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ASP.NET is a Microsoft web application development framework that allows programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It is useful to use this tag in conjunction with the project type tag e.g. [], [], or []. Do NOT use this tag for questions about ASP.NET Core - use [] instead.
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Azure BLOB download yields 'Check internet connection' in browser

I am trying to enable a browser download functionality for Azure BLOB files. The following code successfully finds the BLOB and is able to determine the length in bytes. However, when performing ...
Neno's user avatar
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what layer should mass transit go in n-tier architecutre or clean architecture [closed]

hoping it's a simple question with a clear answer : what layer should mass transit be, one thing to note it's used as background service for now, that could be changed in the future who knows, the app ...
thou_mayest's user avatar
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No constructor for type 'Umbraco.Cms.Core.PropertyEditors.PropertyEditorCollection' can be instantiated using services from the service container

I upgraded a website from Umbraco 9 to 13, can go into the back office and look at all the content, but unable to publish any content. This is my startup.cs public void ConfigureServices(...
shinyball4999's user avatar
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Dropdown Menu Goes Beyond Right Side of Screen

I'm trying to create a multi-level dropdown menu using Bootstrap. By default, the dropdowns should align to the right side, but if there's not enough space, they should switch to align to the left. ...
Yuvraj Jadhav's user avatar
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c# why does HttpListener require admin rights (or run netsh as admin) but ASP.Net doesn't?

When starting an HttpListener in Windows 10, an HttpListenerException is thrown if the address is not "localhost:xxxx". This can be circumvented by running the command netsh http add urlacl ...
Verfin's user avatar
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Another way to get FilePath not Using Server.MapPath C #

I need to find out if is there any other way to get the FilePath from drive D:\ The code below using Server.MapPath take me to the C: drive per default, but I want to get the D:\ drive first, then ...
Ivonne Aspilcueta's user avatar
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UserManager: GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync() Invalid Token

I have gone through most posts on this topic, none seem to help/work, so resorting to posting my own question... Scenario: In my App I have a setting where I allow the user to enable or ...
AxleWack's user avatar
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Backspace key not working while using Ajaxtoolkit masked edit extender and validator (ASP.NET, Microsoft Edge, Ajaxtoolkit)

I have 2 textboxes using ajaxtoolkit's masked edit extender and validator to input dates using a calendar extender as well as to ensure that dates are entered in the proper format for the db. For some ...
Alex Mo's user avatar
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VB.NET HTTP Handler to perform authentication and authorization

I maintain a VB.NET (.NET framework 4.6.1) web service that consists of a collection of .ashx files (HTTP Handlers) that serve as web service endpoints. I'm trying to implement a base class that all ...
CFL_Jeff's user avatar
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ASP.Net Core Redirecting from POST endpoint to Custom URL

I am using a payment service. This service want me to send a callBackUrl while starting payment process. And the service sends a post request to my callBackUrl after 3D security page. And I am ...
Akif Akkaya's user avatar
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Why am I getting a frame-ancestor error when trying to use Amazon Connect Streams

The Error: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource (frame-ancestors) at because it violates the following directive: “frame-ancestors 'self'” Background: When I attempt to load the page ...
user26384446's user avatar
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why modelstate.isvalid always false despite the picture property in model getting assigned

I'm working on a razor pages project. I have an employee model which has a picture property of type byte array. Despite picture being assigned byte array when I check modelstate.isvalid, emp.picture ...
ambrin yaqub's user avatar
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.NET 8 Concurrency limiter to different rpc calls

I got a gRPC service implemented using C# .NET8. I'm setting a concurrency limiter like this: services.AddRateLimiter(options => { options.AddConcurrencyLimiter(policyName: ...
CodeMonkey's user avatar
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how can we take setup.exe build (dotnet project) in AZURE CI CD Pipeline? [closed]

this is the tools default we used but no executable files are not available actually, we taking the build-in vs code 2019 manual build steps are creating a new project and assign a setup wizard then ...
mani vasagan's user avatar
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Implementing Background thread for a long running task

How can I manage two tasks that each take more than two hours to execute in .net MVC? I've been fetching a huge amount of data from a third-party website, and although I've tried using async/await, ...
ajay grandhi's user avatar
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Autofill color not changing or updating

I am just starting out in ASP.NET and following a tutorial im using the mvc project and I have a form in dark theme however when you autofill the form with chrome such as name and phone number. It ...
Fadzii's user avatar
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If I have an application using Kestrel running inside a Kubernetes container, which Endpoint should the Kestrel server expose?

I am trying to containerize my application with Kubernetes. I have an Ingress and Service set up in Kubernetes. A dns as well. However, I'm still not exactly sure what Endpoint needs to be run ...
Presto's user avatar
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File drag drop HTML/Typescript stops my SPA development server (exit code -1)

I have an Microsoft Visual Studio Angular/Typescript project with an ASP.NET core backend that the typescript can load data from with http Gets. The backend starts up correctly: info: IqTest....
Markus's user avatar
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Adding multiple cookies for the ASP.NET Identity

I have a use case in which I need to use two /login and /logout endpoints depending on the authorization request, each will perform specific tasks. I'm using ASP.NET Identity: builder.Services....
mshwf's user avatar
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How to connect an HTML GUI to a C# program

I am working on a project where I need to connect an HTML-based GUI to a C# program. The goal is to use the GUI to facilitate the exporting of records digitized by a system called ClickScan. I have ...
Esai's user avatar
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What value to set ConcurrencyStamp in AspNetRoles table

I need to add some user roles as part of a data migration script. The ConcurrencyStamp appears to be a GUID. Does anyone know if something special is needed here? Or can I just add any GUID value?
Jonathan Wood's user avatar
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The form data doesn't insert in access database in .NET application

I have an application written to run on .NET, and I have a problem: the Personnel data that I enter in a form and click the submit button isn't getting inserted into the MS Access database. The model ...
sevada's user avatar
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Dependency Injection caching of AutoMapper causes 500 error when mapping two different classes containing the same shared class

We have a C# web service using AutoMapper and Dependency Injection. One controller contains two different calls, call A and call B. Both calls have unique dto and resource classes that get mapped from ...
CGit's user avatar
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Is there a way to get different values from a single radiobuttonlist field used in ASP:Gridview

I am using a radiobuttonlist in my ASPX page inside a Gridview : <asp:GridView ID="grdRampPrepQues" runat="server" class="table table-dark table-striped" ...
ecstacyCoder99's user avatar
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I'm created a migration to add a few tables and update one table (add one column). The database is MySQL 8.0.31 and the EF provider is Oracle's MySql.EntityFrameworkCore The migration was completed ...
Think_Twice's user avatar
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CORS preflight check Error with iframe in react and ASP.Net iframe Service

I have a Next.js application running locally on http://localhost:3000/ and a Java backend on http://localhost:8080/. I also have a text Editor service running on https://localhost:44349, and this text ...
Zamni's user avatar
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How to Implement Cookies using HttpClient in Blazor

I'm facing some issues with authentication in Blazor when using the HTTP client to send requests to my API controller. Specifically, the cookie isn't appearing on the application or in the Cookies ...
Lemon Grab's user avatar
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How to change from readonly to not readonly of input in ASP.NET Core

MODAL <div class="modal fade" id="residentModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="residentModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> ...
Erck's user avatar
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How can i hadndle json data for registraton in my web api

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.BadHttpRequestException: Failed to read parameter "RegisterRequest registration" from the request body as JSON. ---> System.Text.Json.JsonException: JSON ...
N0ThinG's user avatar
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How to fix the status button appearing in the tasks column

The problem: I'm trying to make the status button appear in the respective column but failed. Image of the table Steps taken: just to let you know, the Task column was added manually, here is the ...
MrOzwaldMan's user avatar

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