I'm a newbie to distutils and I have a problem that really has me stuck. I am compiling a package that requires an extension, so I make the extension thus:

    a_module = Extension(
          extra_objects = [

I then run the setup method:

    setup(name="apackage", version="7.2",
      package_dir = {'':instdir+'/a/b/python'},

The package distribution is made properly and I can "python setup.py install" fine but when I try and import my package I get an error ImportError: liba.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I realise that when I add the location of liba.so.0 to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH the program runs fine. Unfortunately I haven't written these modules and don't have a good understanding of compilation. I've been trying to figure this out for several days to no avail.

UPDATE:I tried passing the liba.a, libb.a etc files to extra_objects but this didn't work, generating the following errror: liba.a: could not read symbols: Bad value collect2: ld returned 1 exit status. What I'm trying to do is package a python module which requires a library to be compiled which itself depends on other libraries which I need to somehow include in the package .I suspect that my problem is very similar to this one: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2009-February/010960.html but that one was not resolved, I thought perhaps since it's two years old a resolution has been found?

UPDATE 2: For now I have solved this by doing:

      data_files=[('/usr/local/lib', glob.glob('unix/x86_64/lib/*'))]

That is to say, I am copying the libraries I need into /usr/local/lib. I'm not hugely happy with this solution however, not least because it requires my users to have root privileges and also because this may still not work Redhat distros. So if anyone can suggest something better than this fix do please let me know.

2 Answers 2


You can have the linker store paths to search in the output binary so LD_LIBRARY_PATH isn't necessary. Some examples:

# Will link fine but at run-time LD_LIBRARY_PATH would be required
gcc -o blah blah.o -lpcap -L/opt/csw/lib

# Without LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/csw/lib it will fail to link, but
# it wouldn't be needed at run-time
gcc -o blah blah.o -lpcap -Wl,-R/opt/csw/lib

# LD_LIBRARY_PATH not needed at link or run-time
gcc -o blah blah.o -lpcap -Wl,-{L,R}/opt/csw/lib

# This makes it possible to use relative paths; run `readelf -d binary_name`
# and you'll see '$ORIGIN/../lib/' in RPATH.  This plus `-zorigin` make it look
# relative to the binary for libraries at run-time
gcc -o blah blah.o -lsomelib -L/whatever/path/floats/your/boat -Wl,-R'$ORIGIN/../lib/' -Wl,-zorigin

.. where:

  • paths given with -L are used at link-time
  • paths given with -R are used at run-time
  • Fantastic answer, by combining your answer with this sebsauvage.net/python/mingw.html I was able to build the needed module in exactly the required way. Thank you so much.
    – Mike Vella
    Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 16:24
  • Not a problem, I'm glad I could help Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 17:04
  • 4
    FYI: Instead of adding the -R'$ORIGIN/../lib/' option, you can add runtime_library_dirs="$ORIGIN/../lib/" to your Extension definition (it does the same thing in practice). Commented Jul 12, 2012 at 17:42
  • Keep in mind, however, that runtime_library_dirs is python specific. Commented Jul 12, 2012 at 19:14
  • I should've warned/cautioned something when using $ORIGIN: ldd will only use fully qualified paths at runtime if the application is ran with suid/setuid. Not every OS handles it the same; some may just skip paths with $ORIGIN entirely, others I've seen will just use the string verbatim (ie., using truss/strace you'd see an attempt to open $ORIGIN/../lib/libsomelib.so). Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 17:22

The extra_objects argument to the Extension class is not so much a list of libraries to link into your extension, but a list of object files that will be passed to the linker (and the filenames shouldn't include extensions, since distutils will add those.) It doesn't do what you seem to want.

If you want to link against specific shared libraries, as the names of those files suggest you want, you have to do two things: tell distutils to tell the compiler to link against those shared libraries, and tell the dynamic linker (usually ld.so) where to find those shared libraries. You can tell distutils to tell the compiler to link against the libraries by using the libraries argument to Extension, which should be a list of library names (without the lib prefix and .so suffix.) In your example that seems to be ['a', 'b', 'c'] (although it looks like the 'b' fell off of 'lib.so', and 'c' would actually clash with the system libc.)

Telling the linker where to find these shared libraries can be done by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, as you did, or by changing a system-wide configuration setting (with ldconfig or by editing /etc/ld.so.conf), or by hardcoding the search path in the extension module; you can do the latter by passing the runtime_library_dirs argument to Extension. Hardcoding the path does have its own issues, though -- you have to keep those libraries in the same place, and accessible to all users of the extension module.

(Alternatively, you can use static instead of dynamic linking, for example by only providing the libraries in static form, liba.a archives (in which case distutils will automatically link to them statically.) That basically means the whole library is included in the extension module, which has various downsides and upsides.)

  • Thank you so much for your detailed and excellent reply. Am I correct in understanding that runtime_library_dirs should be set as a relative path then, otherwise I don't see how it can be hardcoded? Also, should I pass the statically linked libraries (i.e the liba.a archives) to the libraries or extra_objects keywords. Unfortunately the documentation isn't helping me much on these two questions.
    – Mike Vella
    Commented Mar 20, 2012 at 23:02
  • 1
    Passing a relative directory as runtime_library_dirs can be done, but it's not a good idea (because the extension module moves around during the build process, and the same path would have to work for all.) As for linking statically, you can try passing the .a archives as the extra_objects argument, although that isn't what extra_objects is for and I'm not sure if it'll work. Perhaps you should elaborate on what you actually want to do. Commented Mar 20, 2012 at 23:05
  • Thanks for your reply, I have added some more detail to my original question.
    – Mike Vella
    Commented Mar 20, 2012 at 23:19
  • OK - I've figured out that a way to solve my issue is to place the libraries in /usr/lib I realise this isn't quite ideal but is there any major reason I shouldn't do this?
    – Mike Vella
    Commented Mar 21, 2012 at 4:51
  • 1
    No, placing shared libraries in locations that the dynamic linker already considers is common practice. The only reason not to do it is if something else, like the OS's package manager, controls /usr/lib, in which case your files may be in the way when you later install some other OS package. /usr/local/lib is a better choice (and exists for that very purpose.) You can also use some other location and tell the dynamic linker to consider it (through /etc/ld.so.conf or the ldconfig -m command or such.) Commented Mar 21, 2012 at 20:32

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