Linked Questions

-5 votes
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Finding Device width [duplicate]

How to find the device width using the view port meta tag. Also wants to display the device width in the console with java script.
user1966260's user avatar
22 votes
6 answers

Display tooltip in canvas graph

I am using html5 canvas element to draw a graph with dots denoting various points in here. I want to display different tool-tip on different points on mouse hover.the text to be displayed as tool-tip ...
Lucy's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

ASP.NET c# get screen width in pixels

I am trying to retrieve width of my browser in pixels but for some reason I am getting back 640, my resolution is at 1240. Code I am using is Request.Browser.ScreenPixelsWidth Does anyone knows why ...
Bagzli's user avatar
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6 answers

Finding current width of the web page in my browser [closed]

Is there a way I can find out what the current width of the page is? I am trying to create a responsive web page using CSS media queries. So when I resize the page, can I find out what the current ...
kartik's user avatar
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7 answers

Making three-column HTML responsive

My page width is 960px and I have 3 divs on it in a horizontal manner that collectively take 100% of the width. When the page width is decreased, I want the divs to be arranged in a vertical manner. ...
Gissipi_453's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Way to determine the visible size of the web page

Is there a way for knowing what size was the visible portion of a page? Are there any services that provide this? I mean, not just screen resolution, but available browser area. When a user has a lot ...
DanC's user avatar
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Canvas takes the whole document body in html and make it hidden but drawable

I found this in a stackoverflow question on how to draw in canvas and now I want the canvas to cover my whole html page. For example: <body> <div id="2"&...
kokosg's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Hide Google Maps controls on small screens (mobiles, etc...)

How to hide Map Type option (Map, Satellite...) if the screen si smaller than certain amount of pixels? This is how my Google Maps API V3 code looks like: var mapOptions = { center: new ...
Dreadlord's user avatar
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1 answer

Creating a popup menu with bookmarklets

This is my first question, so please give me any pointers on how I could ask better ones. Anyway, how would I make a togglable menu that displays links, that activates using a bookmarklet. I have ...
Questionable_Mushroom's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Remove scroll function upon window resize/media query

I have a navigation menu set to display:none, which appears upon scroll and disappears once back at the top. Is there a way to disable the scroll function once I reach a certain breakpoint (ex. max-...
Kenneth Valinote's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Completely disable horizontal scrolling, also in drop events

I got a html page with a sliding panel on the right. This panel is 200px wide, position: fixed, and its position is initially set to right: -100px (halfway outside of the clientArea). Overflow-x is ...
Lorenzo Marcon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

(cross-browsing) Retrieving the avaliable horizontal width and apply it to a div

lets say i have an horizontal webiste ( ) and in a certain point i would like to know how much horizontal width is avaliable, i made this picture so it's easier to understand ...
Toni Michel Caubet's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Automatically Animate/Scroll A Div Horizontally On Page Load

I have a seemingly basic question that I can't find any resources in what I am trying to acheive. I'm new to JavaScript and fairly mediocre at CSS. What I am trying to accomplish is this. A page which ...
Matthew Warr's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

how to check browser width of browser in shiny app with shinydashboard and change box width accordingly

I wanted to detect browser width. And trigger width change in css if it is too small. Basically, I want to change box width is 50% screen width if mobile and 20$ screen width if it larger than mobile ...
Kush Patel's user avatar
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How to wrap all the columns in the GridView to the screenSize in ASP.NET

I have a Gridview, I am trying to wrap all the columns of my Gridview to the screen size(Width= 100%). I tried to set the RowStyle Wrap="true" in the Gridview properties and set the ItemStyle Wrap="...
Roshan's user avatar
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