I want to remove the keybinding of Ctrl+UpArrow to copy the line one line above which is really annoying. I have tried a bunch of suggestions from StackOverflow but the key bindings dont seem to change.

I am using shortcut Ctrl+K Ctrl-S to open the keyboard binding settings. Right now i have deleted all the bindings corresponding to Ctrl+ Up arrow, but the line is still copying up.

I ideally want my Ctrl + UpArrow to take me one page up with cursor there.

On top of that my command palette seems top be not working with ctrl+shift + p. When i search command palette in vscode keyboard bindings, there is no option.

Visual Studio Code keybindings - Running two or more commands with one shortcut

VS Code: How to set that when I press CTRL + UP or DOWN arrow, the cursor move with the page?


  • command palette command ID is workbench.action.showCommands. Please show us the contents of your keybindings.json (Use the Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON) command in the command palette to open that file)
    – starball
    Commented Jul 23, 2023 at 21:04
  • Please copy and paste the output of the Help: About command (run in the command palette) into your question post. Does this happen when you reload VS Code with extensions disabled (use the Developer: Reload With Extensions Disabled command in the command palette)? If not, then do an extension bisect to figure out what extension is causing it.
    – starball
    Commented Jul 23, 2023 at 21:05


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