Linked Questions

4 votes
1 answer

Assert exception with PHPUnit [duplicate]

I have a function to calculate the value of one square and i want to make the test of this. The function squaring is this: public function squaring($number) { if ($number == 0) { ...
Lluís Puig Ferrer's user avatar
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PHPUnit: testing parameter types [duplicate]

I want to test a method that can take, as a parameter, either an instance of class Foo or a string. If anything else is passed it throws an Exception. How do I test that if I don't pass one of the ...
Gonçalo Marrafa's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

How to check the exception thrown correctly by PHPUnit?

I have div() in Cal class in my CalTest class has following methods to test the div(). public fucnction div($a,$b){ if($b == 0){ throw new Exception("Divided by zero"); } return $a/$b } ...
Ruwantha's user avatar
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6 votes
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Select impossible value in select inputs with Symfony DomCrawler

I would like to test the behaviour of my application if I send wrong values in a select input in form. This is my form in HTML : <form (...)> (...) <select name="select_input"> &...
Julien Fastré's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't make assertions because exceptions are crashing my test in Laravel

I want to test the response when I try to send invalid data to the API. /** @test */ public function request_schedule_with_invalid_bdate() { $response = $this->json('GET', '/api/schedule', [ ...
user avatar
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testing exceptions with phpunit

i am trying to test a function when i know error i going to be thrown. the function looks like this: function testSetAdsData_dataIsNull(){ $dataArr = null; $fixture = new AdGroup(); ...
Donoven Rally's user avatar
1 vote
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PHPUnit not catching exception

Looking for some help to write better code /tests, but seemed to have stumbled across a problem straight away - any help would be greatly appreciated. Script: $feed = 'App\Http\Services\Supplier\...
LeeJ's user avatar
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Zend PHPUnit testing a model, asserting a Zend_Exception indeed occurs as expected

Consider the following code in a model. the function deleteUser(NULL) will trigger an exception. class Model_UserModel extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract{ protected $_name = 'users'; protected $...
Philippe Huart's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I use a string instead of an integer as the code of a custom exception in PHP?

I've been searching for a way to use a string instead of an integer for the code of a custom exception, but much to my surprise this seems impossible to do! I'd like to be able to throw such an ...
grazdev's user avatar
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How to ignore PHPUnit errors, which do not affect tests, in console?

When I run PHPUnit tests, there are some errors displayed in my console, even though these errors do not affect my tests (they all pass). And it is very annoying to see all these errors displayed ...
Tautvydas Karvelis's user avatar
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How to test an exception in PHPUnit WITHOUT testing the exception message?

I want to test my thrown exception, but test the exception class only, and not have to test the exception message. I saw this thread which was helpful, but didn't specifically address this: PHPUnit ...
y mg's user avatar
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Asserting exceptions using PHPUnit

I am testing this function using PHPUnit: public function testSetAdsData_dataIsNull() { $dataArr = null; $fixture = new AdGroup(); try { $fixture->setAdsData($dataArr); } ...
Donoven Rally's user avatar
0 votes
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PHPUNIT Exceptions

I've already test this method before, but only the try block, I don't know so about PHP Exceptions, My goal is to do a test unit inside catch block body and all its logic. public function send(User $...
jjoselon's user avatar
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