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6 votes
4 answers

Get last parameter on shell script [duplicate]

case 1 : suppose I am passing a number of parameters to my shell script as follows : ./myshell_script a b c d and if I run echo $# will give me number of parameters from command line I have passed ...
user2930942's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to get the last parameter in shell [duplicate]

I'm wondering how to obtain the last argument passed to a bash function, like this: #!/bin/bash function hello() { all=$@ # all arguments n=$# # number of arguments ...
Alan's user avatar
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How to access directly to the last argument of a function in ash? [duplicate]

To access to the first argument of a function, I use func() { echo $1; } How to access directly to the last argument of a function in ash? I do not want to use loops neither functions or ...
MOHAMED's user avatar
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413 votes
21 answers

Is there a way to make mv create the directory to be moved to if it doesn't exist?

So, if I'm in my home directory and I want to move foo.c to ~/bar/baz/foo.c , but those directories don't exist, is there some way to have those directories automatically created, so that you would ...
Paul Wicks's user avatar
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421 votes
8 answers

How can I recall the argument of the previous bash command?

Is there a way in Bash to recall the argument of the previous command? I usually do vi file.c followed by gcc file.c. Is there a way in Bash to recall the argument of the previous command?
The Coder's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Get all but first N arguments to a bash function

I'm aware of how to get the last argument passed to a function but I'm wondering how to get all the arguments of a function after the first two: For instance: function custom_scp(){ PORT=$1 ...
ted's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to get second-to-last argument from previous bash command? (in an interactive bash shell)

How can I easily get the second-to-last (penultimate) word/argument from the previous command in a bash interactive shell? I often run commands in the background, and I would like to get the file ...
Rob Bednark's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

bash: How do I identify the filename argument among arguments passed from the command line?

I know if I have a command ./run -c -p '$' -s 10 file.txt I can write bash script like this while read line; do # ... done < $6 But what if the command may or may not have one/some options, ...
LuckyLast's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to process multiple command line arguments in Bash? [duplicate]

I am having problem allowing my script to take more than three arguments. My script will take commands like this, for example: ./ -i -v -r filename so far if it only takes two arguments ...
jojo so's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How can I access command line arguments indexed from the end?

How can I get second argument from the end of arguments line in bash?
alexarsh's user avatar
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1 answer

assign last positional parameter to variable and remove it from "$@"

In my /bin/sh script, I need to pass an indeterminate number of positional parameters, and get the last one (assign the last one to variable $LAST) and then remove this last argument from $@ For ...
Martin Vegter's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Unix Shell equivalency to Java .hasNext()?

Or anything in shell script to implement the same thing? I was doing an assignment that requires us to write a Bourne shell script that shows the last argument of a bunch, e.g.: lastarg arg1 arg2 ...
udjat's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Access second func param when first param is an array in Bash

If I have a bash function with two or more params, and the first is an array, how can I access the second param? It's the same as this question but the non-array param is the first argument there, ...
Mote Zart's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Finding and Replacing a filename in a css File with Bash script

I want to write a bash script that takes a user input (which will be a filename) and replaces a path to a file inside a css file with that filename. For simplicity, the two files will be in the same ...
CharlyChatlin's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

In bash how to use the last argument- and adding all other arguments to array

I have a script where the user can add as many arguments as he would like (numbers). The script will sum all the numbers beside the last number - The last number (argument) is the number that I need ...
dzbeda's user avatar
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