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Questions tagged [angular7]

Questions about Angular version 7, the web framework from Google. Use this tag for Angular questions which are specific to only version 7. Use tag Angular for any Angular questions which are not specific to an individual version.

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Error for angular 7.2 Data path ".builders['application']" should be object

I have an angular project that I have to clone first from a git source before proceeding with working on it, I cloned it, the angular version was 7.2, My nodejs i updated to 20.15.1 LTS and angular is ...
user19080871's user avatar
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Angular 7 to angular 8

I am trying to upgrade my Angular 7 project to Angular 8. I've followed the necessary upgrade steps, including updating packages and configurations. However, when I try to run the project with ng ...
Gökçe Bektaş's user avatar
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Angular upgrade 7 to 8

When I use this command ng update @angular/cli@8 @angular/core@8 I'm encountering an issue while trying to update Angular CLI and its core packages: Package not installed: "@angular/core". ...
Zeynep Ozen's user avatar
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How to add custom message in dropdown in Angular 7 instead of ngui-auto-complete in this code?

I tried adding a custom message in the dropdown when no character matches are found in the dropdown list. Here is the code for the same, which uses ngui-auto-complete to show "No Result Found&...
Anish's user avatar
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Not able to implement Okta in Angular7

I am trying to implement Okta in my Angular7 in my application. I am getting the error when I do ng serve. "@okta/okta-angular": "^3.2.2" "@okta/okta-auth-js": "^5....
Aasish Jwalapuram's user avatar
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Enabling SPNEGO security in Angular

How we can enable SPNEGO security in Angular 7 so that application will be secured?. I am having WebSphere version 8.5. I want to enable SPNEGO in angular application so the it will be secured and ...
Dnyaneshwari's user avatar
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'nz-alert' is not a known element

'nz-alert' is not a known element: If 'nz-alert' is an Angular component, then verify that it is part of this module. If 'nz-alert' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@...
ming chen's user avatar
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How to expand and collapse table row in angular 7

I am trying to expand and collapse each table row without adding new properties(expanded1 and expanded2) in the json data. How to do it. Is it possible or not? app.component.ts: export class ...
sarann's user avatar
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How to add new property in the json data without adding in the interface using typescript or javascript

I am trying to add new properties inside the josn data without adding in the interface. But i am not able to add it.So, How to add new properties in the json data. Is it possible or not? app.component....
sarann's user avatar
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How to expand row in a table using typescript or javascript

I have used angular 7.I am trying to expand and collapse table row by clicking name and place. But it is not opening properly. If i click place name, that place details only i want to show. But in my ...
sarann's user avatar
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Export charts to PDF in Angular 7

I have a page with three tabs on it. When I click on each tab, a component is rendered that contains numerous charts and graphs using high-charts. At the top, there is an 'Export to PDF' button. When ...
Ali Naqi's user avatar
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Angular keyvaluepipe with return 0 is not returning the value of the object

I'm having issues where the {{item}} are not being shown in separate list, after I added returnZero for keyvalue (so that key is not sorted), it is giving me an error for section.value and wouldn't ...
user7046311's user avatar
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matMenuTrigger openMenu not showing the menu when called with *ngFor

Good evening, I have this component: HTML <button mat-menu-item #leagueMenuTrigger="matMenuTrigger" [matMenuTriggerFor]="leagueMenu" (mousedown)="onMouseDown(...
Jean-Francois Bertrand's user avatar
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TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'hasOwnProperty') on Angular 7

What causes this error? Work perfectly on local, yet in server, when I click on the button that triggers the next page this shows up and broken the load. It's a core error I can't find what is caused ...
Kuze's user avatar
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Angular 7 stripping out duplicate properties in SCSS

Angular SASS (.scss) stripping out properties. How do I prevent this so I can embed duplicate properties for cross browser compatibility? To duplicate, create a new angular 7.2 project { "...
Anish's user avatar
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Data is not rendered with mat-table [datasource] although it exists and is rendered with the "json" pipe

I am implementing a table with mat-table. I want to bind the data source to an array whose data is fetched by an API. When I fetch the data using httpclient and subscribe to the result, the table ...
Ebrahim Mansour's user avatar
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I am facing one peculiar issue while running angular application [Angular 7]

Angular is compiling continuously when I save the changes. I don't know why I am facing this issue. This is the issue Some additional details : Application specific package versions Global package ...
Loganathan's user avatar
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Azure ad redirect loops in S3 bucket. Works fine in local

I am using angular 7 application. I used this sample application too. I ...
siva sankar's user avatar
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Angular 7 - PDF file not opening

I am using Angular 7 for front end application and CakePHP for backend. On click of a button, a pdf file should open in the new tab. When I am trying to open it, instead of opening pdf file(url:"...
Priyam's user avatar
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Keep right click context menu on the screen

I have created an typescript component for my Context Menu and everything is working great except when the Context menu is activated near the edge of the screen it will go past the edge of the screen ...
Funn_Bobby's user avatar
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regex not working for angular 7 input pattern

What I tried field: { "pattern": "((?!(demo case)).)*" } <input matInput spellcheck="false" [formControlName]="field.key" [id]="field.key"...
Kundan SIngh's user avatar
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Facing problem calling my date service in my homepage.ts ionic

so i am using firebase annd ionic to get list of notes in my fire base db but whwn i try to retrieve them i get the error in my home-page.html src/app/home/ - error TS7006: ...
user17613159's user avatar
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Ionic app - the app references non-public selectors in Payload determineAppInstallationAttributionWithCompletionHandler:, lookupAdConversionDetails"

Unable to upload ionic 4 app to the apple app store ( Xcode version - 14.2 (14C18) ). we are getting below error. the app references non-public selectors in Payload ...
Priyank's user avatar
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How to add a value selected in the dropdown of the reactive form as an optional field in the object that creates the form?

I've created an angular reactive form. I can enter the name as a normal input field and type in the second dropdown field and the value for that type. There is a type called credential, after ...
Demodev's user avatar
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Angular 7 - Post method called twice on 400 Bad Request

I have a angular application with login page. We have set the max no.of retry attempts which is configurable. The login page is working as expected on success. The issue is on failure. The no.of retry ...
GokuSS3's user avatar
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Angular 7 router.navigate() queryParams - parsing multiple values for the same param

So, basicaly I have a route to which I have to pass a few values, but they are all regarding the same parameter. This is the URL I wish to navigate to: http://localhost:4200/home/path?status=1&...
FilipeFerracini's user avatar
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Logout action is being dispatched from component but not a reducer and not effect called

I have a topbar component in an Angular application where an Action is dispatched for logout Logout()); now this supposed to call Reducer which will return initial state ...
Vinay Soni's user avatar
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cdk virtual scroll issue when ever scrolling it down items are getting displayed slowly and sometimes blank for 2 secs

i am using angular virtual scroll in project so when ever i am scrolling it down items are loading but flickering for micro sec trying with maxBufferPx and minBufferPx and positions to fix but not ...
venu dev's user avatar
-1 votes
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What angular version I need to run SurveyJS..?

Recently I have been facing issues in SurveyJS with angular v7, Earlier it was easily working on angular version 7 but now For few months I am facing error of 503 connection error. I have tried every ...
Daksh's user avatar
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Close ngbPopover on click outside anywhere other than scrollbar

I am using an ngpopover in my Angular 7 project to help user select date range. I have created a daterange component implementing Onchanges and I am importing this wherever I need the ngbpopover. What ...
Satyam thassu's user avatar
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Error in Typesense Node Modules When using Typesense with Ionic 4

I am getting the following output when running ionic serve in my project directory: ERROR in node_modules/typesense/lib/Typesense/Documents.d.ts(2,13): error TS1005: '=' expected. [ng] node_modules/...
Willem Ghijsen's user avatar
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Angular7 Ng-Multiselect-dropdown Its Adding Dynamically but not updating

<ng-multiselect-dropdown [settings]="settings" name="cuisine" [placeholder]="'select '" [(ngModel)]="data1" ...
Suriya Rajasekar's user avatar
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Duplicate id attribute value "x" found on the web page

I am using Angular 7 - three components [a, b, c] use an input element that has the id of [x] however, component [b] has 4 input elements using id of [x] aswell. This raises Accessibility Issues - as ...
Abdul's user avatar
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calcuate value getting the error : ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError: Expression has changed after it was checked

I need help to solve the problem, I need to show value, that calcuate by the forgroup data, because it changes I guess the error shows, but I tried many ways to solve it(like ngAfterViewChecked etc..) ...
bob2 habanay's user avatar
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Angular component does not update correctly using @Input and a Service

I'm using Angular version 7 with a component that has a serie of divs being rendering according to the data coming from an @Input and it should be updated due the service response, nevertheless the ...
AndreFontaine's user avatar
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Restrict the multiple tabs to open in a same browser

In my application, it should not allow the user to open the application in multiple tabs for same browser. I need to implement this for some security purpose. How can I implement this in angular 8?
Asmitha j.s's user avatar
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load multiple script tag in angular component

I'm trying to load a series of scripts from a component of an angular application, I want to do it in a specific component and not in the index.html but I can't find a way to do it, any help or advice?...
Jotita's user avatar
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Angular 7 - How to bind the value to the radio button

I'm trying to use the radio button on my project but I failed to check the first radio button programmatically. I had tried the Solution, but it is still not working in my code. Here is my radio ...
Hansen's user avatar
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I am unable to find some of the features in covalent/core version 4 for Angular 12 which are found in version 3

I am using covalent/core version 4 in my Angular 12 project and unable to find the covalent/core/loading, covalent/core/media and few more libraries which are available in the covalent/core version 3 ...
Shwetha GT's user avatar
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Css from child component will affect the entire page

I have a page and the page is split in two. Part of the page is child1, part is child 2. Hierarchy Parent Child1 Child2 Below are the css included in the page Child1 -> z-index: 1 Child2 -&...
zelensky's user avatar
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Filtering of Array using filter() works fine, but doesn't change in frontend

component.ts searchVideo = (search: string) => { this.query = search; if(this.videos.length == 0){ this.filteredData = []; } if(!this.query){ ...
Souvik Pal's user avatar
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How to use Paper.js with angular 7+

I have tried to find a tutorial on how to use paper.js with angular but cant find a proper way to do it.
davejoem's user avatar
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My error : error TS2554: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0 . And this: An argument for 'params' was not provided

customer-list.component.ts onLoadCustomers() { const customersReq = this.customerService.getCustomers() customer.servise.ts getCustomers(params: any): Observable { return${this.api}api/...
Shumkarbek's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why my min and max validation is not firing?

I have the template like below: <form class="form" [formGroup]="configWeightage"> <div class="example-container"> Enter value in between 0 to 100 <...
SmartestVEGA's user avatar
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Checking the timeout error on the port with Angular 2 and rjxs

I want to check if the request is timeout when I send a request to the port. I just want to print an error when the request is timeout. myService.service.ts checkStatus() : Observable<any> { ...
Alisha's user avatar
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Why angular redirectTo is not working on IIS?

I am new to Angular deployments. So today I tried deploying an angular app to local IIS. In one scenario, I was able to see the UI. Scenario 1: Initial route should be navigated to “sample” and ...
Vijay's user avatar
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Adding SL number to a angular table

I have the following table where in the table is generated using an array: <tbody *ngFor="let ques of questArray;let i =index"> <tr *ngif="catId == ques.categoryID"> &...
SmartestVEGA's user avatar
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Negative validation not working in Angular

I have the following HTML Angular tags, which need to trigger a validation error when there is a negative value entered in any of the groups of textboxes (dynamic array). <tr *ngFor="let order ...
SmartestVEGA's user avatar
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How to add the missing numbers with this code and only doing it when a variable is 0 in angular 7

What this functionality does is that for each priority it will rebalance the percentage (Participacion) in equal parts. The problem occurs in odd cases, for example when there are 3 priorities(...
Felipe Roman Zegers's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to Sort and Map an Array on Angular 7

i have this array: myArray = { [0]{priority: 1, percent: 90, correct: true} [1]{priority: 1, percent: 20, correct: true} [2]{priority: 2, percent: 50, correct: true} [3]{priority: 2, percent: 50, ...
Felipe Roman Zegers's user avatar

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