_audit echo "Running npm audit..." npm_audit_output=$(npm audit --audit-level=critical) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ...
alex's user avatar
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Bitbucket Pipeline composer not found despite I install is as composer doc's say

In my project I try to package my app: image: php:8.1 pipelines: default: - step: caches: - composer script: - php -r "copy('
Dimitrios Desyllas's user avatar
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Bitbucket pipeline global function

I have pipeline like below definitions: steps: common_function: &common_function | if [ "$BITBUCKET_BRANCH" == "master" ]; then echo "steps" ...
Justine mathew's user avatar
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Yarn Install hangs while building packages in Bitbucket pipeline

I have an issue with Bitbucket pipelines, I use a very simple one to build a docker image and it worked fine for months. Today it suddenly started hanging during yarn install Here's the dockerfile: ...
P_RIFF's user avatar
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Docker push failing to Dockerhub - tag does not exist

My bitbucket pipelines are failing with tag does not exist referring to dockerhub image push this is the bitbucket-pipelines.yaml config image: node:8 pipelines: default: - step: name: ...
P Nisanth Reddy's user avatar
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Using testcotainers in a container for integration tests in Atlassian Bitbucket pipeline

I'm using a .NET 7 docker container to run some tests in an Atlassian Bitbucket pipeline. The integration tests in my solution rely on testcontainers library to set-up a mssql container where my ...
Nikolay's user avatar
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Upload built artifact from another step

I have a question about my bitbucket pipeline. I have set up all the variables but I am not able to copy the built docker image to another location in the next pipeline step. preview: - step: ...
Haezer89's user avatar
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bitbucket pipeline : systemctl (systemd)

I have looked around, and I am afraid it's not possible, but maybe someone has an idea or some kind of workaround: Is there any way to run services via systemctl on a bitbucket pipeline ? I have code ...
Flabala's user avatar
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Bitbucket pipeline failing for chmod commands in dockerfile

I've been facing an issue lately with running bitbucket pipeline for my kafka-connect repository that has debezium in it. Its been like 2 years since we have been using this repository and I checked ...
Sunil's user avatar
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Bitbucker pipeline self hosted runner ID retrival

is there any any variable to retrieve self-hosted runner ID in bitbucket pipeline like any variable as it keeps changing everytime I build and I want to use it in pipeline. someone else has setup the ...
Muhammad Hassan's user avatar
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bitbucket pipelines refering to other branches

I am trying to work with pipelines on bitbucket. One of the steps I need, requires me to use git parse-rev to another branch. However, I keep getting this message: fatal: ambiguous argument 'origin/...
GuruYaya's user avatar
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SSH connection failing on bitbucket pipeline, but working on local computer

When on my local computer, I can ssh into my server without using a password just fine by doing ssh [email protected] Now when I check /var/log/auth.log on the server to see what ssh key was used, I ...
kellymandem's user avatar
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How do I windows shared folders in my bitbucket pipelines?

I am trying to access a windows shared folder from my bitbucket-pipelines.yml Please forgive my ignorance in advance, I am very new with dockers and pipelines and bitbucket, etc... I mounted a windows ...
Patrick's user avatar
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detach bitbucket pipeline from java application run

I have a Java Spring Boot application. I managed to build and deploy jar using pipeline on push to master. But the pipeline doesn't detach and runs indefinitely because it gets attached to running ...
Ramazan's user avatar
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Bitbucket pipeline to build LaTex files and send via Mail

Hi try to find a solution to build a LaTeX document and send it afterwards via Mail: image: dme26/latex-builder:latest pipelines: default: - step: name: Build the .pdf script: ...
PascalS's user avatar
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Bitbucket Pipeline Not fetching latest docker container from private docker hub registry

I am working on a bitbukcet Pipeline where I am fetching a container from a private docker hub registry. Here is my problem If I make registry public, it fetches the latest container that I pushed (...
Muhammad Hassan's user avatar
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nvm make node available in bitbucket pipeline script

I created a shell script that installs a certain node version: #!/bin/bash set -e mkdir nvmhome export NVM_DIR="nvmhome" curl -o-
Vivere's user avatar
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Bitbucket self-hosted runner dind image cache

I can't cache my images on self-hosted runner. I tried adding caches: - docker it doesnt seems to work. Still taking long time to build. I want to cache following images: seriseyes/medsoft-...
Bayarkhuu's user avatar
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Setting up a pipeline in BitBucket

I'm having trouble setting up a pipeline in Bitbucket to connect my repository to DeBricked, which is an online code scanning service. Here is the YAML file which describes the integration: image: ...
Yossi G.'s user avatar
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