Linked Questions

41 votes
1 answer

Understanding detached HEAD in git [duplicate]

I am learning git and am following the excellent tutorials at In those tutorials, there is a blurb that tries to explain detached HEADs, and that states: A “detached HEAD” ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Can i commit to the origin/master branch locally? [duplicate]

i did this git checkout origin/master # made some changes git commit -a -m "test something" After this i did a git checkout master. Then i got this message Warning: you are leaving 1 commit behind, ...
vbenara's user avatar
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1 answer

downloaded a repo instead of cloning it from gitlab and fixed bugs,now want to push [duplicate]

Being new to git and gitlab, instead of cloning the repository i downloaded it,fixed bugs in it over 100+ files have changed, now i want to push it to gitlab. I have tried -Cloning the repository......
Kartik sharma's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Can't switch from detached HEAD when trying a hard reset? [duplicate]

I made a test structure like so: A - B - C I checked out commit A, so I was in detached HEAD. But then I thought, "shouldn't a hard reset to the previous head do the same as checking out master?" So ...
rb612's user avatar
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0 votes
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What if I have a "disconnected commit" in Git? [duplicate]

I don't even know how I got there. I just did a git commit -am "Some kind of comment" and git says: fatal: You are not currently on a branch. To push the history leading to the current (...
Stefanie Gauss's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

I was in the master branch, but after checking out a previous commit, I find I'm in a detached commit, not in the master branch. What is the case? [duplicate]

This happens often in my work recently. For example, I was in the master branch, and I want to go back to a specific commit that I see from the 'git log' command. After I check out that previsou ...
Chan Kim's user avatar
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13860 votes
37 answers

What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

What are the differences between git pull and git fetch?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
2134 votes
29 answers

How do I fix a Git detached head?

I was doing some work in my repository and noticed a file had local changes. I didn't want them anymore so I deleted the file, thinking I can just checkout a fresh copy. I wanted to do the Git ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1754 votes
29 answers

How can I reconcile detached HEAD with master/origin?

I'm new at the branching complexities of Git. I always work on a single branch and commit changes and then periodically push to my remote origin. Somewhere recently, I did a reset of some files to ...
Ben Zotto's user avatar
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1515 votes
12 answers

How do you rename a Git tag?

Today I was looking through the logs for a project and realized that I fat fingered a tag name some time ago. Is there some way to rename the tag? Google hasn't turned up anything useful. I realize I ...
Brandon Fosdick's user avatar
1144 votes
15 answers

How can I specify a branch/tag when adding a Git submodule?

How does git submodule add -b work? After adding a submodule with a specific branch, a new cloned repository (after git submodule update --init) will be at a specific commit, not the branch itself (...
Ivan's user avatar
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1110 votes
11 answers

How to permanently remove few commits from remote branch

I know that's rewriting of history which is bad yada yada. But how to permanently remove few commits from remote branch?
Arnis Lapsa's user avatar
427 votes
33 answers

fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch

I'm trying to push one of my projects to github, and I keep getting this error: peeplesoft@jane3:~/846156 (master) $ git push fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch. To push the ...
user1524361's user avatar
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352 votes
32 answers

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

I have a remote gitosis server and a local git repository, and each time I make a big change in my code, I'll push the changes to that server too. But today I find that even though I have some local ...
ZelluX's user avatar
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661 votes
5 answers

What's the difference between HEAD, working tree and index, in Git?

Can someone tell me the difference between HEAD, working tree and index, in Git? From what I understand, they are all names for different branches. Is my assumption correct? I found this: A single ...
Joyce Babu's user avatar
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