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SQL Server: how to calculate median (group by)? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Function to Calculate Median in Sql Server I have a table like this: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_PADDING ON GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[cars]( [...
jrara's user avatar
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Median instead avg() in SQL Server 2012 [duplicate]

I have this query ;WITH cte AS ( SELECT *, DATEPART(WEEKDAY, Dt) AS WeekDay, PERCENTILE_CONT(0.75) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY SaleCount) OVER (PARTITION BY CustomerType, [...
psysky's user avatar
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SQL function to calculate median [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Function to Calculate Median in Sql Server I have a table containing two field (more, but not relevant). The fields are Price and Quantity. I want to find several ...
rozon's user avatar
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Mean vs Median that is the? [duplicate]

I have a number of select statements which calculate fields such as sums, division and also averages. However I am now needing to include a median based on the query, as well as a mean(avg). The table ...
Processit's user avatar
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How to find the median number in SQL query? [duplicate]

Query SELECT SpaID, COUNT(1) AS Total FROM dbo.[Order] (nolock) WHERE DateCreated BETWEEN '04-01-2014' AND '04-30-2014' GROUP BY SpaID I need to find the median amount in the new column named "...
John Williams's user avatar
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Find Median of DateDiff Result [duplicate]

I have this as my Average Statement and am wanting to get the Median Value: select AVG (DATEDIFF("m", dlg_applicationreceived, dlg_dateofdecision)) as TimetakenAVG, format(dlg_dateofdecision, 'MMM-yy'...
Rae G's user avatar
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How to obtain the median of a table column using T-SQL query? [duplicate]

Kindly help with the following T-SQL query. The data used is that of us_counties_2010. SELECT SUM(P0010001) AS 'County Sum', ROUND(AVG(P0010001),0) AS 'County Average', PERCENTILE_CONT(0....
SAAD's user avatar
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Display the Value of the Median from a Dynamical table [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Function to Calculate Median in Sql Server Goal: Display the value of the median based on this code below. Problem: I don't how to do display it in SQL server The table can ...
HelloWorld1's user avatar
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Calculate Mode and Median for data in SQL [duplicate]

Hi I have a table facility that holds a score for each day (Multiple scores can be reported each day and both would be valid) I need to calculate the Mode and Median score by month. Facility: Id ...
Agga's user avatar
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How to pick up median value in between 3 records? - SQL [duplicate]

Please assist me, I need to pick 790 since its in middle but not able to figure it out. id Value 12 780 123 796 124 790 Thank you in advance
user2711165's user avatar
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Calculate Median in SQL for the particular data set [duplicate]

I have a Data Set as below and need to calculate median for that set. Below Data Set is a growing Data set. Just display only the first 2 Ids. Need to display it as group by with ID,Month and Section ...
KH19's user avatar
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Calculate the median to 4 decimal places [duplicate]

Given a table, station, with one of its column, LAT_N. What is the median of LAT_N to 4 decimal places? with newstation as (select lat_n from station order by lat_n asc) select count(lat_n) as n case ...
Arjun Bindra's user avatar
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Simple way to calculate median with MySQL

What's the simplest (and hopefully not too slow) way to calculate the median with MySQL? I've used AVG(x) for finding the mean, but I'm having a hard time finding a simple way of calculating the ...
davr's user avatar
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Median values in T-SQL

For even rows, the formula for median is (104.5 + 108)/2 for the table below and for odd rows it is 108 for table below: Total Total 100 100 101 101 104.5 104.5 108 ...
user680865's user avatar
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How to find the SQL medians for a grouping

I am working with SQL Server 2008 If I have a Table as such: Code Value ----------------------- 4 240 4 299 4 210 2 NULL 2 3 6 30 6 80 6 10 4 240 2 ...
Stu Harper's user avatar

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