Linked Questions

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How can i remove first activity in the Activity Stack? [duplicate]

I have 3 activities, A: LoginAcitivty, B: SignupActivity, C: HomeActivity and the flow is A -> B -> C. and if I signup in the SignupActivity, then I go to HomeActivity. but there is a problem. ...
CodingBruceLee's user avatar
5 votes
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Android clear back stack between activities

I have 4 activities: Activity A -> activity B -> Activity C -> activity D and I what I want to achieve is to go back from D to A and clear B and C. Is this possible?? How?? Thanks a lot.
Kabuki's user avatar
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Android finishing activity not working

Once the user chooses a product from my ListView, it then puts the selected text from that ListView into an EditText. The problem I am having is when the user selects a product from the list, and then ...
Jack's user avatar
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LiveData Value Reappearing When Returning to Screen After Opening New Screen

Issue I have implemented the YouTube intent from a Fragment when a user clicks on an item in an app's RecyclerView cell. The click event is handled in xml via Data Binding and passed to the bound ...
AdamHurwitz's user avatar
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Switching between activities automatically

I'm new to Android programming, so I'm probably missing something trivial here. The goal is to create a prototype of a digital signage app. Right now I've created three activities; MainActivity has a ...
madness's user avatar
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-4 votes
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When app is not in recent app list, Launch TestActivity after finish this activity application showing in recent app list [duplicate]

I am unable to understand why this is happening. Application was not in background. Incoming call came user receive the call after disconnecting call application showing in recent app list even I have ...
Ajit Kumar Dubey's user avatar
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How to finish the Activity when I was in Another Acitvity

When I m using shared preference class as a separated class, I'm going to check the user already login or not in the navigation activity class, if it is first time then it transfer me in the login ...
Himanshu Rajput's user avatar
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How can I close activites that I have accessed before, and jump to the main activity?

In my MainActivity I have buttons which allow me to open other activities, and, inside of these, I have more buttons that open more activities… The question is this: When I am, let's say, in the ...
Rui Emanuel Quaresma's user avatar
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Restart app from launch screen instead of resuming

I have an application with basically a list of items and a detail screen for each items. When initially started, we show the list of items. If the user switches to another app when viewing a details ...
Vincent Mimoun-Prat's user avatar
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Android back stack

I have an application with several Activities in Android A,B,C,D. I have a question about the back stack. A->B->C->D it is a normal sequence. My question is : when i press the back button in ...
yeun hang yeung's user avatar
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Changing Actiivity Stack Behavior

Well i have 2 activities, say A and B, user zipping between them like crazy A then going to B then A etc, now i dont want the normal behavior of zipping back to home through all those "layers" of A ...
Ofek Ron's user avatar
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