Linked Questions

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cURL when fetches a specific site, sends random characters (encrypted?) [duplicate]

A very novice question, I'm sure, but I've been at it for days and found no answer. I recently installed cURL on Windows, along with the CA Certificates and everything. And it works beautifully. ...
Ekanshdeep Gupta's user avatar
92 votes
22 answers

How to DEFLATE with a command line tool to extract a git object?

I'm looking for a command line wrapper for the DEFLATE algorithm. I have a file (git blob) that is compressed using DEFLATE, and I want to uncompress it. The gzip command does not seem to have an ...
Felix Geisendörfer's user avatar
92 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to get curl to decompress a response without sending the Accept headers in the request?

Is there any way to get curl to decompress a response without sending the Accept-encoding headers in the request? I'm trying to debug an issue where the order of the Accept-encoding headers may be ...
Jun-Dai Bates-Kobashigawa's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

curl command output has wrong encoding

when i execute curl "" it returns me response with incorrect encoding: khan@khan-P55A-UD3P:~$ curl "
Shrouk Khan's user avatar
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cURL response not readable

I have a problem with my cURL response, when I try to invoke the method of WSDL, I receive this weird text from my browser, �d�ْ�<�_��[�7�4eS�@���8 �]��Q��A���>�t�,����]�1��%Y���4!l�^ZG��,8��v�...
PHP's user avatar
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Curl is uncompressing a compressed file when I didn't ask it to

This is the opposite of the issue that all my searches kept coming up with answers to, where people wanted plain text, but got compressed. I'm writing a bash script that uses curl to fetch the ...
dd-b's user avatar
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0 votes
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curl result is giving special characters

I am sending the curl syntax like below format to get the authorization code value D:\>curl -k "" -H "Host:" -H "User-Agent: ...
user1485267's user avatar
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S3 fails to unzip uploaded file

I'm following this example // Load the stream var fs = require('fs'), zlib = require('zlib'); var body = fs.createReadStream('bigfile').pipe(zlib.createGzip()); // Upload the stream var s3obj = new ...
Yevgeny Simkin's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP cURL returns encrypted html page

I'm trying to get simple html code, from cURL GET-request on PHP. Default get-request on url, like (not exacly this domain), returns html code I need, but get-request on page of ...
Binary Bear's user avatar
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Translating Python HTTP request to curl

I have the code below in Python which is making a POST request for an OAuth2 token. It uses basic authentication. The code works fine, but I would like to "translate it" to curl. The code: #...
lbrunolx's user avatar
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zlib compression seems to decompress via gunzip but not curl

I've written a http server that only sends back compressed http responses: So if you you use curl to request the ...
ericcurtin's user avatar
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Curl cannot get the redirected contents

I try to use curl to get the contents of a redirected URL, as below: <?php // create a new cURL resource $ch = curl_init(); // set URL and other appropriate options curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, &...
alancc's user avatar
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