Linked Questions

2 votes
8 answers

why this downcast fail in C#?

i have a base class and derived class like below public class BaseClass { public int No { set; get; } } public class Derived : BaseClass { public string Name { set; get; } } when i create ...
Xeta7's user avatar
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Is it really downcasting not possible? It is working fine for me

I know there are already some questions posted related to this same topic, but I have seen different answers so I am quite confused on which answer is correct. On the below link, people mentioned ...
Superman Coding's user avatar
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6 answers

Writing Upcasting and Downcasting expressions in c#

I have been recently studying upcasting and downcasting in c#. I understand that upcasting refers to conversion from a derived class to a base class. However, when i see a practical example of ...
Farhan 's user avatar
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C# - Inherited method passing self object

The real problem comes up with Reflection and assembly patching/hooking. I'll put a simple example to show up my question without being too hard to understand the main problem. So let's imagine I ...
Snak's user avatar
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3 answers

Can not access derived class fields using base class

I am not able to access simple field from derived class so what is use of polymorphism in case of fields. If I have to downcast to ResponseMBP to get the Name property then my client needs to know ...
Ron's user avatar
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MVC Model Class Casting

I have an mvc application. I have two model class like this: public class BaseViewModel { ... } public class DerivedViewModel : BaseViewModel { ... } I have a view and I want to use ...
Umut Derbentoğlu's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

ASP MVC - Model is Null

I am trying to get an integer value from my controller to my view, and then adding that value as a Hidden Field to be used later in my JavaScript client-code. I am getting an exception while trying ...
TiagoM's user avatar
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calling specific methods of generic types in ny equals() method

I am working on the equals() method for my sparse matrix class that I'm writing (part of a school project). I am constantly runnung into the issue that it won't let me use any methods or other ...
AJMansfield's user avatar
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Can not cast from source type to destination type

I am writing a game in Unity, and I am trying to use polymorphism to access 2 subclasses but keep getting an error: Can not cast from source type to destination type I have a serialized list of ...
Celestrial's user avatar
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1 answer

create a variable of derived class to refer an object of base class

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleApplication12 { public class Foo { public virtual ...
Mike Liu's user avatar