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ASP.NET is a Microsoft web application development framework that allows programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It is useful to use this tag in conjunction with the project type tag e.g. [], [], or []. Do NOT use this tag for questions about ASP.NET Core - use [] instead.
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Why would stop/starting IIS fix this Socket issue?

I have a Signalr web app that is using sockets to interact with a server application I can't control (nore have a source code / a protocol for). Each Signalr client sends a command to a Signalr Hub ...
George Duckett's user avatar
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ASP.Net - query Informix Database without client installation

Looking to connect to an IBM Informix database from a ASP.Net application. Is this possible with nugets/references without any SKU or client package installation? I see that this is possible with JDBC ...
Oli_G's user avatar
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SqlException error after POST request to restful API

Code public IActionResult CreateVacancy([FromBody] VacancyDTO vacancyDTO) { if (vacancyDTO == null) return BadRequest(ModelState); var existed = _vacancyRepository.GetVacancyByTitle(...
Ahmed Abd El-Samie's user avatar
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ASP.NET Web Forms GridView and SqlDataSource - how to divide the Sum of an Count?

I want to divide an SUM of SqlDataSource with the COUNT of an other SqlDataSource, in an GridView? How is that Possible?
Sarsmas Ahangari's user avatar
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How to configure MassTransit with RabbitMQ to listen to events from other microservices? [duplicate]

I have a microservices system. Microservice-A wants to publish some events and Microservice-B needs to listen to those events. In this microservices system, the same event will be coded in both ...
Kasun Jalitha's user avatar
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.NET Core and framework share particular session variables by SystemWebAdapter

Our ASP.NET Webforms projects have many session variables. Per SystemWebAdapter, I need to list of them by AddJsonSessionSerializer in Application_Start. Is it possible that I can limit them to that ...
user25654022's user avatar
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How can I show all results of an aspx table on one page or export to csv?

Currently I am manually copying and pasting the results from the following website into a spreadsheet on a daily basis: Obviously,...
RHHSRB's user avatar
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ASP.NET Webforms integration with Azure AD

I have an ASP.NET Webforms application running on .NET 4.7.2 that serves multiple clients. One of these clients has an Azure account and they want to authenticate in our application using their Azure ...
user1915942's user avatar
-3 votes
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Data is not updating in the database after successful returning the updated rows [duplicate]

I login to my website and go to profile to update details and after clicking the edit button it redirects to the register page where registration and update operation happens. But it's not updating ...
Timir Bhingradiya's user avatar
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Visual Studio, typing a comment /* etc */ very odd behaviour in aspx files

My Visual Studio 2022 community edition is behaving unusually when entering comments inside .aspx files, that should look like this. /* * This is a comment * This is another line * */ I've tested ...
Shaun Roberts's user avatar
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How to implement a conditional one-to-one relationship with Identity/Entity Framework/ASP.NET Core

I am having trouble determining how to implement the following scenario in an ASP.NET Core Web API using Identity and Entity Framework: If an AppUser is given the Performer role when it is created, ...
user25355771's user avatar
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AspNetCoreGeneratedDocument.Areas_Admin_Views_Product_Add.ExecuteAsync() in Add.cshtml

enter image description here enter image description here Web Errro Page enter image description here Hello, even though the information is correct, I am getting a NullReferenceException error. The ...
ali kutlu's user avatar
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Image uploader in Ck Editor 4 can't see loaded image

I am using Ck editor to edit my description field. When I click upload a file, its ok but ckeditor doesn't render image on textarea. This is my config function that I use in _Layout.cshtml <...
Metin Tekin's user avatar
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2 answers

Resolving InvalidOperationException when Passing ViewBag Content List to Partial View in ASP.NET MVC

When I call the partial view inside normal view, I'm getting this error; InvalidOperationException: The model item passed into the ViewDataDictionary is of type 'System.String', but this ...
Omer Arpaci's user avatar
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Automated Elastic Beanstalk deployment of dotnet application fails on both CodePipeline and GitHub Actions, but works manually

I'm trying to set up automated deployment of my .NET Core API application to an existing EB environment. I'm currently deploying manually via the AWS Toolkit (Publish to AWS) extension for Visual ...
malthe.w's user avatar
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LinkedIn not displaying correct meta title and meta description for ASP.NET website

I have an ASP.NET website with separate meta title and meta description tags. These tags display the correct title and description on all websites except LinkedIn. Despite following the Open Graph ...
P Narasimha's user avatar
-1 votes
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API Response issue

i am making a GET API but the route which i defined in API is not triggering i try every thing but it cannot work. look into the below codes files i added in it. I've set up a GET API endpoint to ...
Abu Bakar Afzal's user avatar
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Cannot make preselect value in select2 dropdown

I have select 2 dropdown in my project Here is how it's added on view (Razor) <div class="form-group"> <label class="required-label">Tier</label> ...
Eugene Sukh's user avatar
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Dependency injection approach for object used only in a single method

I'm migrating an old ASP.NET 4.7.2 MVC application to ASP.NET Core and wish to learn more of the DI approach, since it's already deeply integrated into the Core framework. However, so far I've ...
Emberfire's user avatar
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AngularJS $http.put returns 405 when published

I have an ASP.NET project with AngularJS. I am using $http.put to update a certain record in the database and I need the .then to do something later. I have an IIS server. When I test the code locally ...
Alaa's user avatar
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Trying to integrate my database in my ASP.NET project

I have a problem, I'm doing a college work and my teacher asked to integrate the database directly on my project. The idea behind this is to export the project and be able to execute the page without ...
naxtronix mortivus's user avatar
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search is not working, SQL query doesn`t replace GridView data

This is the aspx code <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource3" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Conn %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [...
Alfahd Steel's user avatar
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when run crystal report i get Error in File temp_.rpt:\nUnable to connect: incorrect log on parameters

I work on crystal report Version 13 . I have main report have multi sub report my issue I get error after add second sub report error in File temp_.rpt:\nUnable to connect: incorrect log on parameters....
ahmed salah abd elaziz elbarba's user avatar
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ASP.NET ignoring routes for specific .html pages

I am running my website on ASP.NET and MVC. Here, I have set up my files as .html file and these gets routed to their respective Controller/actions accordingly. Now for verification of my site on ...
Manish Sharma's user avatar
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ngrok redirects to localhost instead of ngrok-url in ajax callback (ASP.NET project)

I have an ASP.NET project. I'm using NGROK to access and test the project remotely, mainly because I'm testing a webhook so my project needs to be callable from an external source. Every normal HTML-...
proost daan's user avatar
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ASP.NET Core OAuth2 implementation using company account

I'm working on implementing OAuth in an ASP.NET Core (.NET 8, Core Empty template) application and I am trying to get a token by log in into the corporate account. In launchSettings.json I set "...
genakust's user avatar
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GridView`s SQL Data Source update

this is the aspx GridView <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:con %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [...
Alfahd Steel's user avatar
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Is it recommended to use async operation to fetch data from database?

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC application and need to fetch a user from a database based on their username. This involves querying a User table to retrieve the user's details. Given that database ...
Stutee Rath's user avatar
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Docker build failed with DB container exited after sometime

I have full-stack application constructed with frontend as Angular, API as ASP.NET API, database as SQL Server. I also have two dockerfile for both Angular and ASP.NET API applications. I also have ...
Supernova-Ohee's user avatar
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Webservice XML Deserialization Issue: double to decimal Conversion Error for Large Numbers

I am currently encountering an issue with a web service. The server-side field MinimumOrderAmount is of type double, and in my receiving program, I have defined it as decimal. When the server sends a ...
sysmenu's user avatar

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